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Anyone doing the 1000 hours outside challenge this year?


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I hit 75 hours yesterday and then clocked another 3.5 hours by the end of the day. Since Feb 1 I had 3 days with 4 hours- 1 day with 6.5 hours, 1 day with 3, and the other 2 I had some but I don't remember how much. I've done meals, school, paperwork, and phone calls outside along with a good amount of walking. 

Now, this weekend I have cleaning, laundry, and paperwork to do but hope to still get in at least some walks. My goal for February is to hit at least 100 but I really would like to get more.

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Great job @Soror! I’m at 73 1/2. Was hoping to play pickleball today but it’s raining. Hopefully I’ll at least get on a walk this afternoon. We’ve been really lucky with the weather for February so I’ve been outside every day for a walk at least. But it’s not really conducive to just “being” outside yet. 100 hours by the end of February is my goal too. 

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2 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

Great job @Soror! I’m at 73 1/2. Was hoping to play pickleball today but it’s raining. Hopefully I’ll at least get on a walk this afternoon. We’ve been really lucky with the weather for February so I’ve been outside every day for a walk at least. But it’s not really conducive to just “being” outside yet. 100 hours by the end of February is my goal too. 

We've had some good weather too. I've got in some pickleball last week but it was inside. I'm hoping we have some outside play time coming up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Until I read about the 1000 on here, I didn't realize there were people who spent so little time outside. 

If I lived someplace that had a long and/or dark winter, I would probably be inside more.  I am glad I live in a warm place.

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I don't remember if it's been mentioned but I've listened her podcasts this week. I listened to the one with Joel Salatin and Jade Warsaw. Joel is a bit out there on some things IMO but lots of points I agreed with. I also don't agree with Jade on everything but I do love  her point that you don't have to spend money to have a good time and spending time outside can be a great source of entertainment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got in 78.34 hours for February. We had some lovely weather and started doing school outside most days. My original goal for March was 50 but I'm adjusting that to 100. We'll see how I do!

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45 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

I was trying to hit 100 before the end of February, but I’m sitting at 94. We had a lot of rain this week and I didn’t get out as much as I was hoping. Next week doesn’t look much better. 

Best wishes for better weather! 

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I'm not doing the challenge, but I wish they'd integrate 'outdoor time' into existing exercise trackers (maybe they could use a light sensor?) It would motivate you to do a bit more. I reckon I'd do an hour a day at the moment but I'm not really keeping track - some days would be more, some less.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up with 105.5 hours for March. 

I miscounted for February I was at 82.75. The tracking sheet I was using wasn't the easiest to count in some sections so I switched to just writing down my times and using the grid sheets because it's a lot easier to track that way. 

We ended up sleeping in the tent Saturday night and that helped put me over my goal.

For April, I'm aiming for at least 95 to get me to 333.5, right on track for the year being 1/3rd through.

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I made it to 80 hours in March and 175 for the year. I was in CA for a week and the weather was perfection and then I lucked out with some nice weather here too. I can’t imagine doing much more than 80 a month, but we’ll see. I suppose in summer I’ll just sit outside more, we’ll eat outside at home too. Plus more pickleball. I have a great screened porch, but I’d like to do something with my back patio or actual yard to get myself out closer to nature. All in all it’s been a good three months and it’s pushed me to be outside more than usual. I’m not sure of the real benefit to me, but I’m going to keep going. Being outside does feel good in the moment. 

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We will never make it. Michigan does not cooperate. But we will be getting a lot more as soon as we get these storms through, and get into the gardens. I can't wait for sailing and kayaking season to commence. Sailing days are often 10 or more hours outside on each of those days as are kayaking days and spring garden prep.

Yesterday I managed 6 hours doing yard work for dd, and helping my grandsons plant flowers and veggies in her raised beds. N was happy to be outside and working with me, but not particularly interested in the gardening aspect. 8 years old and 51 lbs, that little man moved three 40 lbs bags of composted manure all by himself. He would carry as best as he could from the wagon, and then roll them on the ground when he couldn't carry anymore. I was impressed. Little C, 4 years old, was my shadow, and he wanted to plant ALL the things. He wanted to know about each plant. I think he is going to keep me on my toes when it comes to agriculture and gardening. I set tiny T, the one year old, in one end of the raised bed while I worked in the other end. He dug dirt to his hearts content, and became an absolute dirt mess, disaster. I hosed his feet and hands of outside. Stripped him down, and then plunked him in the bathtub. You don't want to know what that water looked like! 😂😂😂 All 3 boys knocked out after dinner, hardly able to keep their eyes open. It was so nice to be outside. There are perks to Alabama spring for sure. It is the summer I cannot deal with at all! Today it is going to rain and thunderstorm, so I don't think we will get much outside time.

My guess is IF we don't have too much rain in the fall, I will manage 800 hours. But, maybe if we manage to get away for some van camping, I might manage some more than that.

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On 4/2/2024 at 8:49 AM, Toocrazy!! said:

I made it to 80 hours in March and 175 for the year. I was in CA for a week and the weather was perfection and then I lucked out with some nice weather here too. I can’t imagine doing much more than 80 a month, but we’ll see. I suppose in summer I’ll just sit outside more, we’ll eat outside at home too. Plus more pickleball. I have a great screened porch, but I’d like to do something with my back patio or actual yard to get myself out closer to nature. All in all it’s been a good three months and it’s pushed me to be outside more than usual. I’m not sure of the real benefit to me, but I’m going to keep going. Being outside does feel good in the moment. 

Any increase is better IMO being outside is good for us. I'm hoping to improve my outside areas this year too. I say that every year and have yet to accomplish much. You're living the life- Florida in February and California in March!

On 4/2/2024 at 9:04 AM, Faith-manor said:

We will never make it. Michigan does not cooperate. But we will be getting a lot more as soon as we get these storms through, and get into the gardens. I can't wait for sailing and kayaking season to commence. Sailing days are often 10 or more hours outside on each of those days as are kayaking days and spring garden prep.

Yesterday I managed 6 hours doing yard work for dd, and helping my grandsons plant flowers and veggies in her raised beds. N was happy to be outside and working with me, but not particularly interested in the gardening aspect. 8 years old and 51 lbs, that little man moved three 40 lbs bags of composted manure all by himself. He would carry as best as he could from the wagon, and then roll them on the ground when he couldn't carry anymore. I was impressed. Little C, 4 years old, was my shadow, and he wanted to plant ALL the things. He wanted to know about each plant. I think he is going to keep me on my toes when it comes to agriculture and gardening. I set tiny T, the one year old, in one end of the raised bed while I worked in the other end. He dug dirt to his hearts content, and became an absolute dirt mess, disaster. I hosed his feet and hands of outside. Stripped him down, and then plunked him in the bathtub. You don't want to know what that water looked like! 😂😂😂 All 3 boys knocked out after dinner, hardly able to keep their eyes open. It was so nice to be outside. There are perks to Alabama spring for sure. It is the summer I cannot deal with at all! Today it is going to rain and thunderstorm, so I don't think we will get much outside time.

My guess is IF we don't have too much rain in the fall, I will manage 800 hours. But, maybe if we manage to get away for some van camping, I might manage some more than that.

You'll be in luck when it's summer when those further south are melting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hit 300 hours earlier this week. 

Between seasonal allergies and lots of busyness I'm not getting as much time as I'd like lately. I don't know that I'll make my April goal. It is what it is!

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I'm ending April with 80 hours. I'm now at 318.5. 

I should be able to get ahead some hours in May. Dh and I are going to Scotland for 2 weeks for lots and lots of hiking. I'm taking Claritin and Flonase now so my allergies aren't dragging me down nearly as bad.

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I was at 111 for the month and 281 for the year. The last few weeks I’ve been able to be outside lots of hours, even working on a screened porch many hours of the day.  It seems like cheating sitting outside on a porch all day, but I guess those are the rules. 

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I'm not doing the challenge or counting, but I am walking outside every day and I keep thinking they should add an 'outside' tracker to the fitbit. I'm sure a light sensor could do it. I am definitely doing an hour outside and more on some days. We're heading into wintery weather now - so far I am still doing walks in the rain, but I am going to struggle once it hits freezing. 

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  • 1 month later...

108.5 hours for May;  427 for the year

Some days with a lot of hours and some stormy ones too this month.

It's been a wet spring. I'm ending the month a bit ahead of schedule.

I expect to have plenty this month with our outside projects.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hit the halfway point, 500 hours, yesterday morning 🥳 🎉 🥳 🎉 

It's been pretty hot lately (heat index going up to 100) but we've been taking advantage of the early morning hours. It's a lot easier to tolerate when you go out early instead of going out in the middle of the day acclimated to the AC when it is at the hottest part of the day. When we work outside we work from 6-10/11 and then again in the evening. Today we have some clouds, a breeze and lower humidity so we stayed out until nearly 12.

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Woohoo!! Great job!
 I’m at 455 as of yesterday. I’m hoping to get to 500 before the end of the month but it is super hot here too, so we’ll see. I’d have to have a couple long full days and it’s just so hot out mid day. I feel like I spend a ton of time outside, but 1000 hours is a lot more than I anticipated. 

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1 hour ago, Toocrazy!! said:

Woohoo!! Great job!
 I’m at 455 as of yesterday. I’m hoping to get to 500 before the end of the month but it is super hot here too, so we’ll see. I’d have to have a couple long full days and it’s just so hot out mid day. I feel like I spend a ton of time outside, but 1000 hours is a lot more than I anticipated. 

So, you've got 45 hours and and 8 days. If you could get in an overnight outside camping trip that would help. I got 21 hours from an overnight with dd2. We can get 4-5 a day and bit be too miserable if we're out early and late and take advantage of shade. Hit some time on the water?

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No camping for me 😀 but I still think I can do it with since there is this weekend and next left. We’ve been playing Pickleball earlier and/or late in the day and my porch is shady with fans and ok in the evenings. 
I traveled some in our coldest months this year. It would have been a real struggle to get here without that. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 8:01 PM, KungFuPanda said:

If I was doing it I would’ve quit last week. This heat wave is crazy. I’m running out, watering my garden, and going back inside. 

I think part of the challenge is adapting to the weather because you are outside more and the other part is taking advantage of times of nicer weather. My tentative plan for the year was to get more hours in the spring and fall so I don't have to stress when it's really hot and really cold. The good thing is that the hours are totaled so it doesn't matter if there is a bad day or week. The high today is supposed to be 98 with a heat index of 110. It was just a few degrees cooler yesterday. I was outside for 4 hours yesterday, about half in the morning and the other half in the evening. Today I got in 3.5 hours this morning from sunrise until about 9:30. Even in the shade at 9:30 it was hot as heck by then but I've noticed I can handle it much better than before. We have a big building project to work on this summer so we can't afford to hibernate all summer so we work early and watch the sun so when it passes over the trees and is shining on us we go inside.

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2 minutes ago, Soror said:

I think part of the challenge is adapting to the weather because you are outside more and the other part is taking advantage of times of nicer weather. My tentative plan for the year was to get more hours in the spring and fall so I don't have to stress when it's really hot and really cold. The good thing is that the hours are totaled so it doesn't matter if there is a bad day or week. The high today is supposed to be 98 with a heat index of 110. It was just a few degrees cooler yesterday. I was outside for 4 hours yesterday, about half in the morning and the other half in the evening. Today I got in 3.5 hours this morning from sunrise until about 9:30. Even in the shade at 9:30 it was hot as heck by then but I've noticed I can handle it much better than before. We have a big building project to work on this summer so we can't afford to hibernate all summer so we work early and watch the sun so when it passes over the trees and is shining on us we go inside.

I DO get the appeal, and I grew up mostly outside. I love it outside and if I ever do this challenge I’ll plan a few camping trips to get my numbers in. I’ve recently become a bike commuter, but my trip to work is only 15 minutes. 😂 As much as I enjoy it, some days I’m just completely over applying sunscreen. I’m a pasty redhead though so my only other choices are skin cancer or living in a cave. 

Currently our ac is out so I find the heat wave even more fatiguing when you don’t get a real break from it. We’re used to having a cool house year-round.  Luckily we have a buried basement so we’ve been sleeping down there. 

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17 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I DO get the appeal, and I grew up mostly outside. I love it outside and if I ever do this challenge I’ll plan a few camping trips to get my numbers in. I’ve recently become a bike commuter, but my trip to work is only 15 minutes. 😂 As much as I enjoy it, some days I’m just completely over applying sunscreen. I’m a pasty redhead though so my only other choices are skin cancer or living in a cave. 

Currently our ac is out so I find the heat wave even more fatiguing when you don’t get a real break from it. We’re used to having a cool house year-round.  Luckily we have a buried basement so we’ve been sleeping down there. 

Sorry about the AC, that's bad timing. The AC went out at dh's work and he comes home beat. 

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Ended June with 115.33 hours for a total of 542.33

One night camping that was a total of 22 hours 

We'd like to do more camping but unless we happen to get a random cooler day we probably won't this month. We still have lots of work to do on our building project outside and hope to make good progress this month.

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