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Urgent Prayer Request

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Please pray for Alyssa. She is a 21 year old woman from our church who had a tumor removed from her brain on Monday. We got word this morning that she had 6 seizures this morning and they were to operate. This would decide if she would live or not. Please pray for her....We have not heard anything as of yet.

Edited to say: She also had swelling of the brain.

Edited by 5knights3maidens
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Alyssa is so far ok. She did not have another surgery. We went to church this afternoon and Pastor said that they are trying to regulate her seizures with medicine. The tumor was on the part of the brain that controls speech, movement, etc. I believe she has a long way to go. She is to have absolutely no visitors. Please pray that she recovers with no problems and that she continues to have faith in the Lord. (same for her family). Thank you so much for your prayers!

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Alyssa is doing well. My son talked to her brother today and he said she is doing much better. She is on alot of medication. When I had posted about her being "very ill" and she needed the other surgery to keep her alive..I believe it was not true. We do not know who started it but it went through the whole church. Believe me, she is still very sick, and had seizures but I'm so thankful it wasn't as bad as we thought. I was so shaken up ... we've had quite a few people (on the younger side) pass away in the last few years that I was thinking I couldn't and didn't want to hear of lossing another friend again. Thanks so much for your prayers and I will keep updating.

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So glad that Alyssa is doing better and did not need that surgery. It may have been that the docs simply did not know what was going on at the time. When our son was diagnosed with cancer it we went from he will be ok to perhaps he will not respond to this med to reduce his swelling to oh yea that worked great, and all of that in a matter of 24 hours. There will likely be more ups and downs before she is stabilized, so keep praying. Hugs to her family and those who love her as everyone watches her endure this, and prayers for a speedy recovery for Alyssa.

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Bless Alyssa and her family. Make them aware of Your presence in this difficult time. Give her doctors wisdom, give her and her family comfort, and by your Spirit give them Your peace. Lord, thank You for loving Alyssa and her family through the prayers of your people.


In Jesus' name,




Claire in NM

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Bless Alyssa and her family. Make them aware of Your presence in this difficult time. Give her doctors wisdom, give her and her family comfort, and by your Spirit give them Your peace. Lord, thank You for loving Alyssa and her family through the prayers of your people.


In Jesus' name,




Claire in NM



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