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For fun: what would your "help us Supernanny" intro video include?


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On work breaks or to wind down, I've watched a few Supernanny episodes (and a few hoarder episodes).  It made me wonder what I need a Supernanny to help me with.  What about you?  I'll comment down thread.

(I know some people don't like Supernanny, but just humor me or ignore me.  :P)

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My Supernanny video might include:

  • Just wordless scans of my kids' bedrooms and bathroom in their usual state.
  • Also the amazing messes one of my kids leaves in the common areas of the house.
  • Bickering / sassing between one of my kids and one of my housemates.
  • One kid's morning slowness making everyone late (or almost late).
  • "I don't want to go" wherever we're going.
  • Everyone allowing our dog to exhibit bad dog manners.  Also trying to shirk their pup duties.
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twin  in one of his rages where he is yelling, hitting, spitting and trying to kick me 

 twin 2 when it is meal time and he is having one of his anxiety attacks meltdowns 

 honestly I think it beyond supernanny. medication helps twin 1 a fair bit, and the  psychologist is coming for dinner tomorrow to witness twin 2 anxiety attack  meltdown about  eating.

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The fighting. Especially between my oldest and youngest. It drives me crazy. I’m the oldest of 8 kids and we never, ever fought like this in my FOO.  There’s some age differences and neurodiversity going on—oldest is high IQ and ASD with all its rigidity and black and white thinking, youngest is cognitively disabled(mosaic DownSyndrome) and very touchy feels, extroverted, in everyone’s space.  The fighting between them is constant and I can’t seem to get control of it.

I need SuperNanny.

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13 hours ago, SKL said:

My Supernanny video might include:

  • Just wordless scans of my kids' bedrooms and bathroom in their usual state.
  • One kid's morning slowness making everyone late (or almost late).

This — especially the last. And not just morning slowness but ANYTIME we leave the house. And I hate being late! The issues are clearly executive function/ADHD in my kid, but she rejects every attempt from me to help her manage it. *Sigh.*

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11 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

twin  in one of his rages where he is yelling, hitting, spitting and trying to kick me 

 twin 2 when it is meal time and he is having one of his anxiety attacks meltdowns 

 honestly I think it beyond supernanny. medication helps twin 1 a fair bit, and the  psychologist is coming for dinner tomorrow to witness twin 2 anxiety attack  meltdown about  eating.

I have a lot of experience with anxiety attacks about eating.  We did a hidden camera so we could get coached from a distance.  

Just wanted to offer some moral support!

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4 hours ago, hjffkj said:

I don't need Supernanny. I need a supercleaner or organizer. Is there a show for that? Because I need to get someone to help get everyone on board with a routine that keeps this house in order. 

Marie Kondo can help you organize, though I don't know if she can force your family to follow a daily/weekly routine.

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Shot of me sitting at the school table, waiting for my child to arrive; shot of me and DH at the dinner table, waiting for our child to arrive; shot of our child riding in the car, demanding to know whether we're going to be late. 🤔

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3 hours ago, Tanaqui said:

Marie Kondo can help you organize, though I don't know if she can force your family to follow a daily/weekly routine.

I did the Marie Kondo thing at our townhouse but that was at least one kids ago and at least 3 years worth of holiday crap😂

I don't need to force them, they're good about doing their share when asked. I just don't know how to come up with a daily/weekly routine. We're working on it. I have the kitchen and dining room cleaning routine, the kids do a quick clean of two high traffic areas daily, and dh handles the bathrooms. But it just seems like there is so much more to figure out and no time

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