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Classical Conversations and Trump Supporters

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We just joined classical conversations, and I wondered if they are tolerant of christians who do not support Trump.  What's your experience?  I realize there are a lot of Trump supporters in the homeschool community.  I happen to not be one of them.  I have no intention of debating anyone or trying to challenge their perspectives.  I stay away from politics and try to be respectful of everyone.  My concern is that if they find out how I feel, they may be inclined to either debate me and make me feel very uncomfortable, or their kids may try to harass my kids should they verbalize something counter to what they believe in.  Should I be concerned?  My kids are upper elementary now. Really, it's the middle/high school years that worry me most.  I don't want to invest years into the program, only to have harsh differences in opinion ruin any relationships.

Any advice will be helpful.



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Have you had issues? I have never had political conversations with any homeschool moms in several different groups for the past 8 years. Many are Christian, and I know a couple in CC. I've never heard the kids discussing politics either. If you aren't initiating political discussions, why do you think it would come up? If I find someone opposed to my politics, I change the subject, and I would guess that's what most would do.

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That may be location-dependent. I can't imagine there's a huge percentage of Trump supporters in the homeschool community around me, though there might be one or two. 

But I mean, if you find you're in a community where they harass you or your kids for any reason, there's a major problem with the community.

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I'm a heck more concerned about their PIRPL policy than I am about personal beliefs.

Putting a child in a position where the company actively discourages and erases paper trails regarding legal matters is so much not okay that it should be shouted from the rooftops.  This is not a place where your kids will be safe.  The risks are too great for something to go wrong.

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I am also  not involved with CC, but I understand your concerns. It is sometimes difficult to hear students talk about and support lies and conspiracy theories, but I am adult so  I can;  it is not everyone, of course, but there are some loud voices who like to be heard. My son, who could never pass up a debate or an argument,  would enjoy engaging with them and stirrring  the  pot. (he did this many times as a teenager, he is now mellowed although my BIL can really push his   buttons) My  girls were able to  change  the subject or find friends who did not want to talk about it. Although after my dd reposted a positive message about  gay rights, a  few kids at her 'christian'  school, roasted her and told   her she was going to h*** with all the rest. 

In the meantime, keep looking for your group  or  make  your own!


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I would expect this to vary by area. Classical Conversations is going to trend conservative Christian because that is the demographic they cater to. If most conservative Christians in your area are  committed Trump supporters then that is what you are likely to find at CC.

If there is more political diversity among Christians in your area then there will probably also be diversity in your local CC group.

In my area, I don't think Trump supporters were any more common among homeschoolers than in the general population. I'm in a conservative-leaning state but not all conservatives here were impressed by Trump--nor are all the local homeschoolers conservative.

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We were a part of a CC community that we enjoyed for many years. The campus was mostly conservative Christian (as are we) and seemed to be dominated by Trump supporters.   We are not into politics, so this didn’t bother us.  

However, issues did arise during class discussion among the high school aged students, and the environment became tense whenever US history was presented in a light that wasn’t 100% positive.  Several parents were confronted when their children shared research papers that contained historical facts about issues such as segregation in the US military, and the campus statement of faith was rewritten to state that we will only show respect and honor for our founding fathers and our country.  

As a result, our family (and a few others) believed the program was no longer a good fit.  We enjoyed some aspects of the program, but the racial/political tension wasn’t worth it.  I’m sure each campus is different, but this was our experience.  


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Where I am in a very red state, yes.  More than half of the CC moms near me are ride or die for Trump and the rest are Trump supporters but a little less forceful.  I would 100% expect to be kicked out or at least treated bad enough that I would be forced to leave if I was outed as a democrat in a CC group. I'm not a part of CC but  obviously groups overlap and I see and hear them at park days and other things.  

To be fair, most of the non-CC groups near me are also full of Trump supporters, although mostly not as hardcore. 

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