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Happy Festivus, everyone!

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Happy Festivus to you all,


Now for my Airing of the grievences.


Why do front load washers have to be such a pain in the behind. It's only 4 years old and is getting ready to die. My brother has my old toploader and after 11.5 years it's still going strong. I know none of your forced me to buy one, but I'm going to blame you all anyway :tongue_smilie: since the company just doesn't care.


As for the pole. We'll stick with our tree, but it's a festivus tree to us. LOL


Now who's up for some feats of strength?:scared:

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Christmas carols sung to non-traditional tunes, when the congregation is supposed to be singing along.


Dear worship leader:

I guarantee

to be off key

should you change

the melody on me!


Call me a traditionalist, or one who needs a beaten path, but these carols have been around for hundreds of years, so please honor the way they were written when you are supposed to be leading a flock.


Happy singing to you all! May your head of the household survive the wrestling match!

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I'm a newbie to this Festivus thing, but I do have a grievance to add.



Why do they even put orange and grape popsicles in the bag? they are always the last ones left in the bag. Are they unpopular and you, dear popsicle maker guy, what to make them feel better?


Well stop it! They can't compete with blue raspberry, cherry, banana or that white one. I can't decide if it's coconut or pina colada, the white one that is. I end up with 4 popsicles left in every bag until someone is forced to eat them.


I'm just saying, if I wanted grape or orange flavor I would buy an orange or a bunch of grapes. :lol::lol:

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Hey, I happen to love the grape ones!


I'm a newbie to this Festivus thing, but I do have a grievance to add.



Why do they even put orange and grape popsicles in the bag? they are always the last ones left in the bag. Are they unpopular and you, dear popsicle maker guy, what to make them feel better?


Well stop it! They can't compete with blue raspberry, cherry, banana or that white one. I can't decide if it's coconut or pina colada, the white one that is. I end up with 4 popsicles left in every bag until someone is forced to eat them.


I'm just saying, if I wanted grape or orange flavor I would buy an orange or a bunch of grapes. :lol::lol:

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A Holiday for the Rest of Us!


We're having a family get-together tonight with dh's siblings and parents. They only grievance to air with them is for his siblings to come get their junk out of our house.... :glare:


Didja check out the Feats of Strength apparel suggestions on that Festivus site? :lol:

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If I bought a pole and put it in the house, DH would think he had died and gone to heaven!:lol:



1. Your quote (above!) cracks me up!!


2. Your siggy makes me LOL because I've always LOVED that book! And every time we see a bunch if scruffy kids running amok in a store, my mom looks at me and says, "Oh look! The Herdmans!" :lol:



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1. Your quote (above!) cracks me up!!


2. Your siggy makes me LOL because I've always LOVED that book! And every time we see a bunch if scruffy kids running amok in a store, my mom looks at me and says, "Oh look! The Herdmans!" :lol:




Thanks Astrid!

We LOVE that book too (obviously)! I read it to the girls last week and my youngest drew a picture of all the Herdmans smoking cigars.:lol:It was sooo cute! It looks like they're smoking flaming poo!!!:lol:


I think my goal next year is to get the pole.:lol:



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