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30 Days of Gratitude 2022 - Day 3


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Good morning!

Today we are thinking about the gifts, acts of kindness, and general goodwill we have received over the past year. What three things stand out to you? Write these down in your journal or add to your gratitude jar.

Action step: send a thank you (handwritten note, email, text, phone call) and tell one person you appreciated their generosity and how much it still means to you.



As always, if you would prefer to share three general things for which you are grateful, please do. Or just type Gratitude if you prefer not to share.

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One of my intentions this year was to use gifts as they were given, no holding on to things indefinitely. It has been so much fun. I've used soaps, lotions, mugs, gift cards, markers, sticker books...just so many fun things that have brightened my days.

I created a place in my monthly journal spread highlighting a special gift item and made certain I used it until it was gone. I would then notify the giver (if I remembered who it was) and let them know how much I enjoyed it and that it was appreciated.

I am grateful for a couple of mentors who assisted me in earning my officiating certifications and who continue to assist me in learning the ropes and gaining confidence. There were many times I wanted to quit (dratted self-doubt) and their encouragement has helped me progress.

I will send them both email message today.

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I don’t think that I have gotten any physical gifts this past year. Now that we’re empty nesters dh and I don’t give physical gifts to each other. And no one else has given me anything. 

I did have a friend offer me a localish hotel stay that she had booked and wasn’t able to take. It was a kind offer but our schedule didn’t allow us to accept. 

My biggest blessing has been the gift of friendship from some lovely good friends. We encourage each other. 

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I am thankful for my husband’s leadership in our family as he had taken on the point-man role in shepherding Ds through Algebra and in being the enforcer of screen time rules/limits. Ds is very challenging and these are difficult tasks. It is a tremendous blessing and a gift to have Dh do these things.

Like Jean, I too am thankful for friends. They are one of God’s good gifts for sure.


My action step will be to tell Dh how much I appreciate what he is doing with Ds. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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I am so grateful my husband chose to continue working at home. I know he misses his work "neighborhood." I appreciate being a little more insulated from covid and I appreciate having the company at home instead of a totally empty house.

Recently one of my ESL students made a short video montage as a thank you. I was so touched! Downright tearful. I really love teaching them and I am deeply grateful for the video that captures this slice of my life. 

I was absolutely delighted when my future dil asked me to join her and her mom for wedding dress shopping. I didn't expect to be included in that and I treasure the day we had together. 

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Many community members said or wrote kind things to me and my family when we were in a difficult situation this summer.

My sister gave us a very generous place to stay during her vow renewal.

A friend hosted two of my kids and me at a fabulous fundraising gala this summer.

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My very close friend from high school bought me a pottery mug when we visited. We stayed with another of our friends who is very gifted in hospitality and her gift was to create a wonderful weekend for us.

Our foster cat has given me the gift of trust over months of work and I am humbled he has done so especially given what a mess he was when we first got him. He still has major ptsd and is very reactive and skittish (probably just hardwired that way now) but he wants love and pets and snuggles in my lap even though he's fearful. So brave.

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For Mother's Day, my sister invited our immediate family to stay with her at the beach in a very nice condo. 

The kids got me a new piece of storage furniture that I was wanting to help me get started decorating a bathroom I hadn't done much with. 

I had a very nice thank you card from a parent who sent it along with her tuition payment. 

Edited by mom31257
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I appreciate friends inviting me to lunch when they knew I was dealing with a difficult situation.

I'm going to count my new car as a gift, and I'm very grateful to have it!

Older dd provided me with a list of suggested Christmas gifts for younger dd. I needed the help!


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I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers including roses and a box of chocolates for my birthday from my cousin. We don't live close to one another but I visited him this past spring for the first time in 40 years, kind of rekindling our relationship. The flowers were a  wonderful surprise, but kind of humbling. I didn't feel like I did much to receive such a nice surprise!  Even though I thanked him over the phone, I think I will send him a note now of gratitude.

My neighbors are very grateful that we watch over their house when they are gone through the year and thanked us with a wonderful dinner and evening out with them.

Same neighbor has given us the gift of making us feel like family, especially when their kids visit in the summer. We don't have close relatives and they always make us dinner and dessert especially for our birthdays and anniversary. They have been a real gift to us over the years.

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