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Tackling Wednesday Together


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Good morning! 

I talked to my younger sister until very late and forgot to take my calcium, so I didn't sleep well.

One zoom session already done.

  • 4 more Zoom today
  • medicine
  • coffee
  • meals
  • more laundry
  • finish last page of bible study
  • pay a bill online
  • church
  • prep for tomorrow
  • calcium
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning! 
I have dropped Ds at school, had coffee and b’fast, chatted with Dd, opened Amazon packages, and moved the laundry. Good blood sugar number again this morning.

To do:
Email my doc 

Tutor - 1 virtual, 2 in person 
Shower ✔️ 
Call mom

Dinner is something with pulled rotisserie chx. Plus green salad and green beans. 

Listen to a podcast? 

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Good morning. Yesterday was a chaotic mess, beginning with a visit to the doctor, and ending with my first ballet class in 18 years (which nearly necessitated another trip to the doctor 😆).

Today's agenda:


Breakfast ✔

School ✔


Tutor @2✔


Work out✔



Balance budget

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Hi guys, happy Wednesday!

Day 3 of school.  Again borderline tardy (but the school isn't marking tardies yet).  I didn't plan well for taking the garbage out, taking the dog out, and making lunch/breakfast/coffee.  Then Kid2 took extra time arranging her stuff in the car.  On the way, Kid1 decided to spout some 15yo wisdom about my driving ("well you could have passed that person").  However, they did get dropped off slightly before the start of school so ... I'd say it's better than the alternative (walking 2+ miles).

I forgot to give Kid2 lunch money.  Last 2 years the lunches were free, so I didn't have an account set up online.  So I set that up and funded it this morning.  No harm no foul.

It's garbage day, yay!  The garage was full of boxes from the basement remodel, as well as the results of some purging / cleaning.  Got some exercise moving most of it to the treelawn.  So satisfying to see it taken away by the garbage truck.

Lots of client work due.  I didn't get much done yesterday because of distractions.


  • Slept!
  • Woke Kid1 for her shower.
  • Woke Kid2.
  • Took the usual garbage out.
  • Took the pup out.
  • Made Kid1's lunch & my coffee.
  • Drove kids to school.
  • Cleared out my car.
  • Took the unusual garbage out - mostly boxes (cardboard needed to be broken down / flattened for recycle, foam etc. needed to be disposed separately since not recyclable ....).
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins, drank water.
  • Washed dishes & a tiny bit of house cleaning.
  • Took a shower.
  • A little reading.
  • Wordle (5), nerdle (3), quordle (7), worldle (1).
  • Signed up for online school lunch account & made deposits.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • Yoga etc.
  • A tiny bit of client work.
  • Discussed & confirmed investment decisions.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.  Government reports, investor reports, invoices, numerous accounting reports and 100 little things.
  • More reading.
  • Eat veggies.
  • Pup duty.  Walk the pup?
  • Take Kid2's trombone to school for band practice.
  • Bring Kid1 home for in-car driving school lesson.
  • Bring Kid2 home.  Driving lesson with Kid2?
  • Laundry - at least 1 load.
  • Make the kids do their homework, pup duty, take vitamins, clean up after themselves, get ready for tomorrow, and whatever else.
  • Various personal filing / bill paying / house cleaning / purging as time/energy allow.
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Rough night, rough day too.  Overnight it looks like one of my fingers became infected. Lots of pain everywhere, dropping things, running into things, etc, etc,  I can't figure out my new phone and dd2 is not answering or responding to texts and I am very worried about dd2 and dsil2, who got Covid again and I haven't heard from either since Sunday when dd2 told me she was sick w COVID.


  • got appt w primary care
  • got appt for mammogram
  • called and found out that order for lymphadema therapy is missing so printed order form for my rheumatologist to sign tomorrow
  • shower and morning meds
  • didn't eat breakfast so need to eat lunc

To do

  • call to make appt w podiatrist
  • call Subaru dealer and find out cost for brakes
  • order CVS if website finally works
  • get my music downloaded to my new phone
  • order Uber
  • prep for appts -today and tomorrow's big trip to Nashville
  • go to appt
  • figure out dinner stuff
  • Hawaiian trip planning and ordering
  • Chronic Illness Support Group
  • readjust meds at night
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Good Afternoon 

Eventful early morning- neighbors car alarms went off at 1:30 am and continued for awhile. Then power went out for a quick 30 minutes, glad about the short time but it went out at 4:30 am and when it goes back on it turns on all the smart lamps so I had to turn them all off. If these are my only problems I am doing really good.

Walk dog and clean dog area in yard

plant peas 

weed whip around front trees

clean bird bath


only 1 zoom meeting today

work on hx website for group

Around half of my house, ranch style is crushed granite- I need to rake up the granite and replace the weed fabric. It hasn't been done in years and there are so many weeds growing through the old fabric.  May wait till cools off- I will only do sections at a time.    

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I created another resume, more general this time. The first one was for a teaching or ministry job.
Applied for an office job and a ministry job. Gulp! 
Tested blood sugar and ate lunch.
Charged Ds' headphones.

Next up:
Shower and prep for afternoon tutoring
Think about dinner

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Home from 1st day of 2nd Grade - that went well! They were super calm compared to my other 2 classes this week. DS said today was better than Monday, also. 

Came home, and they are repairing a broken something-or-other to do with our water, at my neighbor's house, so will be w/o water for about 30 mins. Should not be long. Told DS wait to take a shower till he sees all of them gone. 

So, for the rest of today, I need to:
...upload homework/email parents for 2nd grade
...put away school stuff
....cook dinner early
...take DS to church, DH & I to dance lesson, pick up DS, come home
...veg out/TV time as a family? 


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Whew! My classes were long today. I didn't even have time to eat until 1:00. And that was a quick bite. 

I've been looking for resources for a student. His SAT location cancelled for this weekend, so he can't take it again until October. He wants to go ahead and start ACT prep.  I have a book with some stuff in it, so I'm having him just order that book. It will be easiest. 

I finished a load of laundry today. 

I'm super sleepy, but church is at 7, and there's stuff to do. 

I think we're having impossible burgers for dinner. 


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Took a long nap (sorry, Amy!), updated the homework website, sent out the email to the parents, emailed the work for a student that was absent today, emailed a K mom that her dd's water bottle is at school, sent a reminder to those who paid last year's tuition amount (we had a tuition increase), and now DH is cooking dinner so need to go see if he needs help. 

We'll eat, do the church/dance/home thing, and be done. Yay! 

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Dinner is mexican chx casserole and salad. Almost ready.

Made a homework list. 

Posted a question about tomorrow’s freshman football game on the moms’ chat. Ds never has the necessary info and coaches do not give it to moms/parents. 

One job possibility emailed me and I have a Zoom call with an HR person next Tuesday. It’s a church job and I am very qualified for it  (and not for anything else, really) but it would mean changing churches and that is a big deal. 

I’d rather have an office/business job, but one might not come through. 

After dinner: walk, then read. 

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Dinner was meh.
Got a walk.
Feeling distracted. Might listen to a podcast rather than read. Or maybe read with instrumental music on my headphones. 

Dh is doing a great job helping DS with his physics and algebra hw. Dh is very calm and patient and mathy. Ds is not, not, not a diligent or disciplined student and helping him is challenging. 

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35 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Thinking about applying to teach at a new Christian classical school near me. Timing is way off, of course, but they might need someone? 

You would be amazing at that! I hope you apply. Maybe if the timing isn't right now, it will be next year? 

Praying for the other job. 

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Took DS to church, went to dance, picked up DS, came home. 

Middle is finally getting his act together on looking at school stuff (oye), so DH is helping him with that for now. 

Oldest went to a small group at a new church, *and called after to see if he could go eat with them* (we said sure). This is huge. He's the one that had the health crisis/mental health crisis right before Covid. This is *huge*. 

We're attempting to stay up until he gets home (DH and middle are trying to figure out why his laptop doesn't like to print to my printer....it printed the test page, but now doesn't want to print his syllabus.....????). 

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