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Tackling Tuesday Together, 12.12.23


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Good morning! 

I hope everyone is doing okay. Yesterday felt like a whirlwind because I was doing math all day long. I had all my classes and extra students needing help for finals. Then, I did trig all evening preparing for a student this morning.  And this morning is back-to-back students, too.

I'm thankful for the opportunity but looking forward to the Christmas break!

Ds started back at the factory yesterday to make some money during his break. It was so nice of them to let him come back. 

  • breakfast and lunch for ds and dh (two meals for dh because he keeps the clock for the home games tonight)
  • devotion
  • breakfast and coffee
  • more prep for today
  • 6 Zoom sessions
  • lunch will probably be a smoothie
  • dinner will be white chicken chili and cornbread
  • prep for tomorrow's last day, including getting things together for our Christmas party on Zoom
  • shower 
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

I actually got a sweet couple of hours with ds13 last night, enjoying a rare night off to just snuggle on the couch, watch Cumberbatch in The Grinch, and eat leftovers.

On to today!

Already done:

  • coffee
  • filled out permission slip and check for a trip that ds then decided he's not sure he wants to go on
  • took ds to school

To do:

  • clean my office space
  • work on paper
  • help ds organize his binder/ do homework
  • First dinner: shepherd's pie, bread, salad.
  • take ds to his round of activities
  • second dinner: quesadillas
  • remember to put the advent ornament on the tree


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Good morning! I took a grouchy boy to school and am enjoying my coffee and my Christmas tree. 

Debating whether to call my doc and ask for antibx for this sinus infection. 

Visit mom ✔️ 

Strain and cool chx stock. Then restart the crockpot with the beef for tonight’s dinner.  ✔️ 

Make spinach and artichoke heart casserole.

Prep something to be mailed. P.O.? 

Get gas ✔️ 

Wrap some gifts? 
Shower ✔️ 

Tutor two students Nope, cancelled these. Need to stay home and rest. 

Go to bed early.

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Good  morning!

Today is Middle's Bday - it's also their first final, and we have tutoring and fencing tonight, so presents today, cake/preferred meal later this week when all of us can relax and celebrate (the next final is Thurs, so tonight will be studying). 

Also on the list: 

....prep for the last PreK with the kiddo, off after today until Jan 9th

....stop by the PO and mail the 2 things I've had sitting here waiting
...stop by Target for some odds & ends for the bday child

....if there is still time, pop in Office Depot for maroon pens for DH's stocking
....make the list of what I've gotten for which kids, see what else still needs to be bought
....make sure and print the next set of math  helps for afternoon tutoring for the girls
....fold the last of the laundry, put it away
....go tutor the girls
....come home, eat a quick dinner, give Middle their bday presents
....go to fencing (?) (I think?)
....come home, veg out, go to bed

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Howdy, happy Tuesday!  I need today to be productive, for my mental health among other things!

The boss is leaving me to deal with a high-maintenance customer.  Mixed feelings - less boss stress, more client stress.  Hopefully it's an easy issue.  Take the bull by the horns, SKL!


  • Slept.  Yay!
  • Woke up.  Yay!
  • Kids to school on time.  Yay!
  • Walked the dog - 9th day in a row.  Yay!  (Our dog is certainly spoiled now.)
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • A little reading.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Made chiro appointments for myself and my kids.

To do:

  • Lots of client work!
  • Eat fruit & veggies, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Shower.
  • Laundry & light housework.
  • Pay bills.
  • "Encourage" the kids do attend to their responsibilities.
  • Listen to some online continuing ed?
  • Whatever else gets done.


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Had two possibilities for evening activities. I punted on one and the other (which is outside) fell through. Decided to cancel my students and just stay home tonight. Happy with this plan.

Gonna rev up to get stuff on my list done by mid-afternoon, then just coast late in the day. Plenty to do here: checking recipes, napping, wrapping, reading. 

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@TheReader, tell your middle one happy birthday from the tackle group!! Do your kids know much about the group? 

4 Zoom sessions are done, and I have 2 to go. One won't happen until 5:15, so I plan to make dinner before that so ds can eat when he wants to. 

Dh is keeping the clock at all the home games tonight. He also works the next two nights at the charter school. It's a lot, but he feels like he needs to work at that charter school while the money is available. It's easy, good money, but it does make for a long day. 

I have a slight break in the action, so I'm going to continue watching a movie I started. 

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Things seemed to go well with my dog's vet visit this morning. Grateful. She is supposed to call later to talk it over. He's still sleeping off the sedative.

My oldest is recovering okay from the oral surgery but is getting pretty swollen up. I need to remind him more to use the ice packs.

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Home -- PreK kiddo did pretty well, considering. 

Stopped and mailed my packages -- the parking lot was so full people were parallel parking along the curbs, the self-serve kiosk was down, and it took 30 mins in line but everyone was pleasant & happy, so it wasn't bad. 

Stopped & got the rest of the gifts for Middle, and DH called/texted asking me to pick up lunch, so did that. 

We ate lunch, gave Middle their gifts, and now it's nap time. 

I'll pass on the bday wishes; the kids are familiar with the group 🙂 

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@ScoutTN Sending your mom some good thoughts.  I am sorry. 


Can everyone send me some energy?  I got maybe 4 hours of sleep last night because of a hot flashes and trouble just getting back to sleep.  There is no time to take a nap today so I am just needing to power through somehow, however I am an 8-to-9-hour type of gal so this is not going well. 

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@ScoutTN, hugs & prayers for your mom; I hope she starts improving soon and getting better care where she is. 

@mommyoffive, I am having a cup of coffee in your behalf right now....those not enough sleep, too long of a day kinds of days are rough. If I can't coffee, I remind myself to drink water, step outside for a brisk walk/sunshine/etc, or what have you. Peppy music, if that's possible. 

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Dinner is ready to be eaten at any time.

Ordered some household supplies for mom and two new humidifiers for us. The old one is fading fast and we need one for the LR and one for a bedroom. 

Dd is out with friends to see the lights at Opryland.

Laundry is working.
I am reading. 

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@cintinative, praying your ds continues to heal well from the surgery. 

@ScoutTN, I'm so sorry your mom isn't doing well. Praying for her and you!

@mommyoffive, I wish I could send you some energy! I pray you can get a good night's sleep tonight. 

Tomorrow is my last day for the homeschool classes before break, so I need to come up with some Christmas games/activities we can do on Zoom. 

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Have made it through 3 of the 5 sets of flashcards for the history final - yay! 

Went for our "training for a 5K in January" walk

DH is cooking dinner, and Oldest (who thought they had church, so left and went) is on his way home (b/c they did not actually have church)

we'll eat, veg out, etc. (maybe all together if DH thinks that was enough studying for today???)

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Ds suddenly remembered he has an essay due in English tomorrow…. When his laptop with parental controls is unavailable, so we cannot keep him from gaming. I smell a rat. 

But he did mention this assignment last week and he surely cannot afford another bad grade. So infuriating. He could so easily have A’s. 

If this kid graduates from high school, it will be proof of the miraculous. 

Nevermind that what passed for education in his ps is mostly worthless hoop-jumping. Nevermind what the heck is he gonna do after he graduates?! 

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