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So, am I a terrible person if...


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I've been feeling simply horrible b/c we just can't afford to send out Christmas cards this year. In years past, we have a picture of the kids and a newsletter. This year, we can't afford the stamps, the pictures or the cost of ink to print the mass amounts of newsletters. It's sad. I love sending cards. I love giving gifts. But, it's not happening. If I can get my act together, I'll send out e-greetings to those whose email I have. Otherwise, a phone call or face-to-face greetings will have to suffice.

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I didn't send out *any* Christmas cards? Gasp! I seriously forgot all about it until last Sunday when I had a bunch of cards in my church mailbox. Now I'm thinking I'll just not do them this year.


Well, if you're a terrible person, can I grab the seat next to you? I didn't send out anything, either.


On the other hand, I didn't *receive* any cards this year, either -- so there must be a lot of "terrible persons" out there. ;)

Edited by Kris
Shouldn't have said that.
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I didn't do any cards either. I've been sick so much lately, something had to slide. We'll be seeing 80 percent of the people who would be receiving a card over the holidays anyway. I think I will send out an email with some pics of the girls and a Christmas wish of some sort, though. Just so no one thinks they got cut from the list.

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We never do them, and frankly, I've never really seen the point in them. (Am I a scrooge or what?!) All I see is a lot of wasted paper from people I speak to pretty often anyway, and I just feel like a name on a list when I get cards from people I hardly ever speak to. Does that make you feel any better, or does it just make me look bad? :lol: Seriously though, most of my friends and family don't send holiday cards out, and I don't consider any of them bad people. Don't sweat it, save the effort for next year.

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You know, over the last few years I've noticed a decrease in the amount of Christmas cards we receive. People we still see regularly and are friends with including family. Last year I limited my cards to people I wouldn't be seeing in person before Christmas. This year, I guess I'm terrible too.



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This year I am sending the cards I bought for last Christmas. Half of them were already addressed. :) I'm working on them now. I'm really terrible about keeping in touch so I figured I'd better at least send a card with a little bit of news about the family.


I love getting Christmas cards - especially from the people I rarely, if ever, see. I love reading all the news and hearing how the kids and/or dogs are growing. I've been exchanging cards with one friend since we were in 6th grade (1969). It's always great to hear from her.

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I used to send out cards to all my relatives and sent out nice gifts too. I spent lots of time finding the right gift and making custom cards. I stopped that a few years ago when it dawned on me that nobody was putting that kind of thought into remembering me and my family. Not even cards from most. I tried thinking that I should feel good about 'giving' and not receiving however, after many years of that, it is kinda hard to ignore that I sent cards into a huge black hole. I stopped doing it and now we take that card and gift money and spend it giving to charity. I don't feel like a scrooge. It is just a case of us finding a more fulfilling holiday tradition. :)

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I haven't sent any in years. The only ones this year are to my grandfathers and my housebound uncle.


I actually like to receive cards -- especially family photos! -- and I keep meaning to get my act together and send them to everyone... But I'm afraid it's pretty low priority.

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I had a several boxes of Christmas cards, but they weren't in the Christmas boxes this year. I vaguely recall tossing them when I was decluttering the den last January.


So I decluttered my to-do list by striking off mailing cards.


I don't know why, but I just don't care about Christmas cards any more -- sending them or receiving them.



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I didn't send out *any* Christmas cards? Gasp! I seriously forgot all about it until last Sunday when I had a bunch of cards in my church mailbox. Now I'm thinking I'll just not do them this year.


What, is it too late? I was just thinking that I should get started... :D


There are 12 days of Christmas, right? Don't I have till sometime in January??? :p

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