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WWYD potential flu days before vacay


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Went to bed last night feeling achy, woke up this morning with chills, body aches, fever, watery eyes.  Took rapid covid test which was negative.

Should I go to the doctor for flu / PCR to check? We are days away from a long awaited break.  I also don’t want to bring contagious cooties to my family or a rental.  Any hope flu could run its course pretty quickly and not take others down? Trying to rebook would mean missing out until next summer and I have no idea of anything is refundable this close, but ethics > self 

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I'd get an influenza and PCR screen in hopes that I'd get a clear answer one way or the other. If you're more than 72 hours out, I think there's a good shot you might kick this before the trip.  I'd check on refundability while I wait on the PCR results and go from there. Not only ethics> self, but I can't imagine you having a good time traveling while that ill.

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I'm so sorry you are sick!

We were all sick between Dec and Feb.  DH tested negative for flu (his was in December).  In Feb 2020, before lock down, one of my boys got sick on a Friday and I tested him for flu Sat morning.  He was negative, but I did it too soon after symptoms appeared.  His twin was sick the next day and I didn't test him.  I got it as well.  I waited like 4 days and then went.  She said because everyone else had been negative that I would be too, but it showed up positive for flu. She was shocked.

Just like your rapid Covid test, you might not get an accurate result if your symptoms are this recent.  

One of my boys tested positive for Covid on Monday.  He has very minor cold symptoms with his and his positive line showed up in like 2 seconds.

I sure hope you feel better soon!  Lots of stuff going around 😞 .


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I would verify the covid result with a PCR due to the false negatives with RATs in early days.

My DD is currently sick (non-covid) and we’ve been doing our covid style iso protocols (she stays in her room or outdoors, I mask when I go in to take her food) and so far no one else has caught it. I might consider doing that in your situation even if it’s not covid just to avoid the inconvenience of it going through everyone. 

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