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Tackling Monday Together, 1.15.24


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I slept in, and my first class has already met. Three more to go today. 

After my classes, I hope dh and I will play some games since he is off today. 

  • bible study/devotion
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • tidy house
  • meals
  • play games
  • school prep for tomorrow and some for Wednesday
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

We did end up with co-op cancelled today, so I am off! yay! It's 26* F with icy/freezing rain expected through the day, so while the roads are clear *now* they would likely not be by the time we all had to return home. Glad my directors made this call to keep us home!

So, with my day off, I shall:
....stay warm
....prep for tomorrow's tutoring (if it happens, supposed to be even colder/icier)
....look over my stuff for this week/next week/co-op and get organized & prep one more week of stuff
....that should all only take till lunch time if I am diligent, so after lunch/nap I shall go up and sew
....not sure what is for dinner - I think I'll do chili and cornbread
....for my own personal satisfaction, remake the fridge schedule - 2 of the kids classes got moved online, so now don't need space on the colored schedule
....after dinner, watch TV/veg out

Hopefully power holds all week, and everyone stays safe. Thinking of those of you with blizzardy stuff going on - I can't even imagine! Be safe & warm, everyone!

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  • school  ✔️
  • exercise  ✔️
  • finish laundry ✔️
  • give blood @3:30 ✔️
  • make dinner ✔️
  • promote the general neatness ✔️
  • read library book ✔️
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Bringing the big one back to the clinic today. The CGM alarmed low a lot last night. I'm very tired this morning. 

Other things to do include cleaning up the painting stuff and starting to plan the layout of said room that was painted (office/music/art space). Will probably be browsing the IKEA page looking for storage options for it. 

The maybe list includes: going to check out Mazda as a vehicle option but the high is below zero so burrr and/or going to the record store for some vinyl as they are having a members discount sale. 

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Good morning!  We're prepping for "possibly mild, possibly more" snow tomorrow.  It's hard to predict because we're near the water and the band can still shift.  Given the numbers, though, ds will definitely probably have a normal school day. 😆


  • laundry
  • wash ds's outgrown gear for the box
  • violin
  • nowhere close to 10,000 steps
  • begin planning envelopes/first day boxes for our vacation*
  • empty the bag of snow salt into the new container


*we're going to WDW this spring.  It's not a surprise this time, like it was for previous trips.  DS24 and his gf are paying for themselves/staying separately.  But both of my children have asked for the envelopes I used to do: first for oldest as a cute way to tell him the park/give him spending money, and then for the youngest to give him a detailed itinerary of what to expect each day so he didn't flip his lid.  Well, they're adults and near adults.  That's not going to work.  I think this trip's envelopes will still be decorated for each park and have any reservations in them, but they're going to have challenges inside like "find the Chinese hotel", "curtsy in front of Cinderella to see her as a princess" or $6 in crisp bills to find a medallion machine.  I want to play around with actually printing them on the homemade envelopes.
The first day boxes are things they may need/want: I'm making a newsletter like the ones they used to hand out at the hotels for the current offerings/story and trivia, and adding that to the boxes along with a poncho, small foot massage tool, motrin, sunscreen, hydration packets, and a few other things.

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Hi guys, happy MLK day!


Our IT guys are transferring our emails to a new provider, which also includes messing with my very large email archive.  I've had a few brief windows to play on the internet in between.  Hopefully everything is done and user-friendly sometime today.  I'm thankful that it's a national holiday, so clients will hopefully not get impatient, and the 1/15 tax deadline is 1/16 instead.

I was pretty lazy all weekend.  I felt sleepy, but then when it was time to sleep, I was awake.  😕  I hope I'm not becoming my dad.  Hopefully this is a fluke caused by not having any kind of routine these days ... or the intense cold ... or stress over having so much to do and not doing it.

My to-do's for today:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Figure out the new email system & how to access archived emails.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Eat fruit, veggies, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Finish all of the laundry.  (Probably 3 or 4 more loads.)
  • Walk the dog?  It depends on the weather.  Not really dying to go out there, but I probably should.
  • Final help with kid's college app.
  • Work with kids on their FAFSAs.
  • Encourage kids to do their homework & study for tests & whatever else they ought to do.
  • Research whether / how much my folks should pay as a tax estimate (I will pay it for them if needed).
  • Prepare my own tax estimates that are due tomorrow.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
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Good morning. Got up early, but napped in the recliner. We have a dusting of snow/freezing rain on the ground-no word yet if we have school  tomorrow or not. Plans include:

more coffee

make rice pudding





schedule a couple emails for school so I won't forget them

mail and shred

shower and moisturize

get all the candles burning

put the leftover chili in the freezer

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pulled out meat to thaw for dinner - will do white chili (ground turkey instead of ground beef) since we had ground beef last night

remade the schedule for the fridge

printed the next set of math things for tomorrow's/this week's tutoring so I'm ready (they likely won't have homework if I do go tomorrow, so will need extra things, which is good - we get more done/make more progress on non-homework days)

have everything ready for the PreK kid who may/may not happen tomorrow, just in case 

going to eat some breakfast and then work on the real stuff

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@HomeAgain, we LOVE Disney. That sounds like such a fun idea. If we ever get to go back with the kids, I might steal that and do something like it. 

@math teacher, rice pudding was one of my favorite desserts before I had to go off dairy, and I miss it! I should play around more with making it non-dairy, but most things never seem as good to me. 

2 classes down and 2 to go. 

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Woke up way to early after staying up to late with the cold problems.  Sigh.

School, dishwasher, laundry, and lunch already made. 

Another day another audition.  6 over the weekend.  Just 2 today.  

I would love a nap, but what is most likely is a lot of tea today to stay awake. 

Need to see what is going on for Dance this week. Worried about driving in these temps.  It is a long hike it really forested areas without many people.  We will probably be skipping our outdoor classes this week.  I am sure they will have the kids inside doing stuff, but again it is a hike so I think we will just skip it.  

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I took this a couple hours ago and it’s still snowing. About 5-6 inches. MLK holiday so no work or school today anyway.

I built a fire, made coffee, and am finally taking down my Christmas tree and packing everything up.

Later, cooking, reading, maybe watch a movie. 

Eta: school just texted; Ds is off tomorrow and Wed. More snow is predicted for Thurs. 

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27 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:


I took this a couple hours ago and it’s still snowing. About 5-6 inches. MLK holiday so no work or school today anyway.

I built a fire, made coffee, and am finally taking down my Christmas tree and packing everything up.

Later, cooking, reading, maybe watch a movie. 

Eta: school just texted; Ds is off tomorrow and Wed. More snow is predicted for Thurs. 

Holy cow that is a lot of snow for you guys!! NUTS. And more to come??? 

Do you guys have plows down there?

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stay safe/warm, @ScoutTN!

I have this week (assuming we are back in class Weds for 2nd grade) and the next 2 weeks prepped for all 3 classes now. Pausing on that so I can work out if I need to adjust the schedule going forward. 

Heading for a nap, and then will go and sew this afternoon. 

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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Holy cow that is a lot of snow for you guys!! NUTS. And more to come??? 

Do you guys have plows down there?

They will plow and salt the interstates and then major secondaries, esp those near utilities, hospitals, firehouses, and police buildings. After tjose are ok, they’ll get to neighborhoods. Usually it’s melting by then, but it’s supposed to stay quite cold. Possibility of more snow Thurs?

In the meantime, we stay home. I live at the top of a huge hill. Ditches on both sides of the road. SO not worth going anywhere before Wednesday. 

We knew it was coming and are prepped. It’s light, powdery snow - not as dangerous as wet stuff or ice.


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Christmas is all undecorated and packed. Need a couple more bins and a trip to the storage unit. Next week, given the weather. 

Ham is almost done and potatoes are about to go in. Will add a salad and that’s dinner. Making cookies later. 

Laundry is working.
Texted with Dd. 

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Had lunch and a nap, then got up and did some sewing. I'm about halfway through Step 4 on the project. Need to take a break, as it makes my shoulders hurt to do that particular part for too long (I can't seem to relax my shoulders enough while doing it). 

I need to start thinking about/planning/working on a couple of baby quilts for some fencing friends/acquaintances. 

The vet called and the surgery is (so far) still on for tomorrow; they are only a few minutes away, via surface streets, so barring any massive amounts of freezing rain tonight, should be easy to get to them. I did cancel my PreK kid, b/c their house is not well heated, and between the surgery and the weather, I'd rather not be running around so much.  (I offered to bump to Thursday, but she had something planned, so we just bumped it a week; she pays per session, so won't lose anything). 

No word yet from the afternoon kiddos for tomorrow; I'll assume it's on unless she says something. 

I think I'm going to plan the baby quilts/have a snack and then get back to sewing in a bit. 

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There is supposed to be freezing rain and maybe a bit of snow overnight with temps getting even colder. School is canceled for tomorrow. 

I only have 1 or 2 sessions tomorrow online. I was going to have the brother/sister duo after school, so I'll see them next week. 

The non-tree Christmas decorations are packed away. I will leave my snowman collection out until sometime in March. 

We have two trees to take down. I have a 6 ft tree in my office, and we have a 9 ft tree in the living room. It has A LOT of ornaments, so it will take a good bit to pack up. 

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School was not cancelled around here. Just delayed 2 hours.  Everything is still going on as planned no worries about the -30.

@ScoutTN Do you normally get snow there? 

I am always dreaming about moving. If there were not politics for me to think about my dream would be Florida.  I love Arizona and California too.  But for cost of living and climate change those are out.  

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2 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Taped to the underside? 

No, that would be a good idea for future. I thought I found them, but there weren't enough screws in the bag I found. DH might go look in his shop for something that will work. I think I took it apart 6or more months ago and then we did the basement remodel, so they could be anywhere 

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Good Afternoon 

@ScoutTNthat is a lot of snow ❄️

We are on the tail end of really cold weather.  Should be a warm up to 30 by end of week

After picking up groceries took pup on car ride to get out. 

put away groceries ,cleaned produce

2 meetings today

Returned email to local paper wanting history info on a landmark

began making to go list- months and rooms of what needs to be done. Began looking at screen doors, couch, flooring, storage bins

looking at Pur vs Brita water filters

finished watching Night Agent began watching Fool Me Once 



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@mommyoffive We usually get a couple of snows each winter. Last year, only a week of intense cold. Every few years we get a big one like this. Also every few years we get an icy one - those are super dangerous bc trees and power lines come down. 

Laundry is progressing.
Cookies are made.
Called mom and MIL.
Friend called me for a catch-up. 

Next up:
Wash the spinach for dinner. Will have everything made and people can eat when they’re hungry; our meal times are all wonky today. 



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Bought & downloaded a pattern for the baby quilts, and got the strips cut for them both. 

Cornbread mix is mixed and oven is preheating. 

Turned on the downstairs electric heater thing (fake fireplace), because it's warm upstairs but cold down here. 

DH is feeling bad again, so taking a nap until dinner. 


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@history-fan We are a few days behind you.  We are supposed to be 34 on Monday.  I can't wait.   But heck  18 on Sunday is going to feel tropical.


Tried to head out to ballet, but the country roads are horrible.  Just snow that is now packed down to ice. I am sure they are not even treating the roads because I doubt salt does anything in these temps.  And there was no sand on the roads.  We were not even able to go half of the speed limit and it was just bad so we turned around and came home, where I got stuck in my driveway.  Yay.  Had a good cry about how much I hate winter.  I feel bad for the kid who doesn't get to go do her thing tonight. She really wanted to go. 

Now I am back inside with my insane dogs.  They are nonstop getting in aggressive play fights that just go on and on.  I know they are going nuts from not being able to go outside on walks. 

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Visited a neighbor. Took her some cookies and scattered some birdseed for het.

Finished food prep.

I let the fire go out, saving some wood for tomorrow. We don’t hang out in that room too much in the evenings anyway. 

Laundry is almost done.

Dd went sledding with friends this afternoon. No classes tomorrow. 


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Dinner was good. 

The cars are iced over, so DH will get out early and heat them/clear them so we can take the dog to the vet for surgery. Bridges/overpasses are iced, but surface roads are okay, especially right here by us where it never sleeted/rained/freezing rained, so we should be good to go. 

watching the end of the Bills/Steelers game, then,....?? Probably let the kids hang out, and DH & I will watch something on TV ourselves. 

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Stay safe in your storms everyone. We only got a dusting in my part of MN. Although we have temps below zero with windchills hovering around -22. 

Emailed big ones teachers with a health update. Got the big one set up with some snacks for overnight glucose lows. I'm heading to bed

I'm a wee bit overwhelmed. It is the last week of the term at my school and the new one starts next week and I have a lot to do.

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3 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

Stay safe in your storms everyone. We only got a dusting in my part of MN. Although we have temps below zero with windchills hovering around -22. 

Emailed big ones teachers with a health update. Got the big one set up with some snacks for overnight glucose lows. I'm heading to bed

I'm a wee bit overwhelmed. It is the last week of the term at my school and the new one starts next week and I have a lot to do.

Crazy you only got a dusting.  Do you have any snow?

Sending some hugs your way.  I would feel overwhelmed too.  You have had a lot going at home with the kids.  I hope you are able to get it figured out.  I hope you can get a break this weekend to just breathe.

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7 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Crazy you only got a dusting.  Do you have any snow?

Sending some hugs your way.  I would feel overwhelmed too.  You have had a lot going at home with the kids.  I hope you are able to get it figured out.  I hope you can get a break this weekend to just breathe.

We have under 2 inches on the grass. Roads are clear and dry, although black ice can be a problem when it is this cold. Other parts of the state both North and South of us have a lot more snow. 

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