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Well-Trained Bodies January


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28 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Just checking in. I have been very busy, but I am exercising consistently 5 days a week. 30 minutes of cardio on the exercise bike set at medium grade difficulty, and 20 minutes of stretching and working with hand weights. I am doing my REI kayak conditioning exercises again. As usual, no weight loss. I am done worrying about that. If I ever dropped a pant size, I would fall over stunned! The goal now is just to try to increase strength, work that heart, and gain more flexibility. I need to work on sleep habits. I just am not resting well, waking up several times a night, and melatonin is not making a dent in the problem. 

In order to not get bored, I cue up a t.v. show to watch while riding the bike.

This is where I am at too. Not worrying any more about weight loss. No matter what dietary changes or how much exercise I have only looped around a 15-lb range. Just focusing now on health, not pounds. 

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Got in a nice dog walk in the woods with dd. It's my last day of tennis this evening in my 5-day streak. So far, so good! 

I'm slightly successful in doing my stretch and strength work. Eating is going ok. I'm staying away from sweets and salty snacks.

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Had a good day.   Homemade oatmeal with berries for breakfast, a bean burrito for lunch, salad and vegetable soup for dinner.    Did yoga this morning and went to the Y and walked on the treadmill for about 45 minutes. 

I'm still not doing weights because I'm still getting back pain.   Doctor called today and I have a UTI, possibly kidney infection.  I could have told them that two weeks ago.  So now I have an script for antibiotics.  I'm hoping clearing up the UTI stops the stomach cramping I've been getting since Thanksgiving.  

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Small walks yesterday and today while helping get dd out of the house and back to grad school with all her stuff.  I'm hoping for skating soon but have to find someone to skate with.  I saw folks out on the creek today but it didn't sound too good.  Dd just left, I'm about to roll off the couch and do something active!

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I got in a really nice, long dog walk in the woods with dd yesterday afternoon. Really glad we did, as there was freezing rain last night and today there is a very thick layer of ice over everything. The puppy was afraid to walk on the ice to go potty this morning, but I chopped through enough ice so all the dogs could walk a little easier. No walk in the woods today. 😌

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Dog walk yesterday but dh is home now and will run the dog this morning so after 4 days of just walks, I did day 6 of 30 days of yoga which was some core work. Not my favorite, but a good way to do something different.

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Got out and into it thankfully.  I've figured out how to use an old phone and so will try to post lots of hike pictures for accountability.  Today I was doing my personal locomotive style which I call either trail-surge or the bingo-trot: surge is less than running, more than hiking, kind of a low-to-the-ground hustling and the bingo-trot is when I've overlooked my bingo time and now must get back to the trailhead quick without getting hurt on the way down.

Here's the trail crossing a brook:


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I've started using a Fitbit to track steps and calories. It has been an eye opener seeing how much exercise I need to do in order to cover calories (with a deficit as I need to lose weight). On work days it's not too bad, a morning walk plus normal work is enough, but on the weekend I really have to put in quite a few local walks each day to cover eating. 

I am using a delivery service for food where they provide the food so you know the calories, plus it's healthier, lots of salads. It's been great not having to shop, plan, cook, think about food. My husband does not like it, but he can (and does) supplement with chips, biscuits etc. Luckily I am not tempted by his particular junk food, my temptation is ice cream which he's not into. 

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The week has gone pretty well here.

Outside time is at just 4 hours for the week I think but I hope to get a lot today and tomorrow and end at least 7. This is a combination of busyness, lots of rain, and playing pickleball instead (because court time is so rare I try to catch it when I can). 

-5 days of meeting my step goal (will be 6 for the week after today)- I missed it on Sunday- the first time since Christmas and before that it had been mid-October

- 2 days of pickleball- 1.5ish hours each- courts are closed next week

-walks most days- dh has started walking in the evening so I'm joining him of course- we haven't been able to go out until dark but we just wear headlamps

-4 days of strength/1 day of HIIT- 30 ish minutes each

I redid the beginner strength training series from Caroline Givan (free on Youtube). It is a fair amount of bodyweight with some weights. I did it without issue.YAAAA!

It's been 1 year since my injury.

I'm currently around 90-95% healed. I've noticed lots of improvement lately. I can sleep on my side now!!!!!! I believe the mobility work has played a huge part in that. I think I would have been better off if I'd never gone to PT. First, she told me to do nothing, which was terrible. Many months ago I figured out the more walking I did the better I felt. Early on it was obvious that sitting was bad and I hardly sat at all for months and still try to limit it. Now, with reading about mobility I had a lightbulb about the relationship of my tight hip flexors with my pain. Of course, it all goes together because the more you sit the tighter they become. PT was having me stretch out the back side where the pain was at but I needed to stretch out the front side instead. Lots of yoga which stretched out my hamstrings had aggravated it in the first place so I should have known better. I couldn't even do downward dog for the longest time. It didn't hurt me to do the hamstring stretching on my back but it didn't help me progress. My walking speed has also increased lately. I've not tested it on hills but I can walk faster than dh on the flat land. He's been faster than me on all walking since this happened. 

In happy exciting news, we've booked 2 weeks in the Highlands to celebrate dh's graduation and our 25th anniversary. I think this is the impetus behind dh walking more as of late. We've been hiking since this fall but rarely walk during the week. 

Edited by Soror
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Day 7 of 30 days of yoga this morning. I remember that Day 8 is always a relaxing one, so maybe I will try to do that tomorrow (I don't usually do anything on Sundays). It would be a nice way to end a day or a week but I don't think it will feel like it should count on one of my exercise days.

Rainy weekend ahead with lots of schoolwork (end of semester grading etc).

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Quite grumpy about my back injury and sciatica.  I'm walking and stretching but I'm not seeing much improvement. I'm due to see the physio again in ten days. 

I'm due to go to Malta on 20 February,  so I'm a bit worried. 

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Today was my weigh-in day and I lost about 1/2 pound in the past week.  I did pretty good with eating, but went slightly over weekly points (Weight Watchers).   I was having some upset stomach issues from the antibiotics I was on, which meant I was eating the rolls that help settle my stomach (potato rolls, they are the best thing to help settle my stomach when it's upset).   Did yoga every morning Monday to Friday, went to the Y four days, including Saturday.    

I was sleeping really well for a while, then the past two days it all went out the window for some reason, which hasn't helped.  


This week should be a good one for the Y and yoga since I'm mostly off at work.  

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20 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Quite grumpy about my back injury and sciatica.  I'm walking and stretching but I'm not seeing much improvement. I'm due to see the physio again in ten days. 

I'm due to go to Malta on 20 February,  so I'm a bit worried. 


20 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@Soror I hope you have a great time in the Highlands!

Thank you! You have my sympathy! I know the frustration. Injuries stink. I hope your PT is wonderful and a big help.

27 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Today was my weigh-in day and I lost about 1/2 pound in the past week.  I did pretty good with eating, but went slightly over weekly points (Weight Watchers).   I was having some upset stomach issues from the antibiotics I was on, which meant I was eating the rolls that help settle my stomach (potato rolls, they are the best thing to help settle my stomach when it's upset).   Did yoga every morning Monday to Friday, went to the Y four days, including Saturday.    

I was sleeping really well for a while, then the past two days it all went out the window for some reason, which hasn't helped.  


This week should be a good one for the Y and yoga since I'm mostly off at work.  

Congratulations on your weight loss. I'm sorry for the upset stomach. There are so many variables to sleep. Stupid hormones. What you eat, how much you eat, outside time, exercise, and vitamin levels. 

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@Soror You've come a very long way in the last year. Congratualtions for all the time and effort you've put in, working through all the physical pain!! 

@Laura Corin I really hope you are feeling better for your holiday! 

@Wheres Toto Great job with eating healthy, being active and losing weight! 

@bookbard All the best with balancing the physical activity and eating! It's challenging.


I played 2 hrs of really fun doubles tennis. It felt so good to get back after an entire week away. I also got in a dog walk in the woods yesterday and today. Again, really nice to get out again after missing 2 days. The dogs were really getting wild without their walks, but the freezing rain just wouldn't stop. 

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23 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Quite grumpy about my back injury and sciatica.  I'm walking and stretching but I'm not seeing much improvement. I'm due to see the physio again in ten days. 

I'm due to go to Malta on 20 February,  so I'm a bit worried. 

Do you have access to a teeter board? It’s a game changer for my back issues. The tilted-upside-down stretch really helps.

I hope you find relief one way or another.

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I just got in a really nice strength and stretch work-out this afternoon while watching the Australian Open men's finals match. The work-out felt great! I'm going to gradually build this up to 3x/week. Also got in a second dog walk in the woods. 

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4 hours ago, Eos said:

I did a 6 mile walk yesterday that felt easy so I'm feeling like I'm getting back to normal. I love this culvert.


Beautiful! Do you share what general part of the country you are in? Obviously a snowy part. Perhaps Canada?

Did schoolwork pretty much until bedtime yesterday. With some football watching mixed in. No yoga. May try for Day 8 yoga tonight. This morning was a fitbymik cardio that I hadn't tried before. It included floor work which I usually avoid but the pets loved it. And there may have been a few tummy rubs and ear rubs that were not part of the video (but are surely good for lowering my blood pressure).

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Saturday was dd's birthday. We went to the city, so that involved a bit of walking. We finished the day with Lasertron, so there was a bit of cardio there, too. Today, I plan on pattern practice and going to TKD class.

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25 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Did schoolwork pretty much until bedtime yesterday. With some football watching mixed in. No yoga. May try for Day 8 yoga tonight. This morning was a fitbymik cardio that I hadn't tried before. It included floor work which I usually avoid but the pets loved it. And there may have been a few tummy rubs and ear rubs that were not part of the video (but are surely good for lowering my blood pressure).

I had a similar experience with the puppy joining me on my mat work. I love the tummy rubs, but not the chewing on my mat. 😅

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I’m focusing on weight training for the next 3 months, spending about an hour each time, 1-3 times per week at the gym. It’s cheaper to join the gym if I commit to 3 months and in that way I’m compelled to go. I’ve been wanting to lift weights for years given that I’m probably genetically predisposed to osteoporosis/bone density. I hope starting at 50 will help a bit. I haven’t been to a weight room since I was 28 years old.

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3 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Beautiful! Do you share what general part of the country you are in? Obviously a snowy part. Perhaps Canada?

Did schoolwork pretty much until bedtime yesterday. With some football watching mixed in. No yoga. May try for Day 8 yoga tonight. This morning was a fitbymik cardio that I hadn't tried before. It included floor work which I usually avoid but the pets loved it. And there may have been a few tummy rubs and ear rubs that were not part of the video (but are surely good for lowering my blood pressure).

Mainer here, a lover of all things winter.

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1 hour ago, crazyforlatin said:

I’m focusing on weight training for the next 3 months, spending about an hour each time, 1-3 times per week at the gym. It’s cheaper to join the gym if I commit to 3 months and in that way I’m compelled to go. I’ve been wanting to lift weights for years given that I’m probably genetically predisposed to osteoporosis/bone density. I hope starting at 50 will help a bit. I haven’t been to a weight room since I was 28 years old.

You go, girl! Weight training has been one of the most empowering things I've ever done. It has been a game changer for me in balance, strength, mobility, and pain management. It will definitely have a positive effect for concerns with osteoporosis--good for you for seizing that bull by the horns. 

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I walked in the woods with a friend and found a pond I'd never seen before where her husband had shoveled for skating.  Later I pulled shingles off a barn wall and then stacked firewood for two hours, which felt good for my arms and upper body.  I'm hoping to do a long walk today before my indoor meeting at 2.

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Tuesday is my yoga day. I skipped Day 8 (the relaxing one I want to do at the end of the day whenever I get a day that I'm not working until bedtime) and this morning I did Day 9 which had enough planks and downward dogs to feel more exercise-y. I'll try to get dd out for a short walk this afternoon.

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I skipped the morning dog walk because I was playing tennis, but the power went off inside the tennis dome just as we walked out on the court. Rats! Returned home and did a 30 min strength and stretch session instead. I'll do the dog walk this afternoon.

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And today I went back and did the relaxing Day 8 yoga. Did not have a good night, did not sleep well, and my calves are killing me--not sure from what. Can't be yesterday's yoga--must be Monday's fitbymik workout but I can't remember any particular killer calf workout.

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TKD class this evening. It was a workout. I even wore my heart rate monitor to see how much I exert myself AND I remembered to pull up Strava on my phone, but forgot to actually press the "Start" button. 🤦‍♀️

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