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Tackling Thursday 8/17/23


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Good morning!

It’s cool and fall-ish outside this morning. I feel as though I didn’t get enough summer. No pool, no beach, very little sun. 😕 

I have dropped off Ds and made coffee. Today is my girl’s first day of college classes! Woke up thinking about her.

Prayer meeting ✔️ 
Prep cooking ✔️ 
Electronic chores ✔️ 
Visit mom ✔️ 
Ds to practice? ✔️ 
AHG meeting tonight


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So my mom basically overdosed herself (unintentionally) on lyrica and gabapentin on Tuesday night and yesterday was really awful for dad.  Mom had zero strength. I went over at dinner because she lost balance and dad couldn't help her off the floor. Dad just had a knee replacement about seven weeks ago.  Please pray. Dad has not recognized mom should not be in charge of her meds, and I hope this helps him to see that she is not able to do this anymore.  I know it is a big deal for him that she needs so much care.  It's a hard space.

Also a friend got news that in addition to the potential liver cancer she might have lung cancer as well. Please pray for me to have comforting words to speak. 

My youngest really needs a med change and I am hoping that the doctor will agree today. His add med is no longer working at all.

Besides that my goal for today is to finalize the common app stuff.  We just need to finish his resume and he needs to finish his essays.  

Exercise today most likely but not walking since I did a lot of walking yesterday to manage stress.

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3 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

Today I need to remove the bathroom and storage room doors from the basement (take the frame out) and bring down the other 10 sheets of drywall. 

Youngest wants to go to a couple of thrift stores so we will probably do that in the morning.

Those sheets are so heavy!!!

I love thrifting! What do you like to look for?  

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28 minutes ago, cintinative said:

Those sheets are so heavy!!!

I love thrifting! What do you like to look for?  

55lbs a piece. I take 1 at a time with youngest (age  15). She can, however take 2 at a time with DH! It's a good way to get the heart rate up. Thankfully we only have 7 steps to go down with each sheet. 

Thrifting, I browse clothes and that is what youngest is looking for. I hate that most stores took out dressing rooms, so I haven't looked as much for myself lately. I also I look for a variety of things...browse the books, vinyl and dvd's, I check out games for a couple of specific ones, I look at art supplies and general household stuff. 

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@cintinative, that's so much; praying for your parents, for your friend, and for you as you manage being in the  middle of it and trying to comfort your friend. Big hugs! 

@LifeLovePassion, I'm so impressed with your whole basement thing! What an accomplishment it will be when done!  

re: thrifting, my grandma & I used to go all the time...there are some great ones in the wealthy parts of Houston that we'd go to. So fun! I still go some, and have found some gems. Nothing amazing lately, but still fun. 

@ScoutTN - we still have plenty of summer. Pop down for a visit 😉 We'll be in "summer" until at least October.....

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My list today: 

...make the craft, prep, etc. 
...DS has appt with nutritionist/dietitian, so stick around for that (it's on Zoom, she wants just him)

...hopefully go pick up glasses for the 2 oldest and myself - got the call yesterday for theirs, so *should* get mine today
...maybe make a hair cut appt (well, def. make the appt, but for when, not sure) (hoping to get in before Monday)
...try on the pants from yesterday again, w/some outfits how I'd actually wear them, to see if I can get on board with ankle pants or not
...*remember to wash my wool stuff, this mroning, so it's dry by fencing tonight
...dinner - chicken pitas, but not sure what flavor
...home, bed

I think that's about it....

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Trying to convince dad that since they pay for MD VIP he shouldn't have to wait until the doctor arrives at 11 a.m.  Sigh.  Hopefully he is talking to the doctor now.  I think mom needs to go to the ER.  My brother and his wife are freaking out that she should be there already, but I don't have medical POA so all I can do is try to gently persuade. 

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@cintinative, that is so much to be dealing with! I am sorry and will be praying for you all! 

@LifeLovePassion, seconding Scout on how impressive it all is. We can't do anything like that, so I am awed by people who can. 

I slept in and stayed in bed just because I could. LOL!  Dh goes back to school in a little less than 2 weeks, so I'll be getting up early a lot then. 

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • meals
  • tidy house
  • work on next week's lesson plans. 
  • 1 in-person student
  • 1 online student
  • make a plan for stuff out tomorrow 


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You guys, I seriously don't know how it's Thursday already.

I tried to get up early to work this morning, but I just laid in bed and hit the snooze.

Got the kids up for band camp, but Kid2 says she threw up and doesn't feel well.

Survived a zoom board meeting for a government entity for which I do accounting.

  • Other than that, just doing little things and trying to get focused.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Be a hardass with the kids.
  • Exercise.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Oh, I hope pup is okay, @history-fan


Called, and yes, all 3 pairs of glasses are in, so I'll pick them up (solo) after my hair appt, and send the guys up later if they need adjustments on theirs. 

Took some pics/screenshots off my phone for "maybe something like this????" for my hair guy. I am ready to have a *style* to my hair, not just "long and straight" so that it looks nice when down, too. Or at least a little different.  Or something. (last time I told him this, he did a lovely V cut, which I did like, but no one else could really tell he'd done anything, LOL!). We'll see what happens; I trust my guy. 

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My kids ended up going to the afternoon half of band camp and to soccer practice.  Kid2 was called and told that she didn't need to come in for work tonight (probably because it's raining - not much demand for ice cream on a rainy Thursday evening).

I just remembered that I promised to be on a call with my friend's divorce lawyer this evening.  Not really looking forward to it.  I am not a divorce lawyer.  I was able to understand the document her lawyer recently filed with the court, so I was volunteered to ... I don't know what.  Sigh.

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@cintinative,  I'm glad she went and is getting the care she needs. I've been told that UTIs in older patients can cause lots of irregular symptoms, even mental confusion. Praying she recovers quickly!

@TheReader, I wear bifocals because my younger sister could never stop being dizzy when she tried progressives. I find the biggest long-term challenge is being careful on stairs. I was able to get a pair of multifunction lens glasses at Costco for my computer work. They took the prescriptions for my bifocal lenses and combined them to make that prescription. They are perfect for computer work and even playing board games and stuff further away than a book but still kind of close. 

@history-fan, hope Delta Blue is okay! 

I'm done with the students, and I've done some lesson planning for next week. 

Dh finished the second coat on the deck today. 

I'm about to go make dinner. 

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Praying for your sister, @mom31257! Glad it wasn't stroke or MS, though, that's good! 

Good luck/hugs @SKL re: the call with the friend's divorce lawyer. Sounds like a tricky situation. 

I think the bifocals will be okay once I get used to them (I had progressives before, and they were awful; then my eyes distance vision corrected and I only needed readers; now they've flipped again and I need both, so, bifocals, and yes, figuring out the computer was the weird thing. I *think* I have it now...)

Dinner was good, wool stuff is washed & dry, finished most of the food log stuff, heading to fencing. 'Night, all! 

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Well poo...DH got his genetic testing results...he's brca mutation positive, so since we have 2 girls, they will potentially have mutations. The 50% rule didn't hold true as both he and his sister tested positive. Fingers loosely crossed that the kids make up for that statistic and are both negative. Not what I was expecting to hear today.

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The good: I think my DS17's common app essay needs one small fix and it is done. 

The bad: my youngest is not staying on track with his school and being away all day is not helping at all. I am pretty stressed. Mom needs us there at the hospital (they are so understaffed) and right now I am worrying about how it is going with dad and I gone. Her dementia has really spiked today.  But my family needs me too and this is just sooo hard.  

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55 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

Well poo...DH got his genetic testing results...he's brca mutation positive, so since we have 2 girls, they will potentially have mutations. The 50% rule didn't hold true as both he and his sister tested positive. Fingers loosely crossed that the kids make up for that statistic and are both negative. Not what I was expecting to hear today.

I am so sorry for this news.  I am sending all my good thoughts to the girls and hope they are both negative.

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15 minutes ago, cintinative said:

The good: I think my DS17's common app essay needs one small fix and it is done. 

The bad: my youngest is not staying on track with his school and being away all day is not helping at all. I am pretty stressed. Mom needs us there at the hospital (they are so understaffed) and right now I am worrying about how it is going with dad and I gone. Her dementia has really spiked today.  But my family needs me too and this is just sooo hard.  

I am so sorry for feeling torn in two different directions.  Thinking of your mom and sending lots of good thoughts to her.   

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2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

My sister had to go to the ER today (the on in KY). She was having tingling in her left arm, face, and tongue. They ruled out stroke and MS with an MRI, and her blood work is all good. They think she should see a neurologist. So glad it wasn't either of those! 

OH how scary.  I am glad it wasn't either of those and hope it isn't anything serious.  Lots of good thoughts to her.

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1 hour ago, history-fan said:

The vet says nothing to worry about but to watch her if any changes. He was so understanding knowing what we went thru with our last dog.

DS has a webinar about Nimona tonight that I might watch with him. The Directors talking about making the film, should be interesting.


Glad she is ok.  Hoping she has an uneventful night.

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29 minutes ago, cintinative said:

Can you explain what this means? I am not familiar with this.

Well, in women, there is a strong connection to ovarian and breast cancers with the mutation. DHs side has been testing after his aunts breast cancer diagnosis. He had a 50% chance of testing positive, the cancer risks for men are increased chance of prostate or pancreatic cancers and then the chance to pass it on to heirs. Since both kiddos are female, if they test positive, they would have those extreme elevated risks and probably need to surgically intervene by mid 30s and consider early hysterectomy and mastectomy. 

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@cintinative, I'm sorry you are feeling so torn!  Just a thought, but would your ds sending you pictures of his work throughout the day help keep him on track? 

@LifeLovePassion, have the girls already been tested? I'm sorry you got that result! 

The lesson plans for the math classes are done for next week. I need to start on my full-time student. 

Waiting on a call from ds. He didn't take care of some stuff with financial aid he was supposed to, so I'm a little frustrated with him right now. 


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4 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

@cintinative, I'm sorry you are feeling so torn!  Just a thought, but would your ds sending you pictures of his work throughout the day help keep him on track? 

@LifeLovePassion, have the girls already been tested? I'm sorry you got that result! 

The lesson plans for the math classes are done for next week. I need to start on my full-time student. 

Waiting on a call from ds. He didn't take care of some stuff with financial aid he was supposed to, so I'm a little frustrated with him right now. 


No, not yet. Oldest wanted to know DHs results, youngest hasn't decided if they want to know his results yet. They typically don't test kids until between 18 and 25. They are 15/17. They won't need to do any additional screenings/testing until at least 25 even if they were positive, because historically younger people haven't been affected until over age 25.

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14 minutes ago, mom31257 said:


Waiting on a call from ds. He didn't take care of some stuff with financial aid he was supposed to, so I'm a little frustrated with him right now. 


Ugh. I am sorry. That is very hard.

I am going to try to get my son to text. We are in a perfect storm with his add meds not working and no mom home to check in.  He should have texted me multiple times w questions and didn’t

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