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Tackling Friday Together 10.27


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Ds is at school after a flurry when we discovered that his calculator is not charged. 🙄 Practice ACT today. I sent him with Dd’s and plugged his in. Half-day. 

I woke up with a headache, but it is receding. I drank water and now have coffee. And bacon. Bacon makes many things better.

Shop at thrift ✔️ 
Driving practice with Ds. ✔️ 
Get a birthday card for mom
Costco ✔️ 
Update Ds’ work availability
Budget and bills
Check time and location for tomorrow’s event ✔️ 

Dinner is stir fry with tofu and soba noodles.

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Good  morning! 

Woke up to our power shutting off -- this is odd, b/c our lines are underground, so we almost never lose power. Turns out, a truck hit a pole. Did a few things, went back to bed, got up when the power coming back on jolted the printer to life. Very glad it didn't take them as long as predicted! 

So, on my list today:
....work on my friend's quilt
....work on school stuff with DS -- figure out if they do/don't have their next geology exam already next week, what else is coming up, work on all of that
....this afternoon, go look at the dream property -- it would be a reach, a big one, but might as well look at it and see if it would even work, right??? 
....maybe have some time to do some fun sewing of my own??? 
....get with DS and get images of his video game characters, so I can design his graduation quilt, so I can figure out what colors I need to buy at Quilt Fest next week
....draw a quilt plan for my friend in OH so she can figure out yardage to order
....dinner tonight????? 
.....after dinner -- veg out all together? separately? not sure...
....at some point, we need to run to the grocery store for pizza stuff -- Oldest is having his small group over for pizza in the pizza oven tomorrow

Ummm, I think that's all??? for a "day off" sure seems like a lot....

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Mom is being super difficult today! Very unrealistic about her limitations and frustrated at being stuck in rehab. My sibling arrives tomorrow from out of state for a week-long visit. Time for me to catch a break!

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Good afternoon!
 I slept in today and then got a shower and get ready.

I went to the Arts Council building to put away the rest of the quilt rack pieces (with help). 

Then I stayed to meet the internet installation guy.

I went to the bank and came home. I just ate lunch and changed to shorts because it's warmer here than I thought it would be today. 

I'm not sure what to keep calling my "adopted granddaughter", so I'm calling her E. I'm taking her to my happy place, the gardens, this afternoon! She's never been, so I hope she likes it. 

Dh and I will go to some of the homecoming football game tonight. 

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Good morning!  Tired and annoyed this morning.  Dh complaining that I a, not in a good mod, That's right, I am not.  I don't have anything much to look forward to in the future except more surgeries and more family dilemmas. 


  • made brunch reservations for birthday grandson, two dgd, ds, ddil, dh and myself
  • Called rheumatologist office and left mesage to please call in a prior authorization for my Enbrel which is moronic since I am successfully on it already.
  • Found out we have no idea when demolishes are actually coming.

To Do

  • download brochure for 2024 benefit choices
  • Laundry
  • Lands End Return
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Slept in a bit after staying up way to late last night.  

Cast list came out for Nutcracker so now it is Nutcracker in the house for the next 2 months.

My back is way worse today.  So, pain relievers and heating pad day.  I think maybe I made it worse?  I thought it was knot so I was using a foam roller and a massage ball on it.  Now I think it is a pulled muscle.   Argh.  

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Hi guys, happy Friday!

The maid is here today.  I don't have any immediate deadlines (that I remember), so I decided to clean in the girls' rooms.

I'm gonna say something insane:  I miss being the person responsible for cleaning their rooms.  I used to do it every day and it was always up to date, sets were together, etc.  Since I did it daily, it was never a big job.

Now ... well, I think most of us have teens, right?  😛 

Anyhoo, I kinda enjoyed the cleaning, even though one could easily get frustrated with certain habits.  Of course it isn't "done."  They have way too much stuff to get through in a matter of hours.  But I made progress.  And you can see the floors and one of the dresser tops.  😛  I also did some good work in their bathroom.  But on the other hand, cleaning reminds me of how much sorting and purging needs to be done.   The hard part is getting the kids to go through each item with me.  I think my eldest has about 500 different cosmetic items.  Then there are hundreds of stuffed toys, art and craft supplies, so many books ....


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Driving with Ds was actually okay! He is better than Dd was at the same stage. We just toodled around our neighborhood; Friday afternoon is not the time for longer excursions. Next time, I need to remember to put the student driver magnet on the back of my car! 

Got stamps and mailed the CSA form.
Ate lunch
Read a little

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Had lunch & a nap

checked in with the kids, yes, exam is Tuesday. ugh. Making *them* study their way this time, as our "help with the flashcards" has netted 70s - not enough help for the amount of time. I think/hope they'll do better doing it themselves. (and made the executive decision; DH was all "I can work on flashcards later...." -- NO. Too  much work, not enough reward. Let.Them.Study.)

Tidied the house/cleaned the bathrooms for Oldest's get-together tomorrow

Heading out to look at the property. It's likely not going to work out at all. Probably the layout is weird or something. Plus it's a HUGE thing. Plus, ha, the agent called just a bit ago to ask if we had a realtor we're working with. Oops. No. Now I'm mildly terrified about that, if it *does* work out (can we get our agent involved after the first look???) 

Anyway. Heading out to do that, grocery shop, come home, eat, etc. 

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Okay, home. Had I not miscounted, or they not misposted, the number of bedrooms, it would be almost just right. :sigh:  Me, being a "see the potential in everything" person thinks with a little imagination, it could still work. DH, the realist, says not so much (he's right). 

BUT, I think maybe now we are going to start actually looking. So, that's a step. 

Anyway, grocery shopped, home, DH is cooking, then we'll veg out/etc. Not sure exactly what. The kids need to study, so maybe just me & DH doing pizza prep.

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Good Evening

instead if to go I will do done:

pick up groceries 

Email people wanting to buy items off bulletin board from ds work

Put tarps on birdbath and plaster deer. Then refixed tarp on deer

rehung solar twinkle lights

worked with pup

washed dog bedding 

hang dog pad outside to dry

take down sun umbrella

make veg stew

It’s snowing north of here so bring in items in case snow start here. Not ready for it. 



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@mommyoffive, I'm sorry your back is worse and praying it heals up quickly!

@LifeLovePassion, amazing work you guys have done!

@DawnM, I'm so sorry you are sick and pray you feel better soon!

This afternoon with E. was really fun. She had never been anywhere like it, and she LOVED it. She said it was like heaven and she could live there. I had to agree. 

Dh and I didn't go to the game. He woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so he is tired. I think he is asleep, which means probably waking early again. 

We did watch Loki, and I've been doing lesson plans. 



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