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Tackling Monday Together, 7.29.24


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Good morning! 

I had anxiety dreams last night and my blood pressure was high this morning.  Is it possible that starting the PPI is contributing to it? I've taken it in the past without this, so I think it is anxiety about the water problems, money, and starting the school year soon. 

  • devotion
  • get ready to tutor a student online
  • meals
  • go over my checklist for school and see what I can take care of 
  • pay bills and update big budget book
  • clean out some bins in my office and organize the stuff in them
  • hip-hop class tonight
  • tidy house
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning.  It's so weird not to have ds here, mostly because things that get put away STAY put away. 🤣  Seriously, though, scoutmaster posted photos that took our breath away.  For the first time since 2021, I have pictures of ds outside the house, without us, where he is visibly relaxed, happy, confident and engaging in a group where he doesn't know people.  That's a LOT all at once.  Dh nearly cried.


  • coffee
  • violin
  • tidy the house
  • frost cupcakes
  • tutor
  • make lunch: pasta with white wine, spinach and mushrooms
  • tutor (maybe)
  • yoga
  • 10,000 steps
  • dinner: chicken and cold salad with dh.
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Amy, hugs to you; hopefully yes, it's just that "everything all at once" stress, and it will calm/relax as the week goes on. 

@HomeAgain, I completely utterly understand. It's amazing, isn't it? Love that for y'all! 

My day today:

...decide on what all school prep to work on -- copy the rest of the 3rd grade notes, probably
...trim the quilt & bind it
...lunch - leftover pasta salad
...nap at some point - I was awake off & on from about 3 to about 5 or so, then slept & woke up at 6:30
...help run laundry
...once I finish the quilt binding, reset my sewing machine to piecing (clean it, change feet, etc.) and pick one of my own projects to work on
...maybe actually get some work done??? 
...phone call at 3:00 with a mom from last year - not sure the topic, probably she's got questions about her kiddo returning so we'll see how that goes
...dentist appt at 4:00 - blah. LONG overdue. I dread dentist appts. 
...come home, cook dinner - potato soup -- dh will be off at a baseball game
...eat, veg out solo, wait for DH to get home, go to bed 

I think that's about it....mostly this means "don't dilly-dally on the computer all day, just b/c DH is here working and likes company - go upstairs to sew when you need to" (this is a struggle of mine)


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Getting a late start today, but it’s nice to sleep til I wake. These are my last few days of summer. My new job starts for real with in-service on Thursday! 


Brunch with another AHG leader.  There have been some substantial, negative changes in the leadership of our troop and the conversation will largely be about that and will give me a read on whether I stay in or not. I’d just drop it entirely if it was about me, but it’s about the girls. I may end up as a mentor to a girl doing her big project (like BSA Eagle, but harder in terms of paperwork) this year.

After that, I need to follow up two emails with phone calls and do math. 

And check in with Ds about homework.

Dinner is ? Maybe soup. Not very seasonal, but easy and good. 



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House is clean, cupcakes are frosted.  I got in a good bit of time to myself while doing it.

Tutoring went brilliantly.  It's always nice to have a happy, engaged child who has obviously done the homework.  That wasn't the case with one last week and I think mom saw how much skills suffered without the daily 5 minutes of work. 

I'm trying to decide if I want to start laundry or not.  I have two other adults who will be leaving soon and it might be easier to let them have the machine first.

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Good morning

just got in from morning walk with pup, humidity is coming back so wanted to go early

called insurance to resend new cards and info it must have got lost in mail 

sent new insurance info to provider 

filled out form for lawn to legume program

called vet about routine check

to do

house clean 

training time with pup and clicker 

clean produce

clean out emails

Watch lawn to legume videos and draw up plans

edit videos

watch Olympics 


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I slept in a little and didn't feel like going on a walk but I did, So we'll call that a win. 

I added a few more touches to one of the books that I am making. Now I need to come up with another book example or another project. 

With the teens help, we will pull off two doors so we can prime and paint them along with the door frames. 

Work on a grocery list and send youngest to the store. Having a personal shopper is amazing. 

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Hey yall, I’ve been meaning to update yall on the interview Friday.  It went wonderful.  He actually wanted to interview me because of my age.  Said he needed someone more mature in that position.  He didn’t care at all that I haven’t worked outside the home in 23 years.  He said they could easily train me.   All that said, I haven’t heard back and I had a very depressive episode Saturday-sunday and a massive migraine last night and this morning.  I was in bed this morning feeling like death and dh brought me meds and I was like, “how will I work like this??” And dh said “I have no idea how you’ll do it.”   He is very supportive of me getting a job, if that’s what I want, but he would rather I don’t.   The only reason I was looking was to get out of this midlife funk I’m in, but it may be best for me to go the route I was originally planning, which is to do some volunteer work at the food pantry and the library. 
anyway, I’m going to contact both places about volunteering probably tomorrow.  I’m on too much meds right now.   I’m also going to try to check in here everyday to get back on track and keep myself accountable.   Depression sucks and it has tried to do me in this year.    Hope you are all having a nice day!! 


@HomeAgain, that’s awesome about your ds!!!   What a relief after what he’s gone through!  


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@WildflowerMom, I am so glad the interview went well!  You never know what might come from it, but you have more information for yourself about your goals and abilities, and that's worth something.

Tutoring done for the day.  It's still ugly outside, but I think the rain is done.

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@WildflowerMom I hope you are feeling better. Depression is so awful. 

I have a friend whose husband also prefers to hire mature women for his business because he knows they know how to work and are dependable. They have had a terrible time with flaky 20 somethings.

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Brunch was good. Good communication and yummy food.

T-storming here now, so I guess football got moved indoors. We have gotten much-needed rain lately, but afternoons are not optimal for it when field sports teams need to practice.

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1 hour ago, WildflowerMom said:

Hey yall, I’ve been meaning to update yall on the interview Friday.  It went wonderful.  He actually wanted to interview me because of my age.  Said he needed someone more mature in that position.  He didn’t care at all that I haven’t worked outside the home in 23 years.  He said they could easily train me.   All that said, I haven’t heard back and I had a very depressive episode Saturday-sunday and a massive migraine last night and this morning.  I was in bed this morning feeling like death and dh brought me meds and I was like, “how will I work like this??” And dh said “I have no idea how you’ll do it.”   He is very supportive of me getting a job, if that’s what I want, but he would rather I don’t.   The only reason I was looking was to get out of this midlife funk I’m in, but it may be best for me to go the route I was originally planning, which is to do some volunteer work at the food pantry and the library. 
anyway, I’m going to contact both places about volunteering probably tomorrow.  I’m on too much meds right now.   I’m also going to try to check in here everyday to get back on track and keep myself accountable.   Depression sucks and it has tried to do me in this year.    Hope you are all having a nice day!! 


@HomeAgain, that’s awesome about your ds!!!   What a relief after what he’s gone through!  


Wow, that is  so awesome that the job interview went well!  I am so proud of you and his reaction is just awesome that he doesn't care you haven't worked out of the house for 23 years.  Hey even if you don't get the job, that has to be a great thing to hear, got the experience of the interview, and  you also took the first step.  I am so proud of you.  You are really motivating me to follow in your footsteps.  I am sorry you have migraine.  I hope meds got that under control. 

This year has been really hard for me as was Covid.  I need to do what you are doing and  get out there with a job (volunteer or paid).  I know it would do myself good to have more of visible purpose and meet people.   I just need the courage to do it.  

Anyway I am proud of you and you are such a positive example to me.  

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6 hours ago, mom31257 said:

Good morning! 

I had anxiety dreams last night and my blood pressure was high this morning.  Is it possible that starting the PPI is contributing to it? I've taken it in the past without this, so I think it is anxiety about the water problems, money, and starting the school year soon. 

  • devotion
  • get ready to tutor a student online
  • meals
  • go over my checklist for school and see what I can take care of 
  • pay bills and update big budget book
  • clean out some bins in my office and organize the stuff in them
  • hip-hop class tonight
  • tidy house
  • watch something and relax

I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.  I am so sorry about the stress, the would have me not sleeping well too.

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6 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

Good morning.  It's so weird not to have ds here, mostly because things that get put away STAY put away. 🤣  Seriously, though, scoutmaster posted photos that took our breath away.  For the first time since 2021, I have pictures of ds outside the house, without us, where he is visibly relaxed, happy, confident and engaging in a group where he doesn't know people.  That's a LOT all at once.  Dh nearly cried.


  • coffee
  • violin
  • tidy the house
  • frost cupcakes
  • tutor
  • make lunch: pasta with white wine, spinach and mushrooms
  • tutor (maybe)
  • yoga
  • 10,000 steps
  • dinner: chicken and cold salad with dh.

I am just so happy for your son and all the positive things that are going on his life for the past few years.  YES.  YAY!    And I am going to give you a huge high 5 momma!!!  Good job being his mom.  You are huge reason he is where he is right now.  You got him to these places and did not give up.  He is  so  lucky to have a mom like you!!  I am so glad you and dh get to see it.

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Well, my Amazon order arrived, and part was a previous return - supposed to be a 6-pack of 31-tab dividers. As soon as I saw it was a return, I suspected someone got it, took out one pack, and returned it. Sure enough, only 5 sets inside. :sigh:   So, returning it as well and will reorder another 6 pack. Blah. 

On the plus side, I actually have (from when my oldest was this age) the handwriting that the 3rd grade family wants to use, complete with barely-written-in student book (and my goodness, seeing my kiddo's practice cursive...what a fun memory flashback!). yay! 

Organizing that stuff, did not make it up to do binding, but will do that tonight while DH is at baseball. 

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@ScoutTN  Oh wow, you are starting so soon!!!  Exciting.  Did you buy yourself any back to school supplies?  I just can't stop doing that even though my kids haven't ever GONE to school.  And even for me I want a new planner, fresh pack of crayons (only to smell), and just all the matching cute stuff.  Maybe that would be a fun tradition for you do  something for yourself to celebrate going back to school.  

Super proud of you as you start this new adventure!!  

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Well, I talked with dh and decided to look into some volunteer work.  The guy did call me back and wants to see me again in the morning, so that made me feel good about myself, but I’m going to call him back and let him know I just can’t do it right now.    I have been in bed all day on migraine med and a muscle relaxer because the migraine med alone didn’t take care of it.  There is just no way possible I could go into work and run an office with this crap going on.  I take emgality once monthly, but I still get a few migraines a month.   Thanks for being my sounding board, yall.  💛

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Took youngest for a practice session with the manual car. Went to Aldi for some groceries and stopped at Jo-Ann to pick up some fabric that could coordinates with some panels of Elvis Presley that I had. My Aunt is an Elvis fan and her 70th is coming up, So I am going to make a quilt. 

Came home and made a peach pie, I am going to grill it since it is warm outside and turning the oven on would make it hotter in here. 

I just feel blah today and am not super motivated. 

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Happy Monday!

I got a pile of work sent out today.  And was reminded of a bunch more that I need to do.  😕 

My tooth is still bothering me.  I am trying to go without pain killers.  It's not exactly excruciating, but at times it comes close.  So frustrating.  I hope this doesn't ruin my upcoming trip.

I spent way more time than I should have on unjamming the shredder today.  But once I started, I just had to keep going until I finished.

Well, now I'm going to take a bit of a break.

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1 minute ago, SKL said:

Happy Monday!

I got a pile of work sent out today.  And was reminded of a bunch more that I need to do.  😕 

My tooth is still bothering me.  I am trying to go without pain killers.  It's not exactly excruciating, but at times it comes close.  So frustrating.  I hope this doesn't ruin my upcoming trip.

I spent way more time than I should have on unjamming the shredder today.  But once I started, I just had to keep going until I finished.

Well, now I'm going to take a bit of a break.

I must of missed this.  I am so sorry you are in pain.  Can you get into the dentist before you leave?

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@WildflowerMom Praying for you to find a good path forward! What kind of volunteer work do you want to do?

@mommyoffive No purchasing yet bc I haven’t even been in the building yet. Don’t know what I need! Or what is being provided. But I did budget some funds for that! I think Saturday is going to be an unofficial day when we can all get into the building and work on our rooms/spaces. Open house is next Thursday. I do love school supplies! 😎 Ticonderoga pencils ❤️

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Got a super helpful call from the licensure coordinator for my university program. Hooray! She explained a whole bunch of things and was so nice about all my questions.

Now I have honed my question list down to just two or three things for the HR department. Hoping to get answers and get this stuff done this week!! 

Back to math! 

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Home from the dentist -- y'all, I haven't been since pre-Covid. I was so embarrassed to tell the dentist that. But, no cavities!!! yay! I do need a deep clean, so 2 visits, the first is tomorrow. But that's to be expected (they told my DH the same, and he ended up with a 1-visit "medium clean" instead, so we'll see). Also, they are very nice and the room is calming. So that was good. Less nervous for tomorrow. 

Had a flurry of texts, one was the 3rd grade family changing the schedule again. Aaaagh! In the end, it doesn't affect things, except start/end date, and I ran it by Dh and he's fine with it, so that's good at least. Another was a different family having issues with the online system, so put her in touch with the right person (with their permission), so that's out of my hands at least. Whew. 

Dinner is simmering, DH is at the baseball game, and I will maybe trim the quilt/do the binding, or maybe (more likely) relax tonight. 


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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I must of missed this.  I am so sorry you are in pain.  Can you get into the dentist before you leave?

I don't think there's time for the dentist to do anything further.  I am still hoping that this is just the effects of the work they did last Monday.  We leave on Saturday morning, and I have a ton of things to do between now and then.

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