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My parents were in a bad car accident today


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The concentrator arrived. I think the UPS driver was as anxious as I was. It hasit’s own custom shipping  case that weighs a ton and will hopefully qualify as medical equipment-otherwise it’s going to be expensive to take on the plane so we can return the rental. Whew! 

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My parents are home, due to a very fast wheelchair attendant who made the Atlanta airport transfer in record speed after the first flight was delayed. They got to go through the TSA employee line, which was useful since there was so much to hand check. They needed all three concentrator batteries by the end due to not being able to recharge between flights. So, they’re finally back where they should have been 3 months ago. It’s been a long trip. And I know it’s not over, but I’m feeling relieved.

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47 minutes ago, Dmmetler said:

It it normal to be so suddenly, completely exhausted? 

I would be surprised and worried if you weren't completely exhausted. You've been through the wringer, mentally, physically, and spiritually. If you are a vitamin or supplement person I would up them since your body is probably going to crash soon.

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1 hour ago, Dmmetler said:

It it normal to be so suddenly, completely exhausted? 

Yes - I think so! I've not been posting on this thread, but following it. It's been a miracle and turned into a bright light amidst a lot of darkness. You've had months of stress, worry and responsibility. I suspect the adrenaline kept you going, and going and going...Your strength throughout this ordeal has been amazing and inspiring.

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4 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

It it normal to be so suddenly, completely exhausted? 

Absolutely. You've been running on trauma, stress, adrenaline, and cortisol. Now that you don't have to be "on" all the time, your body is telling you it needs rest to recover. Please listen to your body, and read The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk after you've rested for awhile.

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13 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

It it normal to be so suddenly, completely exhausted? 

Yes! Allow yourself extra time to rest if you can. It has been go go go for three months. Now you're crashing. Completely normal. Hugs to you.


And I'm happy to hear your mom is back home again to continue her amazing recovery.

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