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Well Trained Bodies June


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Once again, I've let some time go by, but I'm popping in to make sure I'm keeping myself accountable. 

My Saturday morning yoga teacher is still out, hoping to be back in September, but the last photo I saw still had her on crutches. So, we'll see. And my Tuesday evening teacher is on vacation for two weeks. I'm concerned for the first teacher and happy for the second, but I also miss my twice-weekly routine and have been looking for things with which to fill in.

I've tried out the local yoga studio a couple of times, but I don't love their Friday evening classes and haven't managed to get myself out the door to try and of the others. I did, however, go to a free outdoor class yesterday morning taught by the studio owner that I liked quite a bit. They do them once a month, so I plan to return to those until my regular Saturday morning class gets going again. 

Other than that, nothing new, really. I'm still meeting my step goals and doing some kind of strength/stretching/extra cardio stuff five or six days a week. Still on the lookout for other fun activities.

Oh, I did finally obtain a swimsuit that fits. Now I just need to wait until the pool is warm enough that I can stand to get in it.

I'm looking forward to August and the beginning of the running season. I do enjoy the energy and novelty of running/walking with a large group of people on a route other than around my own neighborhood.


Summer Splash 2023 Challenge: 92.3 of 550K
Activity Streak: 115 Days

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I have had horrible sleep the last few nights. For many years, I've known I can only take Nasacort nasal spray for 2-3 days before insomnia becomes a huge issue. I have been using the nasal spray all week without keeping track (I don't usually need it but I think the wildfire smoke pollution ramped up rhinitis symptoms) and realized yesterday that I haven't really slept well in days. Not happy that I let myself drift like that. Today I napped in the afternoon and am now working on a work deadline. The plan is to pick up the pieces tomorrow.

@Jenny in Florida It's good to see you. Thanks for checking in. I really do applaud your continuing to stay on track with your step goals and trying new options as well. How's your job--any better?

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My exercising has been hit and miss but I've been trying to do something at least 3x a week. Some recent activity -

Dh and I went on a 6 mile walk last week - there's a trail we've been wanting to walk and if we waited any longer it would be too hot. We almost waited too long but it wasn't bad. This week the heat is here to stay.

It's too hot now to do any outdoor exercise and in the evening when it's only slightly cooler it's usually raining. I've been doing various exercise videos. I found a few channels I like and have been trying out various workouts on each one. 

Re: stretching and back pain - I have several issues that cause back pain but all of them can be somewhat relieved by core exercises. I've done physical therapy many times and now just do my PT exercises at home. They do help. I've also been doing a fair amount of static stretches and isometric stretches for flexibility lately after a short warmup. 

Does anyone else have trouble with when to inhale and exhale while exercising? I always feel more natural doing the opposite of what an exercise says I should. For example if it says inhale at this part and exhale on that part, try as I might I  inhale/exhale the opposite way. 

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Great job keeping active everyone! 

I've done literally no exercise today, but I did sweat a lot before my presentation. Man was I nervous, and practicing my presentation just made things worse. When I got up in front of the audience and started talking, everything just seemed to flow really well. I'm VERY happy to be finished, though. 

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4 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

Does anyone else have trouble with when to inhale and exhale while exercising? I always feel more natural doing the opposite of what an exercise says I should. For example if it says inhale at this part and exhale on that part, try as I might I  inhale/exhale the opposite way. 

Yes! And if I inhaled and exhaled the way they say to I would be hyperventilating most of the time. I end up just ignoring it.

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My original plan today was to go to the zoo with a friend, but the weather forecast was grim so my friend asked to just hang at the library. Then the plan was to take care of business at home this evening, but the time got away from me. Tomorrow my plan is to head to the gym immediately after class. 

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I played 2 hrs of doubles tennis yesterday morning, and I have 2 hrs doubles tennis this evening. Another 2 hrs of tennis tomorrow evening! I'm so excited!

I've also got in the dog walks and a short bike ride. Sadly, our air quality is worsening tonight. My lungs are feeling it already. Luckily tennis is indoors tonight.

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On 6/3/2023 at 1:35 PM, Just Kate said:

New to this thread, but I’d love to post for accountability. I joined Planet Fitness in January 2022 and I’ve gone on and off, but not consistently. My biggest issue was not knowing what to do. I would walk on the treadmill and see people lifting weights, knowing I should do more. But I was intimidated, so I did nothing. I had searched and searched online for a routine to follow, but I just couldn’t find anything that worked for me. 

Fast forward to last weekend, I finally realized that my biggest problem is that I’m intimidated by the free weights and the Smith Machine. So I searched for a Planet Fitness strength training workout using only machines, and I went through the whole thing last week! Starting Tuesday, I did a warmup on the treadmill and then did a leg workout. Wednesday was back and chest, Thursday was cardio only, and then Friday I did shoulders and arms. 

I feel great (well, sore but great)! Now that I have a plan, I am more excited to go to the gym. And my hope is that as I get stronger, I will branch out and use the free weights and smith machine. For now, I feel good using the machines. 

One thing I need and don’t have is a good stretching routine. Any suggestions? And do I stretch before and after working out? I never see anyone stretching at my gym, so I tend to forget about it. But I know it’s important. 

Thanks! And I’m excited to get to take part in this monthly thread 😃

A belated welcome!

On 6/9/2023 at 2:50 PM, Froste said:

I've been trying to stay active by going on daily walks around my neighborhood. It's a great way to get some fresh air and exercise while also exploring my surroundings. I've also been doing some at-home workouts, including yoga and bodyweight exercises. 

I've made lots of neighbourhood connections just slowly walking my old dog.

On 6/12/2023 at 10:27 PM, wintermom said:

Great job keeping active everyone! 

I've done literally no exercise today, but I did sweat a lot before my presentation. Man was I nervous, and practicing my presentation just made things worse. When I got up in front of the audience and started talking, everything just seemed to flow really well. I'm VERY happy to be finished, though. 

Well done on the presentation! 

I ran out of likes this morning  - I like everyone's posts.

I've been walking most days and taking longer hikes roughly once a fortnight. Nothing much else, but I've been trying not to put extra stress on myself with unmet goals.

I went to an Ashtanga yoga class last night for the first time in eight years. I really enjoyed it, despite having spent the afternoon standing up at a graduation celebration and then stacking hundreds of chairs, tweaking my back in the process. I'll be going to the class regularly when it restarts in autumn, I hope.

Some more wild flowers  - wild roses, Red Campion, buttercups and - I think - Queen Anne's Lace. Then a photo of the view from my favourite bench towards the house.




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I had a pretty quiet day today, with just a dog walk for activity. Yesterday's tennis was pretty rough on my body. I hurt my knee in a weird move trying to avoid getting hit by the ball. Luckily, I didn't seem to do much actual damage to anything. 

@Laura Corin Gorgeous photos of the flowers! I don't recognize any of them - though the pink one looks like a wild rose and the reds ones might be poppies. So pretty! 

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20 minutes ago, Eos said:

I have covid for the first time, ugh, and hauling the more comfortable mattress upstairs versus continuing to suffer on a thin futon has been my biggest workout of the week.

I'm sorry to hear that. How are you doing?

I lasted until last October when Husband brought it home from a trip for me.

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51 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Gorgeous photos again!! Thanks for adding their names! I think I'm in love with foxglove! It's so beautiful and not very common in Canada. I did find it at a garden centre, though. I'm very tempted to buy some try and keep it alive in my garden. 🙂 

They spread really easily here. I let them grow in the garden, just editing which areas. They fill gaps very reliably. There's a map of their natural range at this link - I don't know how hardy they would be with you https://naturalatlas.com/plants/digitalis-purpurea-76800160c

Today - we had two inches of rain last night after a dry spell. My normal lunchtime walk was so green - photos below. Then yoga on the lawn after work.



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I'm taking it easy this week. Daily dog walks and gardening, but no tennis. My knee is feeling great, but my hamstrings are aching every night. I may have to get things looked at. 

I'll be playing in a charity golf tournament this weekend with dh and two dss. It's only 9 holes and best ball, so not too long and totally for fun. I haven't played golf in over a year, and neither has anyone in our foursome. Not too sure how great our collective "best balls" will actually be! 😅

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I taught through last Wednesday--my last day with students. Then headed down to CA for middle dd's grad school graduation (MA in teaching, will be teaching World History to 7th graders in the fall) and we drove back up to OR yesterday. I will go into school today for my last day--get everything cleaned up and tech stored away.

I managed several days of treadmill walking Friday through today, and I'm feeling it in my glutes. I've gone way too light the last several months with just 15-20 min sessions--I'm back to at least 30 min now, and prioritizing physical health and fitness is a summer goal as I try to get life back in balance. And I'm eager to get eating back on track after 5 days of restaurant eating and not enough produce!

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17 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Love those wild flowers! You've got such a wide variety in your area. So pretty! Which are the escapees? 😅


Depends on your timescale.  Ground Elder was introduced as a vegetable by the Romans - you need lots of industrious workers to gather enough to make a decent meal. I  foraged enough once for Ground Elder pesto and it really wasn't worth the effort. Red Clover is a fodder crop.

I think the others are native, but that particular honeysuckle may be a escapee    It had quite spectacular flowers. 

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Anyone else have wildflowers to share?

I spread a bunch of wild flower seed in my backyard last year. I'm now really unsure what is wild flower, what is weed and what is both. It self-seeds so well that I'm finding odd flowers all over the front and back yard now! It's a wonderful way to avoid weeding altogether! 😅  I'll share some photos soon. 

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