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I just have to share God's amazing provision

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In the last week we have received-


$300 cash

$800 in gift cards

a cord of wood

a Wii


not one, but 2 cars!!!


I am so stunned by all of these things. The only need that we actually communicated was the car. We weren't so much needing a free car, we just needed a loaner. This has been such an OVERWHELMING God filled Christmas. Not because we've been given *stuff*, but because we made some decisions to follow God's lead on giving, without even knowing how we were going to cover the cost. Then THIS!


Our greatest joy is that we will be gifting one of the cars to our very good friends, who are also in ministry and in great need of a car. I am SO excited. We will be with them tomorrow and I feel like I'm going to just burst with anticipation. Yippee!!!

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Wow, just wow!!! I'm bursting here with you!!! What an amazing Christmas for you.


When I had just graduated college, I had no idea how I was going to make ends meet. I had no job and had just signed a lease on an apartment in Boston. I made the decision to tithe on my graduation money (and everything else - but the graduation money was the only thing I had!). I never missed a payment on anything!!! One month I was short $200. My mom called and told me she found some savings bonds that she had forgotten about. The amount - $202!!! I've never forgotten that.


Anyway, :grouphug::grouphug: and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

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Oh, that's fantastic! He takes care of us in amazing ways. Sometimes they are more subtle and hardly note-worthy and sometimes they are almost unbelievable.


We are at the seminary now and getting by on what I make as Director of Music. We thank God, too, that His followers have followed His nudge to share. One church gave us a bunch of giftcards that we can give to the kids for Christmas. We have various church groups and individuals who send money to help us pay the rent, too, and everything is SUCH a blessing.


Consider the lilies of the field... they toil not neither do they spin, yet see how God clothes them.... Yes, He is good.

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That's great, Shannon; thanks for sharing this with us! It's funny because when I read your subject line ~ the words "God's amazing provision" ~ I right away assumed the post was from someone else. Someone else who posts here ~ someone also from California ~ sent me an email today with those very same words in the subject line. And the amazing provision she wantd to tell me about? A car! After reading her email and your post, I replied to her and said God must be focused on California today.:D

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I love hearing about God's provisions.


My mother shared one with me the other day. Mom is on a *very* tight income and this month is one of those where there is 5 weeks between SS checks. One of her former co-workers stopped by her house; she had lost her job, had no money for food, and three children. My mother determined she herself would live on pasta and beans for the month and gave her friend $300. She was totally at peace about it and was happy to serve God this way (and so she wasn't going to tell me because she knew I would give her money and she wanted to make this sacrifice.) Anyway, the next day she received 3 separate gifts of money from people she has helped in the past, amounting to $300. This was totally unexpected! These were all people she had helped in the past, separately, expecting nothing in return. On the same day, at different times, they all stopped by with a $100 gift for her. What a gracious God we have.


When I hear stories like yours and my mother's it fills my heart with joy, but also convicts me because when I'm in a time of desert wandering, I, like Israel, often forget all the wonderful things God has done in my life. I doubt. I fear. I worry. And after I make it through, by God's grace, I laugh at myself. Unfortunately I have repeated this process more times than I care to admit. We don't serve a God of doubt and fear and worry. We serve a God that provides for us abundantly, as you have testified here. Thank you for sharing this testimony.

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I love hearing about God's provisions.


And after I make it through, by God's grace, I laugh at myself. Unfortunately I have repeated this process more times than I care to admit. We don't serve a God of doubt and fear and worry. We serve a God that provides for us abundantly, as you have testified here. Thank you for sharing this testimony.


Oh, I'm convicted!! I do this too. In that desert place, and then seeing God provide, I have sworn to myself I would never forget His amazing provision. Then things have gotten comfortable. We've started to have more $$. Our giving has not been out of sacrifice but out of excess, and I have slowly forgotten the amazing gift of giving out of sacrifice and receiving while in complete need. I forget to "be be anxious for nothing, but in all things, with prayer and petition, to present my requests to God." I tire of learning that lesson over and over.


The story of your mother was an absolute blessing!! I love these stories at this time of year...or any time of year, for that matter!



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I love hearing about God's provisions.


My mother shared one with me the other day. Mom is on a *very* tight income and this month is one of those where there is 5 weeks between SS checks. One of her former co-workers stopped by her house; she had lost her job, had no money for food, and three children. My mother determined she herself would live on pasta and beans for the month and gave her friend $300. She was totally at peace about it and was happy to serve God this way (and so she wasn't going to tell me because she knew I would give her money and she wanted to make this sacrifice.) Anyway, the next day she received 3 separate gifts of money from people she has helped in the past, amounting to $300. This was totally unexpected! These were all people she had helped in the past, separately, expecting nothing in return. On the same day, at different times, they all stopped by with a $100 gift for her. What a gracious God we have.


When I hear stories like yours and my mother's it fills my heart with joy, but also convicts me because when I'm in a time of desert wandering, I, like Israel, often forget all the wonderful things God has done in my life. I doubt. I fear. I worry. And after I make it through, by God's grace, I laugh at myself. Unfortunately I have repeated this process more times than I care to admit. We don't serve a God of doubt and fear and worry. We serve a God that provides for us abundantly, as you have testified here. Thank you for sharing this testimony.


What a beautiful testimony from your mother, Karen.


I've been through that process more times than I care to admit, too. He does provide for us, and our loved ones, always, doesn't He? I don't know why that is so easy for me to forget sometimes.

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God is so faithful! Thank you for praising Him publicly and sharing the story with us!


I'll never forget one Christmas that I had finally quit working to stay home full time with my kids, dh and I became convicted to begin tithing on what little we had, my dh then lost all of his year-end accrued bonus, we had *no* money for Christmas with 4 littles and all the family coming to stay with us. But God is faithful and we *won* $500 from some contest in which I had casually dropped my name in a box. It generously paid for all the Christmas and food.


Christmas blessings,


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