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Tackling Thursday Together!

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Good morning!  Yesterday I wasn't very productive.  Today, I have to be.

To do

  • weigh myself, take Enbrel, get dressed and ready
  • Breakfast and take all the morning meds
  • Find out which aide or aides are coming and greet them at 8 or a little earlier 
  • Do laundry prep
  • Do lunch prep because aide(s) are leaving at 12 and dh is driving me to my hair stylist appt,
  • Do laundry w/dh's help
  • Make appointments 
  • Contact deacons or new group at church re ride to appointments 
  • Plan my weekend 


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Good morning!  I wasn't as productive as I could have been yesterday, either.  I never made it to the grocery store, but that's okay because it gave me a chance to talk to ds14 about what he was willing to make for dinner tonight.


  • grocery shop
  • get skates sharpened
  • violin
  • get steps in
  • school work
  • begin setting up Disney envelopes
  • tutor
  • take ds & his friend to practice
  • drop off friend
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Good morning!! We took an overnight trip, and got home yesterday afternoon. Here's my plan for today:


get one coat of paint on the front door-got 2 coats

stain the railing on the back porch-have to buy more tomorrow


mail and shred-done

reconcile bank statement

write church checks

weed in one flower bed-got a lot done


clip my nails-done

Bible and prayer

read Kindle book

finish flashcards

read testing manual-read some


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Morning, all!

Today got a twist thrown in last night, when DH realized he had missed the start of registration for DS for next year. Discovered there's a hold on the account since he's transitioning from Dual Credit to HS Grad/Freshman College Student (this at the community college); so now I need to take DS up there so he/we can sort it out and get him registered for the fall. 

So, my full list:
...look at K history/science for the rest of the year, get that planned, print next week's stuff
...look at 1st Grade history/science for the rest of the year, get that planned, print next week's stuff
...look at 2nd Grade's history/science for the rest of the year, get that planned, print next week's stuff
...take DS up to the CC and figure out how to get the hold dropped 
...make sure DS understands the other concepts in his psych assignment so he can finish that and turn it in before deadline today

...DH is cooking tonight, so that's covered
...go tutor this afternoon 
...come home, eat dinner
...prep for/go to fencing tonight
...come home/go to bed

Think that's about it....*hopefully* I get through all the school prep, but if that bleeds into tomorrow, the weekend, etc., that's okay too

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@mommyoffive I hope your day is easier than you think!

@TheReader, I hope the registration goes smoothly!

Good morning! 

It was nice to sleep in. I have 4 students today, so it will feel like a regular workday. 

  • coffee/breakfast
  • Bible study
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • leftovers from Naf Naf for lunch
  • meet a new student at the library (less than a mile from my house and he can walk there to meet me)
  • one student here at the house
  • walk with friends
  • dinner, not sure what
  • tidy kitchen/house
  • work on lessons for next week
  • figure out what I want/need to do with the rest of the weekend
  • watch something and relax
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Ds is at school and I am having coffee and b’fast.

Woke with a headache bc someone turned the heat up to 72 after I went to bed. Ugh! Even in the daytime on a cold day, the highest we ever set it is 69. Normally, at this time of year, it’s set to 64 at night. 

Tutor online
Help mom with stuff
Amazon returns (for mom)
Get gas! ✔️ 
Boy to practice
Make dinner? Possibly lentil soup. Guys are going to a concert tonight and might not eat here? 
AHG tonight

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Argh! Rescheduled tutoring session that I am missing a prayer meeting for just cancelled/rescheduled. 😕 Not something they could have prevented and a long-time student, so I won’t charge them for the change, but still frustrating.

Bacon for the lentil soup is cooked.

Did some housekeeping things.

Next up:
Electronic chores. ✔️ 
Then head out to do other list things.

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Finished K

1st Grade is ready for next week, and the plans laid out for now to the end of the year are already good just need to tweak the science, so will work on that next week (need to get a move-on for the rest of the day)

Going to look over/print a current copy of DS's transcript, which I expect they'll need at the school (although, I'd imagine they'd want to wait until he graduates for the final one?) so I'll have it if they need it, and then we'll head out to see if we can sort out the registration hold and such

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Well, that was easy! Looked online with DS, to be sure the hold hadn't lifted, and to get his student id number. In doing so, found it listed as "New Student Orientation" with the *reason* being "New Student/HS Grad". Ahem. 

So, went back to the homepage, had him do the 30 min online new student orientation, which ended with a quiz, certificate of completion, and "please allow up to 48 hrs for your hold to be lifted."  DH will kick himself when he realizes; we could have had him do it last night, and the hold may have lifted by this afternoon, certainly by tomorrow. Now it will be maybe until Monday. 

But, it's done, that should be all, no trip to the college needed. Yay! 

DS is working on his assignment for psychology, and I think I'm going to eat and take a quick nap. 

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My current job scenario is not tenable. Church job is fine, just not enough hrs/money. Keeping it. Tutoring is good money per hour, but nowhere near the hours I need. Ds will get a vehicle this summer so my job as taxi will end. (Woohoo!)

I think I have settled into the idea of pursuing a FT teaching job. Sifting options while trying to get substitute work for the remainder of the school year. Hoping to find an “embedded” option that covers some of the cost of the licensure coursework while also giving mentoring over a two year period. Hoping to find a school that is not a long, hard drive to another part of town! 

It is hard work and starting over at age 58 is not gonna be easy. But we need the money, it is work I can do, and it has LOADS of job security. We know 5 people over 50 who’ve lost business jobs and are having a really hard time finding new ones. No chance of being unemployed as a teacher here! Not high pay, but school year schedule and good benefits. I could live on it if something happened to Dh. If he lost his job, we could survive if we slashed our expenses to the bone, though we couldn’t pay for college.

Zoom interview tomorrow with a substitute agency that coordinates for a large charter school network that has 5 schools on my side of town. 

Substitute applications in with two K-12 private schools. Also applied at a two year old Christian classical school in my neighborhood. 

Researching university licensure/MEd programs. Think I have found one that will work, but need more info before applying. Have my undergrad and graduate school transcripts ordered.  

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Good Afternoon

Morning dog walk done 

meds applied to dog

called vet looks like dermatitis so just keep doing meds for now 

friends bras that I ordered got her post op breast cancer surgery arrived. Brought to friend to try.

Groceries ordered and will pick up

clean produce

2 meetings this afternoon

apply meds again this pm to dog

wash towels

look at humidifiers for house

help ds rearrange his br

wrap youngest ds birthday presents. His birthday is tomorrow 

walk dog this pm

pack up animal shelter donations to get ready to deliver 



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@ScoutTN, I'm glad you have a path you can pursue. Praying it all goes smoothly! 

@mommyoffive, I hope the tea helps! 

I met with the new student. He is really far behind in math, and he just entered public school this second semester of his 9th grade year. They have him in a class doing a self-paced course on a computer. He really needs instruction, so we are going to schedule him meeting a lot with me and possibly a good bit during the summer to do some catching up. The mom homeschooled until now, and it sounds like they tried a lot of different curricula and tutors here and there. 

I meet with him again in the morning. He actually lives super close to me, but it is across a 5 lane highway, so he can't walk here. His house has a bunch of kids and dogs, so it wouldn't be quiet. That's why we met at the library near both of us. 

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I managed to get to both grocery stores today.  The first for basics and dinner, the second for the only yogurt ds14 will eat.  I also made a stop to look for basic wrapping paper at the party store.  I can find 'congratulations', birthday, baby, and wedding.  Nothing that is a plain color.  This is the fourth store I've been to in the past two weeks and I am slightly over it.  White craft paper will have to do.

Everything else is done except tutoring and taking ds to practice.  I suspect this kid has dyscalculia. Age 8 or 9, struggles with any grouping over 2, loses count, doesn't have any strategies mastered for putting together groups. We are starting with very, very small goals in patterns, grouping, and quantities.  I've broken out each step for mom so she can see it's not just playing games, but games that work hard with helping her make connections.  I hope to get them on a path where they feel like they don't need me as often but can work on this at home, too.


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Hi guys!  It's one week since my Big Work Deadline, and I'm still trying to catch up on stuff.  I've been working more than usual, and yet I still have such a long list of to-do's.  Oh well, all I can do is keep at it.

Tonight, I'm forcing the girls to come with me for a "skywatch" training.  I guess we are supposed to learn how to spot and report important local weather activity.  It's being sponsored by our CERT team.

I also need to sit with the girls and crank out a few quick things.  If only they weren't so impatient to get away from my boringness.

And I was thinking I'd wash a load of bedding.

That's about it for today.

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Home from tutoring - Mom admitted oh, yes, maybe come the day after the c-section in 2 wks, not the day of. LOL!!! (there will be LOTS of family with the kids, but it had cracked me up she originally said no way, no break in tutoring....)

@HomeAgain, I suspect similar in these 2 girls. We're making good progress, but still some struggles. 

DS's hold is lifted and DH got him registered, except for one class which has a glitch and says the class is full......with one student. ???? So that's weird. DH will follow up on that. Yay!

Eating dinner, heading to fencing, etc.

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AHG was good. I have some catching up to do for it in the next couple weeks. Trainings to update, materials to prep for the summer, etc. 

Started the dishwasher. Prepped some lunchbox food and took the shrimp for tomorrow’s dinner out of the freezer. 

Time to read and wind down. I’ll be nice and relaxed when Dh and Ds get home, all loud and excited about their concert. 🙄😉

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