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Tackling Friday Together, 4.5.24


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I had my shower, and now I need to get ready. I’m going to breakfast with a friend. 

I meet the kid at the library again this morning. 

I’ll check back in later. Hope you all have a great start to your day! 

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Good Morning

weather is great today 52 and sunny

today is youngest ds birthday!  Presents wrapped decorations up and will bake cake in a bit and celebrate him today 

walk dog a couple times and play outside practice not putting everything on the ground in her mouth.

meds on dog 2x, peanut butter on lick pad is great distraction 

1 meeting today

Spend some time on Hx website

watch one of the DVDs ds wanted for his birthday tonight so it will probably be Logan


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Good morning! 

@HomeAgain Do y’all get a school break between now and the end of the year? Are you headed to Disney?

Sunny and 40 here today. Supposed to get up to mid 50s and be cloudy later.

Dd will be home for the weekend. 😎❤️😊

Boy is at school. Coffee is happening. 

This morning, I will work on mom’s stuff. Finances and Amazon returns. Need to also make some signs for shelving units for her.

Shower ✔️ 
Zoom interview ✔️ 
Ds to practice

Dinner is shrimp stir-fry over rice noodles. Need a few more veggies.

Tonight, read!

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@ScoutTN I got better sleep last night!  Yay.  Not enough, but I am functional today so there is that.  It is crazy sunny here today.  Yay.  We have had rain or snow since Sunday.  I think the high is 45.  Which feels way different in sun then in snow.   Thanks for asking!

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Happy Birthday, @history-fan's youngest DS! Hope you guys have a great day celebrating him! 

Hooray for better sleep & sunshine, @mommyoffive! Hope today goes well! 


My day today:

...check with my Friday family - the oldest was sick on Weds, so need to see if she's better & I'm coming, or she's not, so I'm not
...check w/my sister throughout the day -- her ex MIL left her home yesterday after a fight; they've issued a Silver Alert for her (she has dementia) (she's in TN, the MIL, living w/her daughter)

...if I do have my Friday kids, go do that
...after/instead, work on school prep for 2nd grade for next week
...gather the other addresses for graduation invites and mail those
...decide something for dinner, prep, cook that when it's time
....work on some quilting stuff - not sure what, but pick a project and get going
....after dinner, Oldest wants to watch the Michael Keaton Batman from the (late 80s? early 90s?), so we'll watch that
...veg out, go to bed

Happy Friday, everyone!

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Good morning!! Lots to get done today. The plan:


list some things for sale-sold a lawn mower

pick up a few groceries-done

finish the porch rail after I buy more stain-done

put the last coat of paint on the front door-done

read some more in the testing manual-done


go to my classroom-I need to do some prep for being off Monday for my dad's doctor appointment-done

finish the flashcards-done


mail and shred-done

work in the flower bed

maybe shop for something to go on the back porch

attach my birdhouses to fence posts

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2 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Good morning! 

@HomeAgain Do y’all get a school break between now and the end of the year? Are you headed to Disney?



We do.  We haven't take our spring break yet because it hasn't truly been spring, so ours is offset from a lot of the rest of the country.

And yep, Disney.  I started a tradition a while ago of making my kids little envelopes to tell them what to expect each day and give them spending money.  I have one kid that is very into routine, so it REALLY helped, and another that liked to wake up to a little gift, so they both have good memories of it.  But what do you do for teens/adults?  Spending money is digital.  They have the app.

Instead, the envelopes are still focused on the day's itinerary, but they have extras as well.

Day 1: hotel offerings for the week, when to expect the water parade, and trivia about the hotel

Day 2: a welcome pin, meal itinerary, park trivia/hours/extras

Day 3: meal itinerary, challenge to do in the park, snack affiliated with the park (like a Kinder Hippo for the Jungle Cruise, a family favorite, or Space Oreaos for Mission Space, ds14's favorite)

And so on for our stay.

I have little boxes they're all going in so the adult children have their envelopes with them and don't have to come to our room each day.  And I made up first aid kits for each group.  They're painted to look like Wilderness Explorer first aid bags.  Things that young adults don't think about are in them: sunscreen, moleskin, scissors, body glide...  They'll get those this week along with their luggage tags. 


It's a THING, but then I watch Disney prep videos on Youtube (not a rabbit hole I suggest going down) and I look at what parents of toddlers and young kids do and I'm so glad I never went that far.  We don't match shirts, I don't need 30 bags in a stroller or a huge number of toys.  We don't do a lot of souvenirs (1-2 pins and one or two other things is usually it).  But my kids really love this.  And it's definitely pretty budget friendly.

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DS is going to Starbucks w/his GF for their Friday date, so I looked up all my GC balances, wrote them on in sharpie, and sent him with those to use up for me. yay!

Got the invites all addressed, loaded, sealed, and will go w/DH for his fencing lesson later on. We'll mail the invites, stop at the grocery on the way home b/c they have fish and shrimp both on sale; we'll pick one and do fish tacos/shrimp tacos for dinner. 

My sister posted the info on the Silver Alert for her (ex) MIL - no updates yet. :sigh: Hopefully she remains safe. 

Heading for a quick nap once DS leaves (ah, here is his ride) and then will tag along with DH on errands. 

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I'm without a car.  Dh's needed more work than he thought and it'll be there overnight.  He has mine right now instead.

I'm also becoming very annoyed that nobody can function on their own.  Living with extroverts who talk out every.single.thing. no matter what they're doing or thinking is draining and tiring.  I cannot be that sounding board all day long and still be a whole person.

Moral dilemma I posted the other day resolved itself in favor of the best outcome for all. I saw a vague post about it before it was erased or had its settings changed to a select audience.  I'm hoping it was erased because it wasn't a healthy mindset from the parent.


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Happy Friday!

It's been a weird one.

I woke up early to go with my 17yo to do a pee test for a job (I had to sign since she's a minor).  Apparently peeing is not easy for all of us.  We were there for 1.5 hours.  I had my computer so I could work.

While there, I suggested to my kid that we set up an appointment to give blood, since she's on break.  We found a blood drive not far from home and made appointments.  My kid got rejected because her pulse was too high from nervousness.  Oh well.  Then I had another "reaction" when mine was done.  I felt it coming on, so rather than fall on the floor, I stayed on the table and told them.  It was too much drama for my liking, but they've seen worse, LOL.  I was afraid I was gonna barf, but didn't, yay!  I guess it took longer than usual, but luckily, my kid had gone to the car, so she missed the fuss.  I came home and lay down a bit.

I "confirmed" that my kids shouldn't have to take an English placement test or take remedial English.  Though the person telling me this doesn't sound super knowledgeable.  My kids' verbal SAT scores are about average and it's a public university, so it shouldn't be an issue, right?  I don't want to find out the hard way.

Kids just got done with their online Spanish lesson.  I want them to take the math placement tests today.

I have work to do!  My clients are asking for stuff.  UGH just leave me alone!  I guess that's what Saturday will be for.

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Interview for sub job in charter schools went well and they offered me the job. Most likely taking it. 2-3 days/wk til the end of the school year will be good experience for me, some extra money that we need, and good test-run for Dh and Ds to see what life is like with me substantially less available.

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ood afternoon! Or not so good after all.  Fitbit tells me I slept enough and well. But I neglected to take my bedtime meds last night and I feel very weak today. I used up way too much energy yesterday-   before going to the hair stylist, I ran around the house and up and down looking for my purse.  The hair stylist had opened a hair salon in this reclaimed factory area wh8ch has been turned into restaurants, stores, office space and gathering areas where musicians play atc5imes.  But it is still having some construction and while I had been there lots of times, I had no idea where the shop was and found out the map 8nstalle by the parking lot was wrong.  I got there finally after running. 


  • breakfast and lunch and meds 
  • got a phone call from rheumatologist's office that Accredo wants my pharmacy card info, except I don't have one since we are a retired military family and our ,military ID IS my only card both medical and pharmaceutical stuff. After stupid conversation w first person, I asked for supervisor and she was great
  • Home aides came and did more cleaning 
  • Nurse came and took my INR and helped w medicine boxes 

To do

  • get dh to move various items in kitchen so I can use while dh 8s gone.
  • Say goodbye to him
  • OT person comes 
  • Laundry
  • Make sure I take my later meds and set alarms for morning
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12 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

@ScoutTN Congrats on the job offer!!  That was fast.

I think sub jobs are fairly easy to get, especially in public schools. No teacher’s license required. This company screens and sources subs for two charter school networks in my city. Six schools on my side of town, three elementary, two middle, snd one high school. $45/day higher than the regular ps. 

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2 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

I think sub jobs are fairly easy to get, especially in public schools. No teacher’s license required. This company screens and sources subs for two charter school networks in my city. Six schools on my side of town. $45/day higher than the regular ps. 

Wow, that is huge!!  Congrats.

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sister's (ex) MIL was found safe - she had made it all the way from Chattanooga TN to Gulfport MS, trying to drive to a relative (who I think lives here in TX). Egads. But she's safe and all is well. Whew! 

Went with DH -- mailed the grad invites, picked up the dinner ingredients, had his fencing lesson, now home. 

DH is going to cook the fish tacos, so I am going to veg out/watch TV/enjoy my day off. 


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Skipping the Amazon returns for today. 

Still working on taxes and other financial stuff for mom. Need my printer to print red and it’s not. 😠

Got more veggies for stir fry. On to dinner prep. 

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Talked to a SSA customer service rep who was VERY helpful and informative. We will make an appointment, go in person next week, and get mom’s multi-layer problem resolved. I understand what to ask for now.

Talked with Dh about the sub job, possible fall scenarios, and grad school requirements.


Dinner was good. Reset the table with clean linens.

Woohoo!! The new Head Football Coach was announced for the school Ds plays for! I am very pleased with this choice! Meeting, spring practice, and summer practice dates and times announced. 😎🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈

Dd texted again. Plans fell through, so she’s on the way home. Hooray for being only 90 minutes away! Glad I swiffered her room and washed the dog blanket on her bed yesterday. 

Next up: jammies, hot tea and a little smackerel of something.

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