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Buying extra garland for future years?


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I bought garland that turned out to be perfect this year. Each box has 1 strand, 9 feet long. I bought 6 boxes. My stairs go where there is a balcony and then down the stairs. They the banister splits because there is a landing and the stairs turn and then the last of the stairs. Because of having no plugs next to the bottom section and no way to connect the top to the bottom in a practical way, I used unlit garland for the last portion, which would have taken one 9 foot garland. This left me with 3 boxes used and 3 boxes left over. 

Going over my budget, I did overspend for Christmas. However, I had planned to put in a portion of the budget on new garland and new lights this year as I knew I needed them. So keeping them is doable, I just do not wish to keep them if it is a waste. Each box was $50 which is a great price compared to what I have seen at other stores for similar garland. I got these from Costco.

I suggested to my husband that we hang the other three strands over windows in our various rooms with naked windows. He says the garland is great, but he hates doing this because garland can be heavy so it is difficult and we have newly painted rooms. 

I am guessing I should just return the left over garland as we are not going to use it this year. But I do get worried that if I end up needing more garland on a future year, I won't be able to match it. We did not droop the garland this year so if we ever did, or if we wanted to also hang them from the lower part of the stairs, we would need more. 

What it really comes down to, would it likely be difficult to get similar garland on a future year if I ended up needing it? Or do stores tend to sell the same stuff year after year? Maybe I should return 2 of the 3 remaining boxes. They were $50 a box. I will try to include a picture. It is fluffy and dual light settings. So I can make them white or colored and change from constant to slow blinking to fast blinking to alternating. 

Here is a picture, but I am not done decorating the garland yet. 


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I wish I had purchased extra of a glass bead garland we used for 20 years. We absolutely loved it! So pretty. But over time, due to the strain of use, the string deteriorated, beads fell, some cracked when they hit the hard wood floor so we couldn't restring them. We never found anything like it after that. If I had purchased extra, we would have had that waiting to be used when the first set wore out. We still miss that garland.

So I am very pro, keep the extra for a later date.

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If you really love the look, than keep it because chances are high you will not find the exact thing again.  If you are meh about the look or a person who likes to change up looks/style frequently, then return the extras.


I'm a type of person who once I get the look I want, I would happily keep it for the rest of my life.  I don't care if something is in style/fashion or not.  I like what I like.  It makes sense for me to buy extra and store it.

On the other hand, I went to a craft fair with someone and she made a comment about how she gets tired of things so completely redecorates every 2-3 years.  I was appalled because in my mind that is just so much waste but it worked for her.

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I'm one of those people who completely redecorates every few years, and I still vote to keep the extra garland! I always buy extra, because you never know when you might need it, or when one of the existing pieces will get too crushed in a box or get damaged in some other way. Also, that's a neutral style of garland, so you will always be able to use it somewhere.

PS. @Janeway  Did you end up buying the bass guitar for your son?

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I would keep it if:

 - you really love it (not think it's just OK)

- the $150 does not put a strain on your finances

- you have space for storage

It's possible you will find the exact thing next year if you want it again, but equally possible you won't. No one can predict what a manufacturer will make or what a store will carry a year from now. 

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I would keep in mind that unless you're storing it at room temperature--I know many people use a garage, basement, or attic--the plastic is going to degrade even on the unused product.

I'd return it and take my chances rather than storing something that's guaranteed useless for at least a year, but decorating is not hugely important to me and storage space is a consideration for me.

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2 hours ago, cjzimmer1 said:

If you really love the look, than keep it because chances are high you will not find the exact thing again.  If you are meh about the look or a person who likes to change up looks/style frequently, then return the extras.


I'm a type of person who once I get the look I want, I would happily keep it for the rest of my life.  I don't care if something is in style/fashion or not.  I like what I like.  It makes sense for me to buy extra and store it.

On the other hand, I went to a craft fair with someone and she made a comment about how she gets tired of things so completely redecorates every 2-3 years.  I was appalled because in my mind that is just so much waste but it worked for her.

It does not have the ribbons or poinsettias on it. I added those in myself so I can change that up every year. That is what I love about it. It is very full and has lights, but everything else I can customize each year.

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2 hours ago, Catwoman said:


PS. @Janeway  Did you end up buying the bass guitar for your son?

I ordered a beginner bass guitar set. But then I realized, I should just tell him to do the research in to what he would need. A few hours later, he told me he no longer wanted it as much as other things on his list. So that all worked out. I cancelled the order I made for the beginner set.

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4 hours ago, Janeway said:

if we wanted to also hang them from the lower part of the stairs, we would need more. 

I would keep the amount necessary to do your stairs completely as you envision. You'll probably figure out a way to do the wiring to do that. I would return the other boxes, because styles change, tastes change. If you want garland in another place, you might like to have something completely different. I wouldn't keep twice the amount you currently need to satisfy a worry about matching. It's not necessary to match and you will probably find other things you would like to try. Matching too much locks you in. Give yourself some wiggle room to try new things. 🙂

Btw, I've done garland like that and enjoyed it. This year I'm doing this really fat fluffy metallic garland stuff I got at Walmart a while back. It's fun to shake things up. I have garland with LONG needles that I like to use in some places and garland that is the fluffy regular kind also. I wouldn't mix them on the stairs, but across a room or multiple rooms sure. Think complementary.

Edited by PeterPan
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If it's not a problem, I suggest keeping it (says the woman with an extra Christmas tree). I have that same garland & I purchased it first in 2020 and added some more in 2021.  At some point they will decide the market is saturated with that garland and will change the style. I think it's bound to happen sooner rather than later given that it's been available for so long.

It is great garland - well worth the investment. Your dh is right, though. It is heavy! The larger command hooks might work for the garland, but be careful of the weight limit.  We've had good experiences with them not damaging walls.

ETA: We ended up connected our garlands by dropping a cord over the side of the staircase, then attaching it to the bottom of the banister with zip ties, which then get covered up by more garland. This way only about 14" of the cord shows & it's not in a super obvious spot.

Edited by TechWife
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