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Just a small vent/share

Jenny in Florida

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I am having one of those days when the very thought of working makes me weepy. 

I stalled this morning by cleaning out some junk from my inbox.

Then I decided that my (home) office was too messy and gave myself permission to do some cleaning.

On the way back to my office after taking out the trash and recycling, I stopped to talk to my husband about the two packages that he had offered to send out for me while he is out running errands, which morphed into a conversation about how I can retrieve the files I asked him to help me find in the back-up of an old laptop. (I'm hoping there will be a document I can scavenge to submit as a writing sample with my application for the grad school program I hope to start in the fall.)

Then I sat down at my (clean) desk and stared at Slack for a little bit.

Then I remembered I meant to start a load of laundry earlier in the day and went off to do that.

Then I sat down at my desk, checked Slack and email and verified that no new material had come in for any of the projects I'm managing.

Then I took the dog outside, put the first load of laundry in the dryer and started the next load.

Then I checked Slack on my phone to make sure no one was trying to reach me.

Then I made myself lunch and decided to eat in the kitchen instead of risking messing up my clean desk.

Then I started back to my desk but remembered that the mail carrier had dropped a package outside the front door earlier, so I grabbed that and, while I was outside,  checked the mail.

Then I returned to my desk one more time . . . and opened my personal laptop and wrote this post. 

I have now at least opened the document I am supposed to be working on today. But that's as far as I have gotten with anything resembling "work."

So, yeah, I am not having what one would refer to as a productive day.



Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I'm right there with you.  I had grand plans to be productive today but I just can't bring myself to do anything.  I did pet sit, which is good because I'm being paid to do that.  But once I got home this morning, other than make sure the kids are fed I haven't really done anything.  

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27 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

So, yeah, I am not having what one would refer to as a productive day.

I mean... you cleaned your office, took out the trash and recycling, resolved getting 2 packages sent out via delegation, checked your Slack for important things, took care of the dog's needs, did some laundry (2 loads?!), made lunch, took care of today's mail, and did some online socializing!

I get that it's not the productivity you "should" be doing, but give yourself some credit. If I could be unproductive half as productively as you are able to, my house would be much cleaner, lol. 

Hugs that you're having an unexpected day, but you're still making the best of it. You can do this! *cheerleader pom poms*

Edited by Moonhawk
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20 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I did just manage to write a paragraph, so . . . progress?

Yes, definitely! Sometimes days just feel blah and it's really hard to get started on anything. 

I've been doing a lot of online shopping/browsing to take my mind off of work. 

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1 hour ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I am having one of those days when the very thought of working makes me weepy. 

I stalled this morning by cleaning out some junk from my inbox.

Then I decided that my (home) office was too messy and gave myself permission to do some cleaning.

On the way back to my office after taking out the trash and recycling, I stopped to talk to my husband about the two packages that he had offered to send out for me while he is out running errands, which morphed into a conversation about how I can retrieve the files I asked him to help me find in the back-up of an old laptop. (I'm hoping there will be a document I can scavenge to submit as a writing sample with my application for the grad school program I hope to start in the fall.)

Then I sat down at my (clean) desk and stared at Slack for a little bit.

Then I remembered I meant to start a load of laundry earlier in the day and went off to do that.

Then I sat down at my desk, checked Slack and email and verified that no new material had come in for any of the projects I'm managing.

Then I took the dog outside, put the first load of laundry in the dryer and started the next load.

Then I checked Slack on my phone to make sure no one was trying to reach me.

Then I made myself lunch and decided to eat in the kitchen instead of risking messing up my clean desk.

Then I started back to my desk but remembered that the mail carrier had dropped a package outside the front door earlier, so I grabbed that and, while I was outside,  checked the mail.

Then I returned to my desk one more time . . . and opened my personal laptop and wrote this post. 

I have now at least opened the document I am supposed to be working on today. But that's as far as I have gotten with anything resembling "work."

So, yeah, I am not having what one would refer to as a productive day.



I'm under my covers on my bed putting off cleaning, so I get it. 

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That was me yesterday. Having trouble sleeping at night so slept late. Woke up with headache, came downstairs and the kids were just quietly hanging out all in the same room so joined them. Decided not to go into kitchen at all so I won’t feel bad about the three days worth of dishes I need to do, soooo we ate cereal for lunch, watched four movies that were received as gifts or checked out from the library, ate little caesers pizza that dh stopped and picked up, and then we watched 4 back to back episodes of Alaskan bush people on prime. All the kids were home and we all had a great day watching movies and talking and no one got dressed, argued, or lifted a finger. It was glorious in its decadence. Of course, got up this morning with now four days of dishes and chores, but I must have needed the rest because today didn’t feel as overwhelming.

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Well, I think I finally figured out why I was having so much trouble. Once I ran out of busy-work, it became clear to me that I was desperately staying busy so as to stave off actually thinking about anything real. When that strategy ran out of steam, I started a pretty steep downward emotional spiral. 

You would think I'd be better at recognizing the symptoms by now. 

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