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Saturday Tacklers Unite, 6.15.24


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Good morning! 

We had such a great time and loved our adventure! 

Over lunch today, we meet the new girl ds is dating. 

  • coffee
  • breakfast
  • finish unpacking
  • tidy house 
  • shower and get ready
  • go out to lunch
  • laundry
  • make a grocery list and shop
  • make a to-do list for the coming week
  • pay bills/update the big budget book
  • dinner 
  • watch more of The Chosen (we've only watched the first 2 episodes of season 4)
Edited by mom31257
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Thanks, Amy! 
Where did your Ds meet his new gf? 

I am enjoying my coffee. I’ve had b’fast, fed and walked the dog, and packed a few last minute things. Still need to pack the cooler and load my car. Getting gas on the way to the interstate.

Good news! The new job is good to go!! The document which caused me such stress does not accurately communicate the requirements or their timeline. Whew! I do have to make a decision on which uni to pursue licensure coursework with and officially enroll. I have until December to take three Praxis tests. SO relieved!!

Headed out to NC to visit with Dd shortly. 

My guys will be home mid-afternoon. 

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Congrats @ScoutTN

Today I am hoping to do mostly home things and not have to go out other than perhaps to the pharmacy, although I may wait on that until tomorrow.


1. Clean master bath

2. Organize some of my keepsakes into clear bins for storage

3. Put up bedskirts

4. laundry

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I'm glad the job is all settled, @ScoutTN

@mom31257, I'm sure your ds's gf is nervous about meeting you guys!



There is not a whole lot on the agenda so I'll just update as I go along.

  • planned Cooperstown trip with dh
  • picked up a digital memo board. 
  • did Wordle (got it in 2!)

Up next:

  • shred the meat for dinner tonight
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I’m so glad this thread is here. I am struggling this morning. I have yet to get out of bed. Weekends are really hard for me because of the large amount of unstructured time (I think) and the overwhelming number of things to do that sort of float around in my head and give me anxiety. I’m also at this crossroads at work and really don’t know what the next step is so I’m struggling with that in the background ether as well. I’m going to try to tackle instead of wallow. 

Figure out what is left to buy for Philmont and buy it. 

Drive middle DD to store to buy paint for her room that she’s been asking for all summer. ✔️ (DH was heading to Home Depot anyway so she’s going with him!)

Make sure kids have done laundry so that they can go visit grandparents next week (leaving Sunday). 

Wrap Father’s Day presents

Put up 2 loads of my laundry ✔️

Work out at the Y (too hot to hike) ✔️

Add more photos to my dad’s aura frame. 

Edited by lauraw4321
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@ScoutTN, yay for the job and longer for the tests! Ds met her through a dating app. She’s younger and goes to a college about an hour from here. They haven’t made it official yet, but they seem to get along very well. 

@lauraw4321, I hope you can figure out a smooth step for your crossroads at work! 

I’m almost ready and the house is tidied. 

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Hi guys!  Hoo frickin ray for Saturday!

I can relate to @lauraw4321 though!  I have a lot of trouble deciding how to productively use big chunks of "free time."  It isn't really "free time" when you have a pile of things that you need to do within that time, yet without external structure, that's an extra thing we need to figure out.  And I totally have the things floating in my head and making me anxious.  Not so much on Saturdays, because usually, nobody is sitting at their desk waiting for my work product to hit their inbox.  But ... and I think I posted about this before ... I think maybe the lying down position might increase the anxiety somehow.  (This happens to my dad too.)  As soon as I'm upright, I usually don't feel that "world is about to implode" feeling, even though I still have the same number of commitments and concerns.  But when I'm behind on sleep, I don't want to get up if I don't have to.  So it's a self-reinforcing cycle.  All I can say is, I'm working on it.  I think it's improved over the past year.

(The above is my first use of the @boardie trick.  Never knew how to use it before.)

So, not to be too boring, but we have 13 days before our Big Annual Work Deadline, and I really really need to make a lot of progress this weekend.  Which means today, since I've committed to visit my folks tomorrow.  Every Saturday, I say I have all these things I'm gonna accomplish, but the reality is that I end up taking most of Saturday off.  And then I tell myself, well, everyone deserves a day off, right?  There's always Sunday!  (And then I take most of Sunday off too, haha.)  Well, today I really can't do that, so I need to make things happen.

To start with, I really need to get a better handle on what all needs to be done.  The whole process is different this year, and I'm behind on sending reports and requests to my clients.  But I also want to chip away at the many items that aren't urgent, but that are cluttering my mind and my inbox, preventing me from clearly seeing my priorities.

And my dog.  I don't know if it's a phase or what, but he's decided that "obedience" is really just a fun game.  "Come here" means "get the zoomies and run around and definitely do not let me put your leash on."  This dog who used to go ecstatic at the word "walk" now does not let me leash him.  So although I don't have time for this, I need to get serious and re-train the basics.  I also hope to take him for a nice long walk today.

My kids have enough to do.  Kid1 went to the gym this morning and then placed an order for healthy food and laundry products.  Possibly I've done something right after all?  Both kids have a birthday/graduation party to attend this afternoon.  After that, I hope they will write their thank-you letters and write up their graduation announcements for the camp they're attending next week ... and do some housework??

Maybe I'll come back and write an actual list, after my brain fog lifts.  (I haven't been awake long, still coffeeing up ....)

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sad news is my cousin, they are saying she may not make it through the night or weekend. I am praying that she is at peace and that her family has strength.

My family of origin spent most of our summers camping in their town which was my moms hometown and all her siblings lived there so we got to grow up with cousins and uncles and aunts.  Just thinking of past times on the lake with all of them.

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Much of the expensive Philmont clothes that I bought oldest DD are just :::poof::: gone. I know ADHD makes it hard to keep up with stuff but how. Seriously. How. 

So my seemingly simple plan of figure out what needs to be purchased has become an hours long digging through everyone’s crap to try to find things because people just shove stuff into drawers without considering whether it’s theirs or someone else’s. And I mentioned to youngest that she would have to wear a bra one day and she completely lost her mind. 

My house is a disaster. Always has been. Always will be. I can’t force 4 other people to give a shit about anything. And I can’t be the only one to care about everything. 

I hate everything. I know it’s perimenopause. But it doesn’t make me hate everything any less. 

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@SKL -- yes, yes I do (write my problems and solve them while I write it out here). glad you figured it out! 

@ScoutTN -- great news on the job!! Yay!!! So relieved on that for you!

@history-fan -- oh, I am so very sorry; prayers continuing for all of the family. That's so hard. 😞 

@lauraw4321 - I get it. I would get far less done w/o this group to help me organize my thoughts.  But oh yikes on the missing clothes; I hope you can find them, and have a pleasant day in the end. It stinks when we feel like we're the only one caring about things. 😞 


My list today is flexible again --
already did:

exercise class
grocery run
make salad for DH's Father's Day lunch

Still to do:

have the Father's Day lunch (kid schedules mean it needs to be today vs tomorrow)
take DS to his GF's for a swim party/board game party
finish his quilt (binding)
finish some laundry
make some peanut-free rice krispie treats for Oldest to take to camp
hang out some with DH & the other 2 kiddos
pick up DS, send Oldest off back to camp 
finish the last 30 mins of a movie
veg out, go to bed

If I have more "the guys are video gaming" time than what the quilt binding takes, then clean up the sewing room and get ready for the next project. 

Also, good news - Oldest has been feeling like maybe he wasn't doing so great at camp. Well, they all vote each week on which worker showed the most hard work for the week and which showed the most loving spirit for the week -- Oldest was voted *both* of them this week! They said that's never happened, the same person winning both in the same week. ❤️ He was blown away!  


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1 hour ago, lauraw4321 said:

Much of the expensive Philmont clothes that I bought oldest DD are just :::poof::: gone. I know ADHD makes it hard to keep up with stuff but how. Seriously. How. 

So my seemingly simple plan of figure out what needs to be purchased has become an hours long digging through everyone’s crap to try to find things because people just shove stuff into drawers without considering whether it’s theirs or someone else’s. And I mentioned to youngest that she would have to wear a bra one day and she completely lost her mind. 

My house is a disaster. Always has been. Always will be. I can’t force 4 other people to give a shit about anything. And I can’t be the only one to care about everything. 

I hate everything. I know it’s perimenopause. But it doesn’t make me hate everything any less. 

Yikes, I hope you find those clothes.

I too had to just let go of the "nobody cares / these people are incurable slobs" reality.  Honestly it isn't even just my kids.  Long before I was a mom, I used to get so annoyed by certain housemate habits!  I had to train myself to "not see" a lot of things.  So I guess that made me more ready to have kids, LOL.  We do make progress in the housekeeping department, but it's slow.

Also, perimenopause sucks!

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@lauraw4321 I am sorry everything is crummy right now.

@TheReader Hooray for Oldest! 😊


I have settled in at the cottage. It’s cute, but like every rental, has some quirks. This one has a sofa with one soft, sinky cushion and the rest firm. And not enough lamplight to read by in the bedrooms bc the lamps take low wattage bulbs or the bulbs are burned out. 

I am enjoying reading my book and drinking tea on the front porch (covered) while it rains gently. Waiting for Dd to get here so we can grocery shop. She had friends who are not working at camp this summer come up for the day and is running late. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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@history-fan, I'm so, so sorry about your cousin! Praying!

@lauraw4321, I'm sorry things are rough right now, and I hope you can find a bright spot in the midst of it all. 

@TheReader, how great for your son! 

We liked Kate, the new girl ds is dating. She is younger, though, and it is obvious in some ways. She brought flowers, which was nice. She is outgoing and funny. 

The second load of laundry is in the dryer and a third is done in the washer. 

The high today was 93, so it was very hot getting out to the post office and the grocery store. 🥵

Dh and I watched the third episode of The Chosen and a couple of episodes of Young Sheldon. 

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