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Do You Have A Favorite Calendar?

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I've been using this one for several years. I generally find it at Borders each year, probably most bookstores have it right now. Amazon carries it too.


I love the side tab for menu planning and shopping lists. I like the page for jotting notes and to-do items, and I like the days going down one side of the spread. Perfect planner/calendar for me!


She also has a homeschool version, but I haven't used that. I just use the original planner.

Michelle T

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I used My Plan-it last year and this year I have the Mom's Plan-it. I need a lot of space for writing many things on each day. We're busy here. My girlfriend buys a huge desk calendar at the $1 store and puts it on her fridge with magnets. I may do this next year.

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She has to keep up with more than I do and wears hers out. I loved hers and went on about it. Last year, she showed up at school one afternoon during my planning period with it as a gift. I was touched. (You know, your children do grow up and become your friends.:))


Mine is 8.5" x 11" in maroon with a weekly calendar insert. I love having everything I need for meetings all together. Before this one, my favorite was an 8" x 9" daily calendar.



Edited by Janie
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I love the Mom's Family Calendar by Sandra Boynton to track our familiy appointments and activities. It is a wall calendar that has an oversized, vertical grid with five columns across (one for each family member) and the days of the month running down the left side. It is really easy to see at a glance who's doing what. I keep it in the kitchen by our telephone. Here is a link:




I use a separate planning notebook for our hs lesson plans and my personal to do list.

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She has to keep up with more than I do and wears hers out. I loved hers and went on about it. Last year, she showed up at school one afternoon during my planning period with it as a gift. I was touched. (You know, your children do grow up and become your friends.:))


Mine is 8.5" x 11" in maroon with a weekly calendar insert. I love having everything I need for meetings all together. Before this one, my favorite was an 8" x 9" daily calendar.




Is this Franklin Covey? Its nice!

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I used to use Flylady calendars, but I discovered a big spaced plain one in our shops - its twice the size of a normal calendar, no pictures, just 12 tear of pages- but plenty of space to write in each daily square. And it costs a whole $6. I have bought one for both of my kids this year. I still have lots of Flylady stickers left too- and you can buy them separately.


However, I gave up on calendars for myself when I started to properly use a diary. I buy one with a week to a double page, and columns that are vertical across the pages. I use the bottom of each day for notes and a to-do list. The diary sits open on my desk at the appropriate week. I use it daily.

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I don't do anything special. I've tried and tried to use a planner, but I don't keep it up. I have a Lang calendar like this one that hangs on the wall in the kitchen, and I write everything on it. If it's not on the calendar, I *will* forget. The boxes are large enough for me - I only need to write activities, not school stuff. The girls are 7 and 8 and they do dance, gymnastics, and horses - if I had more kids or more activities I might need more room but for now this works.


For my purse this year I bought a pocket-sized calendar. Mine was 50% off at Borders and I think it was only $8-$9 to start with - I don't know why the price is so crazy on Amazon! I discovered this last year, when I did not carry a planner, that I do need something with me so I can make plans when I talk to people and get dates on the calendar. I will need to keep both calendars updated, but hopefully I can do that. :D I just don't need all the Franklin Planner/Day-Timer stuff - I don't think. We'll see.


I do need to come up with something for school purposes but I haven't found anything that really works for me yet. I'm working on my own thing - should probably spend some time on that this weekend in fact. But, these are the calendars I'm using this year.

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I saw this wall calendar at Staples one year and tried it out. Since then I've reordered it online because I liked it so well. We use double-sided foam tape and put it on the fridge, so I can keep track of daily activities and appointments. I write in pencil only. It's mostly for appointments, games, lessons, trips, and outside activities.


I have a different calendar for keeping track of homeschool assignments, etc. Right now it's Mom's Family Desk Planner. I think I got it at Hastings.


I also like those little desktop calendars just for my own viewing pleasure. I had a countdown calendar, but it's almost over. Just got a Planet Earth calendar for Christmas. I keep that on my desk.


We had a word-a-day calendar for last year. I think we got it for free in the mail or something. Now we have a Spanish word-a-day calendar. That's in the kitchen and just for fun.


Oh, almost forgot. I keep one of those 2 year planner calendars in my purse, too. That's a calendar for my own personal use though. I've kept one since high school, and they're like little snapshots into my past! My little mini-diary.

Edited by Apiphobic
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It is free, convenient, can be updated on your computer, can be color coded according to family member, and it's easy!


It's possible to add repeating events weekly, monthly, annually.


My husband and I add to it from our own computers and we can each see what the other has going on.


I print off the month right before it starts and post one copy on the fridge and the other in our school area. I write in new things that pop up, such as sick doc. visits, etc.


I file them at the end of the month.

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I use a cheap $4 calendar from Wal-Mart. It's completely plain, just big black and white lettering. The blocks are huge compared to every other calendar I've ever seen. I love using this calendar.


It's found in the office supply area of Wal-Mart, usually on a bottom shelf.

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It is free, convenient, can be updated on your computer, can be color coded according to family member, and it's easy!


It's possible to add repeating events weekly, monthly, annually.


My husband and I add to it from our own computers and we can each see what the other has going on.


I print off the month right before it starts and post one copy on the fridge and the other in our school area. I write in new things that pop up, such as sick doc. visits, etc.


I file them at the end of the month.


:iagree: I do the same, except I don't usually print it... I can access the mobile (agenda view) calendar from my phone... between the laptop and the phone I'm covered. (And I have my phone set to send me alerts 10 minutes before the next event on my calendar is set to start, so I don't have to be constantly looking at it to know what is coming up.)


I love the ability to share events between calendars! Makes it so easy for the whole family to be on the same page. We do the same with Google Docs. I keep a current to-do and shopping list up and either DH or I can access it from our phones or computers. Very handy!


After using the Google calendar and Docs for a year or so, I got rid of my wall calendars because I just didn't need them anymore!

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I use the big desk sized calendars from Staples/ Office Max/Depot --whoever has them for $3 or less ;) I rip off the magnetic pieces from the previous year's calendar and hot glue them to the new one. It fits great on the side of the fridge. The boxes have lots of space and usually lines.


For my own out and about stuff, i went crazy playing w/ the tables formatting and made my own planner/ calendar. It's a double page spread of a week. i print off 52 of those [front and back], 3-hole punch, and put in a binder w/ double spread monthly calendars. I pencil in the specific dates in the blanks while i'm waiting for kids at McD's, doc office, TKD, whatever. But i don't use it as much as i should ;)


i originally created it in a corel word document but i printed it to pdf, so if anyone wants a copy you can email me.

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:iagree: I do the same, except I don't usually print it... I can access the mobile (agenda view) calendar from my phone... between the laptop and the phone I'm covered. (And I have my phone set to send me alerts 10 minutes before the next event on my calendar is set to start, so I don't have to be constantly looking at it to know what is coming up.)


I love the ability to share events between calendars! Makes it so easy for the whole family to be on the same page. We do the same with Google Docs. I keep a current to-do and shopping list up and either DH or I can access it from our phones or computers. Very handy!


After using the Google calendar and Docs for a year or so, I got rid of my wall calendars because I just didn't need them anymore!



Oh, why did I just order a calendar? This sounds amazing! I'll have to try it anyhow.:tongue_smilie:

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