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Tackling Wed, Sept 11.


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Ugh. Poor sleep last night. Leg cramps, stress about school, definitely getting sick.

I can feel the sickness coming on in my ears and sinuses. 

I’ve had b’fast and some coffee. Considering a super fast shower to help me feel better. Packing zinc and hot tea for today. Making substitute lesson plans, so that I can possibly stay home Friday. 

Might punt on church tonight.

Have a good day, y’all. 

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Good morning!

Yesterday was pretty decent.  I had the amusement of watching my new neighbor try to walk his huge cat down the street.  Since we first found him in our woods the cat has escaped his captivity more than once.  He comes back every occasionally to hang out on the back patio and keep the squirrels at bay for us, earning a few pieces of chicken or tuna for his duty.  It keeps him out of trouble and within hearing distance when his owner inevitably goes looking for him.  This leash is a new development, and not one that the creature seems to tolerate willingly. 🤣


  • air up my tires
  • grocery store for yogurt & honey
  • set up tutoring for various students.  New year, new swing into things, schedules are getting readjusted with other activities
  • knit a mock up of a new design
  • 10,000 steps
  • violin
  • check ds's homework
  • dinner
  • take ds to practice
  • second dinner
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Feel better, @ScoutTN

Today I have:

...go to co-op -- 2nd Grade (evac drills again, for the Weds classes)
...come home, help DS with any school work as needed (by "help" I mean read over his English writings & help edit, mostly, and then help him talk through the history readings before he takes the quiz to make sure he's understanding - these are all dyslexia related helpings that he still needs)

....gather the things I need to add to my "take to 3rd Grade" bag so tomorrow goes  more smoothly (this likely means a stop at the store on the way home)
...cook dinner - we have hot dog buns nearly going stale b/c we skipped fencing last week on Thurs, and likely will skip this Thurs, so making sausages for dinner, with sweet potatoes and maybe also beets on the side (roasted or mashed or something, not sure yet)
...watch something, veg out, go to bed


In there somewhere, check on my mom - she is having another procedure today on her arteries (stents put in her carotid and a leg artery), so my stepdad will text with updates; I'll try to give her a call once she's feeling up to it later on

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Good Morning

plan purchases for pollinator garden

empty and take in garden tubs and baskets

order groceries

edit videos for Hx web site 

order camera stand for vehicle 

returns Amazon items

got buttons for pup so start training her with them

Clean carpet in lr

only 1 meeting today




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Good morning!  Hope you feel better @ScoutTN  Me, I didn't get enough sleep---- and late last night, after doctor's office is closed, got a text saying that the eye dr appt I thought was for months was this Friday is actually this coming Monday so I now I need to make appt to measure my eyes too- get new glasses, make a new appt for my ophthalmologist appt and dh's too and also just go ahead and make retinal ophthalmologist appt because I probably will get in sooner.  May need my rheumatologist to refer me since I am a patient of that doctor but haven't been for 2.5 years, I think.

  • finish checking in to my orthopedist appt tomorrow 
  • Get transportation for said appt  -- I am super unclear if my son in law will do it.
  • Get in contact with my hematologist staff and figure out how many days I have to be off Xarelto for my endoscopy in 2 weeks 
  • Check lab results at both AEL and Crestwood   That is turning out to be so very difficult.  I have to hand deliver my patient release form to the hospital (the super helpful medical records lady told me that she completely understands my frustration with no doctors talking to one another, all portals being super difficult or non functional, etc., and told me that the fastest way to get my lab results from the ones done on Monday is to hand deliver the release and put my email on it--- this is the issue w/ my liver)  The AEL lab results have bots responding to me. 
  • Check to see if speech therapy evaluation at 10 is happening ( she will be helping me with my swallowing difficulties- just this week, my autonomic nervous system failure caused pill to go into wind pipe ((which I coughed up)) and some water I was drinking without a straw- and I didn't cough that up. unfortunately)  plus my breathing difficulties due to aspiration of water, asthma, and AS too which affected the cartilage system in between my ribs, and aphasia from traumatic brain injury in 2014,  plus brain fog combined with ADHD and executive function which I was had issues with
  • Finish inputting medical mileage and checking dh's input of medical expenses
  • Send info to health advocate 
  • Send anniversary surprise basket idea to glamping staff
  • Set up hvac appt for re checking new condenser and furnace check
  • Call Tricare re why one copay is so high, why a claim is being challenged, and get
  • Get dh appt w sleep doctor at VA - his mouth appliance is more than 7 years overdue for replacement and first opening for new sleep doctor is late January 2025.
  • Finish inputting medical mileage/checking over dh's work on money paid
  • Send info to health advocate 
  • Send anniversary surprise basket idea to glamping staff
  • Locate PA/PT form or ask my doctor to send copy (he had emailed it to me but can't locate it
  • Set up hvac appt for re checking new condenser and do regular furnace check
  • Get dh appt w sleep doctor at VA - his mouth appliance is more than 7 years overdue for replacement and first opening for new sleep doctor is late January 2025.
  • Start packing


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@ScoutTN Oh no, I am sorry you are feeling like you are getting sick.  Skip what you can and rest rest rest.  

Are you up to date on all your vaccines? 

Lots of fluids.

Do you use a nasal spray or sanitizer?     I would also do saline rinse a bunch of times a day.   Get 20 to 30 mins of sunlight.   Take vitamins and eat all the good foods.

What does your classroom look like?  Can you open windows?  Do you have a air purifier? Are you able to sanitize the room everyday?  Do you use hand sanitizer a lot during the day?  Or are able to wash hands a lot? 

Just trying to thinking of things that can help you during cold, flu, and Covid season. 

feel better soon

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I slept horribly too.  This new schedule is killing me. 

I stayed up way to late watching a replay of the debate, which I should not have done.  And then stressed about everything going on.

Today is such a somber day.  I can't believe that 9-11 was 23 years ago. 

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Howdie, happy Wednesday!

I'm low on sleep because last night was weird.  I took the dog for a walk and ended up being out for nearly 2 hours (unfortunately only 4.5 miles).  Then desperately needed a shower / hair wash.  Then stayed at my computer while my hair dried (can't sleep on wet hair unless it's Halloween eve).  Looked at the time and was surprised to see it was nearly 2am before I started thinking about sleep.  Then I had to get up before 7am to take out the garbage.  Tried to nap after that.

It's been a good day so far, but I need to get some serious client work done.


  • Took out the garbage.
  • Took out the dog.
  • A bit of cleaning & yard work.
  • Yoga etc. & TKD practice.
  • Finally got a call back from a nonprofit I donate to.  Got instructions on how to donate school supplies & a contact for donations of soft kid items.  Alerted them to a system glitch preventing me from renewing my annual December donation.
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, and calendar.

To do:

  • Eat fruits & veggies, take vitamins & drink water.
  • Lots of client work.
  • Chiropractor appointment.
  • Follow up on the in-kind donations discussed above.
  • Pay bills.
  • More cleaning.
  • Other personal stuff I need to do, e.g., figure out the HSA I'm now supposed to have!
  • Walk the dog.
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30 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Hoping the kids get better as the year goes on @ScoutTN.  Are some of these kids new to going to in person school? 

No, they are seven and have all had two years of regular school. I have one former homeschooler and he is well-behaved and a strong student.

These boys should both have IEPs. 

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Home from co-op, evac drills were good but the boys were squirrely. 

Took a nap, updated the homework page, sent the parent emails, went up to check on DS -- he was *just now* (at 4 pm) checking his homework. :sigh:  I reminded him how "while I'm at school...." means, you know, *while* I'm at school, so that he doesn't end up with both writing assignments (these are brief responses, but, dyslexia....) to do between now and bedtime. 

Got him going on the assignments - helped him talk through what they're asking, etc. so he had a starting point, and I'll check in when he finishes the first. 

Now checking *my* list to see what's next. 

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Okay, got the extra stuff added to the "3rd Grade" bag -- yesterday I completely forgot pens, pencils, etc. Also got there & discovered she had no notebooks, etc. So, picked up notebooks, a different color for each subject, got some sparkly mechanical pencils, put some of my fun colored "erasable" pens (that I do not like, but she will love) in a zipper pouch and will have her put that in her school binder tomorrow, and choose which color notebook is for which subject. We'll label and go. 

Also refilled my own supply pouch and put that in the bag.  Organized two giant binders into one "six weeks at a time" binder. Have the science things in the bag that I forgot yesterday. Should be good to go!

Going to peek in on DS and then cook dinner.

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Home from school. Ate random, what we have things for a quick dinner. Did a bit of kitchen work, including hard-boiling some eggs and putting spaghetti squash in to bake.

Next up:
Hot tea
Lesson planning: literacy, math, history.

Early to bed


Friday’s football game is moved to tomorrow, due to expected rain from the hurricane. Might still get stormed out. I can’t go bc of grad school class. 

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School. I introduced them to their next project...crop art/seed art. It's big in MN and at the state fair. 

I have long to do lists it feels, I think I need a good home and school brain dump tomorrow so I can work through some things. 

I have been getting a pretty good amount of stuff done during the school day... I am working on some cleanup/ reorganization of my room. I need to make a couple of posters that I have started. 

We have some fishing time planned this weekend So that will be nice. 

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Did my list.
Lesson planning was a bit abbreviated bc of a long phone call with my sister in law (Dh’s older sister)

Ds is home from church.
I got a snack and thought about my lunch and clothes for tomorrow. 

Next up: 

audiobook, still listening to HP

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