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How do households function when everyone works full time?


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3 hours ago, Terabith said:

Also, what might be even more infuriating to me, is there have been times when dealing with the whole pharmacy/ prescription fiasco, I have struck out or gotten so frustrated that my husband has taken time out and has gone to deal with it.  And, except in instances like this one where the pharmacy was just out of the medication, my husband has succeeded relatively quickly and easily by going over to the doctor's office in person and using what he calls Angry Man Energy TM.  Mike says exactly the same things that I do, but when he does it, miraculously prescriptions are able to be called in immediately.  

I'm pissed off by how freaking sexist it is that he can resolve issues with far less time and energy than I can, just by having a Y chromosome.

Yes, this is the one advantage my sister has over me.  😛  Her DH annoys her in many ways, but whenever their kids really need something, he goes in there and they act like he's God.  Whatever he wants for his kids, they get.  Their mom is equally educated, intelligent, and capable of communicating.  But ... well, you know.  And my kids just get me.  😛  I've been blown off, especially with respect to trying to get my kid tested for learning challenges.  So ... you're blessed to have that ace in your hand IMO.

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On 8/9/2024 at 11:41 PM, ScoutTN said:

Thanks! Second grade in a brand new classical charter school.

I am terrified. 

I'm sorry you're terrified but how exciting! Good luck, please report back what it's like!

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On 8/9/2024 at 11:41 PM, ScoutTN said:

Thanks! Second grade in a brand new classical charter school.

I am terrified. 

I'm sorry you are terrified but how exciting! Please report back with details how it goes!

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What a frustrating experience! It won’t help this time, but maybe for next time—ALWAYS ask/demand a written paper prescription. Doctors like to do the whole electronic thing now, but these problems come up and then you’re the one left trying to fix it. Yes, this medicine should have had refills already and yes, the doctor’s office should have approved it quickly and easily. But since that didn’t happen and you had to drive to their office, next time request a written rx. At least then once you found out your preferred pharmacy was out of the medication, you could have taken that physical piece of paper somewhere else to get it filled. I hate the electronic process nowadays. It only works when it works. When there’s a glitch, it’s always extra work on the patient/us to get it resolved. Assuming you could read the doctor’s handwriting, it would have also fixed the wrong medication situation bc you could see that it wasn’t right and had them fix it then and there. I’m not saying you did anything wrong, I’m just trying to use this example as my pro-paper-prescription stance example. I preach this anytime I can lol. My MIL dealt with this all.the.time when her mom was ill. My advice to everyone—GET PAPER PRESCRIPTIONS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. Sometimes I just tell the doctor I need one bc I’m not sure where I’m getting it filled (when they ask “what pharmacy should we send this to?” And that’s good enough sometimes. 

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20 hours ago, Shelydon said:

It is the opposite in my family. I am the one that can get things done. There is just a certain energy you use to get instant cooperation. 

Or tears.  There have been a number of times when dealing with a ridiculous runaround for appointment scheduling, or pharmacy issues, or insurance problems when I finally just stopped holding back the tears.  I hate it, but my kid is getting the medical care he needs when he needs it, even if it means that I have to turn into a pathetic ball of goo telling some stranger about what we have been through with ds's cancer diagnosis in order to get them to realize that they are dealing with real human beings who are more important than the policy or whatever is causing the holdup.  It's amazing how quickly they go from annoyed obstinance to coming up with solutions once they stop to think about the kid involved.

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2 hours ago, mmasc said:

What a frustrating experience! It won’t help this time, but maybe for next time—ALWAYS ask/demand a written paper prescription. Doctors like to do the whole electronic thing now, but these problems come up and then you’re the one left trying to fix it. Yes, this medicine should have had refills already and yes, the doctor’s office should have approved it quickly and easily. But since that didn’t happen and you had to drive to their office, next time request a written rx. At least then once you found out your preferred pharmacy was out of the medication, you could have taken that physical piece of paper somewhere else to get it filled. I hate the electronic process nowadays. It only works when it works. When there’s a glitch, it’s always extra work on the patient/us to get it resolved. Assuming you could read the doctor’s handwriting, it would have also fixed the wrong medication situation bc you could see that it wasn’t right and had them fix it then and there. I’m not saying you did anything wrong, I’m just trying to use this example as my pro-paper-prescription stance example. I preach this anytime I can lol. My MIL dealt with this all.the.time when her mom was ill. My advice to everyone—GET PAPER PRESCRIPTIONS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. Sometimes I just tell the doctor I need one bc I’m not sure where I’m getting it filled (when they ask “what pharmacy should we send this to?” And that’s good enough sometimes. 

Paper prescription won’t help unless we pay out of pocket for the prescription. It’s insurance that dictates where it has to be filled. 

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22 hours ago, Terabith said:

Also, what might be even more infuriating to me, is there have been times when dealing with the whole pharmacy/ prescription fiasco, I have struck out or gotten so frustrated that my husband has taken time out and has gone to deal with it.  And, except in instances like this one where the pharmacy was just out of the medication, my husband has succeeded relatively quickly and easily by going over to the doctor's office in person and using what he calls Angry Man Energy TM.  Mike says exactly the same things that I do, but when he does it, miraculously prescriptions are able to be called in immediately.  

I'm pissed off by how freaking sexist it is that he can resolve issues with far less time and energy than I can, just by having a Y chromosome.

I run into this all the time with students. They cannot get any movement on getting a problem resolved regarding their housing, financial aid, etc. But when I or my boss go to bat for them, it's suddenly resolved. That makes me so angry, because they are trying their best to grow up, handle their own concerns, be responsible, and yet the run-around is real. Argggh.

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36 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Paper prescription won’t help unless we pay out of pocket for the prescription. It’s insurance that dictates where it has to be filled. 

Oh wow. So there’s only one pharmacy you’re allowed to use? That’s crazy. 

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22 hours ago, Terabith said:

Also, what might be even more infuriating to me, is there have been times when dealing with the whole pharmacy/ prescription fiasco, I have struck out or gotten so frustrated that my husband has taken time out and has gone to deal with it.  And, except in instances like this one where the pharmacy was just out of the medication, my husband has succeeded relatively quickly and easily by going over to the doctor's office in person and using what he calls Angry Man Energy TM.  Mike says exactly the same things that I do, but when he does it, miraculously prescriptions are able to be called in immediately.  

I'm pissed off by how freaking sexist it is that he can resolve issues with far less time and energy than I can, just by having a Y chromosome.

Not in my marriage. Lol. Dh can’t deal with any of that kind of stuff near as effectively as I can. 

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14 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Dh grocery shopped at our regular grocery and Costco bc I am swamped with work. Eye-opening. He got lots of wrong items. I will need to write clearer lists. 😱🤣

Protip if your shopper has problems with visual scanning on shelves….even if you dont do a pickup order, if you make a cart once on walmart, little tiny image icons show up with your order.

We have a lot of specialty items we get due to allergies…having the visual photo to match has made it easier for people the first few times they shop to get the right thing. 

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