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Let's Tackle Wednesday Together


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Good morning!   I slept well but am up earlier than dh for 2 days in a row.  Not particularly early- 6 am was around my wake-up time.  Lots to do today, most of which has to do with prepping for our Hawaiian vacation which is in just a few days more than a month- we are leaving our house on Labor Day to drive to Atlanta--- and yesterday, I found out that we have to go to Nashville rt back to rheumatologist to get my Prolia shot the Friday before that weekend. 

  • Breakfast and meds
  • Reschedule appts that were scheduled for the time we are on vacation
  • hotel reservation in Atlanta for  the night before the flight
  • hotel reservation for the night after the flight
  • outings reservation for Kaui
  • plan for cruise stop in the Big Island of Hawaii --- we are also coming back to Hawaii for a longer stay after the cruise, when we will be staying at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park at the military recreational camp there where we will have a cabin with a jetted tub-- so I don't want to waste money doing the things we could do when we are there.
  • figure out what the COVID rules are now in all the places--- my rheumatologist who got Covid early last month and caused my appt cancelation then, told me yesterday that if I get COVID there, I need to call because I need to be put on a anti-viral
  • Clean up bathroom
  • start laundry
  • take shower
  • maybe quarantine book club
  • talk to dh about calling ADT
  • talk to dh about getting my car in again for a/c service
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Good morning! 

I worked on the new master list of everything I need to do before company arrives Friday evening. I'm going to post it here to help motivate me. Some of this was summer goals I haven't got to as well. 

  • hang some more decor/pictures on walls
  • clean out/organize pantry
  • clean out fridge/freezer
  • clean laundry room
  • do some more organizing in the office 
  • get new bathroom accessories for guest bath
  • wash all sheets and towels
  • make beds Friday
  • dust everywhere Friday
  • do all floors Friday
  • laundry
  • start packing ds' stuff to go back to school
  • take ds shopping for school 
  • deep clean kitchen 
  • deep clean bathrooms
  • gift for gf's parents (looking for a local ornament)
  • email some of my parents who haven't sent me the email addresses to invite some of the students to Google classrooms
  • plan fun activity for first day of classes
  • make lesson plans for first week for all classes
  • prep for tutoring
  • tutor 4 students 
  • pay bills/update checking
  • look for some gluten free recipes (ds' gf eats gluten free)
  • look for something we could do with the kids next week 
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Good morning! 

Today I have:

...shop for DS's curriculum/supplies for school
....message friend to see if she tested positive or negative for Covid, set up our work day if she's negative
...keep getting things ready for our work day
...make the school year schedule of all the people in the house (who has in person stuff, when)
...figure out what my possible availability is for tutoring - the kid from yesterday wants me to keep going through the school year
...email family about Kindergarten "scholarship" I can offer them
...call HEB and find out if they have Oldest's refill -- he called it in, but I haven't heard yet that it's ready....

....figure out dinner, cook early b/c church and dance lesson (just DH & I)
...drop DS at church, go to dance lesson, pick DS up, come home
...TV? Veg out? 

Time to get a move on! 

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Called; prescription is ready, will need to go pick it up shortly

Messaged friend; she's symptom free, testing tonight to give the full 5 days before doing so

Messaged the family (2nd grade, not K) and they are happily accepting the "scholarship" for my class 

Sent them the welcome email, emailed the directors about the pending registration

Heading to get the Rx and then will tackle the list....


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@TravelingChris - hooray for the upcoming trip but I hope you get to rest today and that the nausea fades.

Coffee & Breakfast
Bible & some writing

Barton x 4
Math for kiddos & with William
DH is going to a ball game and I think a friend is coming over
Pack for a quick couple days away
Text a friend & set up a play date for next week
Slide in a phone call to a friend this morning. ❤️ 
Make a plan for supper
Pick up DS (Home from cadet training / Ft Knox)

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55 minutes ago, BlsdMama said:

@TravelingChris - hooray for the upcoming trip but I hope you get to rest today and that the nausea fades.

Not nausea but fatigue.  Any time I do the trip to my rheumatologist in Nashville which is an about 230 miles rt, and then, yesterday we also did the chores for our son and his family and went out to dinner- even that little activity can get me so fatigued.  I hate auto-immune conditions.  Though I have developed some nausea now too, unfortunately.

Oh, and congrats on your newly expected Grandbaby, Lisa.

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Hi guys, happy Wednesday!

Today's home projects / sub-projects (that I know of) include:

  • Purge - taking a bunch out to the treelawn for garbage day pickup.
  • Plumber or bathroom guy ?? came to give a quote on a basement bathroom.  (I wasn't here for that.)
  • Weekly yard work.
  • Day 3 of the basement ceiling guys being here all day.

Finalized some scheduling things, but new things have come up.  In short, I'm more confused than I like to be.


  • Woke the kids.
  • Gathered and sorted all the garbage from upstairs (bedrooms/bathrooms).
  • Took the dog out & other pup stuff.
  • Cleared part of the fridge.
  • Took the garbage out - house (usual stuff) and garage (purge stuff).
  • Made kid's breakfast & lunch, my 2 mugs of coffee.
  • Made the kids sign band forms.
  • Kid2 to band camp with the forms, payment, & instructions to be her sister's representative.
  • Kid1 to her job.
  • Texts and emails re Kid1's work schedule & therapy appointment.
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (3), quordle (big fat fail).
  • Took a client call, cold, in the car.
  • Finalized an important reporting item for a client.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins.
  • Washed some dishes etc..
  • Trying to participate in planning our next couple weeks of house and dog stuff.  Still pretty confused.  It keeps changing.
  • A little reading.
  • Caught up on emails, calendar, news, and social media.

To do:

  • More client work.  I have a handful of entities that need quarterly financials ASAP this week.
  • Add Kid2 to my car insurance.
  • Schedule Kid2's remaining driving school classroom sessions.
  • Drive Kid1 home from work early.
  • Kid1's in-car professional driving lesson.
  • Bring Kid2 home from band camp, probably give her a short driving lesson.  Log the driving lessons for yesterday & today.
  • Calculate and transfer cash that I promised the kids.
  • Make the kids do summer math, summer English homework, pup duty, room cleaning, music practice, and getting ready for tomorrow.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Online raffle fundraiser for zoo.
  • Get TKD and another Frog Watch on our schedule.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Hello everyone!

I have been working at church all day. A couple of meetings and Sunday school prep. More to do, then home in the late afternoon after a quick stop at the neighborhood farmers market for peaches, cantaloupe, and eggs. 

No clue on dinner. Maybe burgers? 

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Made the family schedule -- I need DH or the kids to supply some of the info, and need to sit down w/DH and discuss one part, b/c it will involve him taking DS with him on the day he drives middle to university each week, to do DS's coursework there (DH supervises chemistry and Portuguese)

Realized my only even possible tutoring slot will be T/Th afternoons, preferably Thurs 

Sent a few emails that came in and needed answered


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7 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Good morning!   I slept well but am up earlier than dh for 2 days in a row.  Not particularly early- 6 am was around my wake-up time.  Lots to do today, most of which has to do with prepping for our Hawaiian vacation which is in just a few days more than a month- we are leaving our house on Labor Day to drive to Atlanta--- and yesterday, I found out that we have to go to Nashville rt back to rheumatologist to get my Prolia shot the Friday before that weekend. 

  • Breakfast and meds
  • Reschedule appts that were scheduled for the time we are on vacation
  • hotel reservation in Atlanta for  the night before the flight
  • hotel reservation for the night after the flight
  • outings reservation for Kaui
  • plan for cruise stop in the Big Island of Hawaii --- we are also coming back to Hawaii for a longer stay after the cruise, when we will be staying at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park at the military recreational camp there where we will have a cabin with a jetted tub-- so I don't want to waste money doing the things we could do when we are there.
  • figure out what the COVID rules are now in all the places--- my rheumatologist who got Covid early last month and caused my appt cancelation then, told me yesterday that if I get COVID there, I need to call because I need to be put on a anti-viral
  • Clean up bathroom
  • start laundry
  • take shower
  • maybe quarantine book club
  • talk to dh about calling ADT
  • talk to dh about getting my car in again for a/c service


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Kids are home, having successfully finished the driving practice, work, & band camp.

I took the pup for a walk since the fixit guys were doing loud work on a ceiling hole right next to his room.  He reduced his barking some after I walked him past the guys, but didn't totally stop.

I feel wiped out even though it's only 5pm.

Now to check out the driving classroom sessions that may be available in the near future ....

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Got hotel for our stay the night before the flight and have put up post asking if anyone has suggestions about how to get a reservation for a hotel for early-because of RedEye.  I know I have to call the hotel but just had a really stupid and annoying person at one hotel telling me I can't reserve anything and to call back a few days before we need it.  No, I want to reserve and am willing to pay.

Oh and dh needs to get a new battery for the 2001 Toyota Tundra truck he finally got back last week after over 3 months waiting for the fuel line replacement part they needed. He isn't happy to have to drive to a not so great part of town to get it. Plus it is hot.

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Spent too much time on phone calling different cell phone plan companies to get answers to questions not in their website. 

1 meeting done

worked on garden and water lawn

Cleaned up dog area in yard

Bought some fiesta ware bowls that were on sale at Macys, washed and put away 

 bought sheet sets at bb&b that were on clearance need to wash and put in both ds rooms

Clean inside fridge

go through pantry checking dates and stock

collect all trash and recycles for pick up tomorrow 






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Dh and I hung some stuff on the walls that we've been meaning to put up. 

My dad stopped by for a few minutes because he came down to the chiropractor again. 

I finished going through the problems my SAT student missed on the practice test. 

I took ds shopping all afternoon, and we ate out at Five Guys. 

I want to go to church, but I'm really tired. It was so hot this afternoon in and out of shopping. Dh isn't going, so I would have to drive myself. Probably not going. 

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6 minutes ago, mom31257 said:


I want to go to church, but I'm really tired. It was so hot this afternoon in and out of shopping. Dh isn't going, so I would have to drive myself. Probably not going. 

watch a service online maybe?  I don't think our Wednesday night activities have started yet.  They usually start a few weeks after the schools start.

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I thought today was Thursday for some reason. No farmers' market today. ds is at practice, Dh went to a church thing, and Dd is not hungry, so I'm just making a dinner from leftovers for me. They are on their own. 

Wrote a check and signed a form for Dd's tutorial. Last time! Senior year is getting very real!
Culled my inbox.
Sent a couple AHG emails.

Not sure what I will do after dinner. Not really wanting to tackle a big administrative project. Maybe just read. 

My wrist is hurting. May do some research on what it could be. Some sort of connective tissue overuse/strain I'm sure. But it's my left hand and I'm a lefty. 

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Just now, TravelingChris said:

watch a service online maybe?  I don't think our Wednesday night activities have started yet.  They usually start a few weeks after the schools start.

They don't put the Wednesday night services online because it is group bible studies. It's the last night of the women's study, but the videos they are using are online. I can watch that, and just won't get the discussion groups. We've been going through this Pearls podcast that also has videos.  She is a biblical culturist that teaches the Bible from a historical, eastern perspective. She is coming to speak at our church this fall for a women's event. 

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Okay, talked with Oldest about what I need to do for school, which helped me get sorted, organized, prioritized, etc. - it now feels super manageable, and I realized I have far less left to do than I thought

Helped him take apart lego sets to clean/reassemble/consider selling as a time filler 

Cooking dinner now, then it's the church/dance/church/home run.....

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Great afternoon with a friend.

My hack job plan to stream my phone to the van dvd actually worked!

 Not one bit of school done but we packed everything for St Louis. 

DS is graduated from cadet school and flying home. Pick up at 10!

 Downloading videos now. 

Last load of laundry  

Horrid haircut tonight. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Seriously, how can anyone misunderstand bob????

 Raged, vented, nearly cried, and reminded self I get it cut again in three months. I may have texted someone to ask if my former gal who cut my hair is ever moving back… 👀 But seriously? I can’t put in contacts, I can’t curl my own hair, I really can’t do my makeup well… a simply cute haircut is a really big deal. It’s total vanity but I used to be fairly cute… and now my body has changed, being in the chair has changed, I have changed so much… this hit harder than it should have tonight. Done whining. 

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@ScoutTN, I hope the walk helped!

@Brittany1116, hope your head is better.

@BlsdMama, I'm sorry for the bad hair cut and all the feelings that came with it! Sending a virtual hug! 

I took a nap. 

I've finished the organizing in the office. 

I prepped for tutoring tomorrow. One student rescheduled for Friday morning.

I loaded the dishwasher but haven't run it yet because it isn't quite full. 

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Taking the nap so late was not good since I need to be online at 8 AM in the morning. 

I decided to put the lack of sleepiness to work, and I cleaned out and organized the pantry. 

I would do laundry if it wasn't storming in the area. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, so I'll do it then. 

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