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What are you doing with your traveling spouse?


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In regards to covid.  If you or your spouse has to travel for work, what are you doing when they get home?  Do you test?  Watch for symptoms?  Put them in a spare bedroom? Have them wear a mask inside?

Dh has to travel for work now and it is just a bit extra stress trying to figure out what if anything we should do when he comes back.  He is vaccinated, but I have kids who are not.  And we know that the vaccine does not mean you can't get covid.  He does things to protect himself more, but still traveling puts him in lots of situations that increase his risk.  And traveling to states with high numbers.  


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Listening in.  I just posted about this in the big Covid thread. Trying to decide about whether DH should isolate or quarantine when he returns from international travel, once he goes.

I think how you handle it might depend on how often your DH travels and your comfort level?  

We have not lived it yet, but I imagine we will test and he will likely mask at home upon return until he’s been able to test negative (not sure how many days are required). But!  My risk tolerance is low.  Unvaxxed DD is high-ish risk, and I’m vaxxed but immune compromised and have had multiple hospital stays lately.  Just not sure I could fight off much more at this point, I’m pretty fragile.  Ugh.  

If your risk tolerance is higher, the calculation you make may differ.

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Back before vaccinations were available, dh had to travel.  I am immunocompromised.  He masked the entire trip but we slept separately for two weeks when he got back.  Plus, I masked around him for those two weeks.  We weren't around each other a ton - he was working from home when he got back but in a totally separate part of the house. 

Now - we're both vaccinated and don't have any unvaccinated people in the house so other than masking for the trip, I don't think that we would do anything this time.  But if there were unvaccinated people in the house I would do like we did earlier in the pandemic. 

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7 hours ago, Spryte said:

Listening in.  I just posted about this in the big Covid thread. Trying to decide about whether DH should isolate or quarantine when he returns from international travel, once he goes.

I think how you handle it might depend on how often your DH travels and your comfort level?  

We have not lived it yet, but I imagine we will test and he will likely mask at home upon return until he’s been able to test negative (not sure how many days are required). But!  My risk tolerance is low.  Unvaxxed DD is high-ish risk, and I’m vaxxed but immune compromised and have had multiple hospital stays lately.  Just not sure I could fight off much more at this point, I’m pretty fragile.  Ugh.  

If your risk tolerance is higher, the calculation you make may differ.

Thanks.  I would say my risk tolerance is low.  I was starting to up it a bit and then Delta came in to play.   Dh has been masking when home.  I think I will add in getting tested. 

Thing is we don't have a part of the house where he can really isolate.  Even when masking at home there are lots of time that he is unmasked.  Eating, sleeping, showering.

Edited by mommyoffive
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9 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Thanks.  I would say my risk tolerance is low.  I was starting to up it a bit and then Delta came in to play.   Dh has been masking when home.  I think I will add in getting tested. 

Thing is we don't have a part of the house where he can really isolate.  Even when masking at home there are lots of time that he is unmasked.  Eating, sleeping, showering.

We don’t really have a good set up for anyone to isolate either, I feel you.  Hopefully testing upon arriving home (after X number of days) might help alleviate some worry.  

If your DH is traveling very frequently, it could make it difficult, too.  Imagining him arriving home and finishing isolation just in time to leave, ugh.  So anything to shorten that time period is good.

Honestly, still grappling with this today.  I have a hard time imagining DH here isolating upon return.  It feels like overkill, when we know others don’t do it, but then … our needs are different.

Keep us posted on what you decide?

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4 hours ago, Spryte said:

We don’t really have a good set up for anyone to isolate either, I feel you.  Hopefully testing upon arriving home (after X number of days) might help alleviate some worry.  

If your DH is traveling very frequently, it could make it difficult, too.  Imagining him arriving home and finishing isolation just in time to leave, ugh.  So anything to shorten that time period is good.

Honestly, still grappling with this today.  I have a hard time imagining DH here isolating upon return.  It feels like overkill, when we know others don’t do it, but then … our needs are different.

Keep us posted on what you decide?

Yeah he kind of is now.  Sucks.  His first trip out of state since Covid was in mid June.  He had done day trips a couple of times to work in a facility.  He has been going every week since.  I think he doesn't have to go next week, although they want him to.  But yeah on work travel he is doing stuff like eating in out, airplanes, hotels, visits to lots of facilities.  And he went out west this last one where there are lots of spread.  I should have asked this question before, because for some reason I blanked on having him getting tested getting home.  Duhhh.  He masked for about a week after he came home, but otherwise we lived normally.  I think we will keep doing that and then testing.  I think the kind of trip for him matters.  If he is doing a lower risk trip vs a high risk one with lots of unmasked time, crowded spaces, and places with high rates we will do more.  Everything is just extra hard.  Boo

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Is he vaccinated? A good quality mask and vaccination would help protect him. Then, at home, I don't think masking or even testing would help a lot (and would be hard for him I think). But improved air flow in the home (purifiier, open windows etc) might be helpful. 

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My dh started back traveling before we were vaccinated; we didn't do anything special. I don't think it's super practical to isolate and/or mask at home, and testing once upon return isn't that helpful (the timing would have to be just right). 

What about adding some air purifiers to your house? They don't change your life, you don't have to think about them, they are likely way more effective than anything else, and they'll help for other illnesses as well! 

I've been meaning to get a couple myself, I just haven't put the research in yet. 

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DH is getting on an airplane as we speak.   He and my son will be driving son's car back across the country.  

I flew during Covid and DH has flown a couple of time, before vaccine were available, and we didn't do anything different.

We aren't doing anything different.   I have been vaccinated.

Edited by DawnM
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We're all vaccinated with Pfizer but before vaccines came out, used ozone therapy and still use it occasionally if traveling.

Many countries -- Italy, Spain, India, Iran, Cuba, etc. -- have been treating Covid patients with it. They are mostly using ozone major autohemotherapy using oxygen and medical-grade equipment that thoroughly traps and thus safely degrades any excess ozone. (It converts back to oxygen quickly.) It is not breathed in at all. Patients who have opted to use it show significant improvement usually within five days and almost all are much better within 10 days. It has even been used successfully as a last ditch effort on dying patients in Italy.

You can find medical doctors in the US who are using it exclusively to treat Covid but they are not allowed to say they are offering it for Covid. They are allowed to say that they offer ozone therapy. Hospitals in the US, however, do not recognize it as a therapy. It's very difficult to leave a hospital if you're very sick, so if interested in trying it, you'd have to get treatment in an MD's office.

I own a setup of oxygen and medical-grade equipment and just administer it to myself and family members. (Must be medical grade.) Easy and fast. I'll be going on a long trip in about a month to visit family members and will administer it before, after and maybe during.

If you search World Health Organization's website, you can find some of the information. Here is a narrative review as well which claims anti-virals are necessary but many MDs are using only ozone major autohemotherapy and have found it works well all on its own.


**It is also used as a doping trick especially in cycling. It's nothing new, really. Works well on shingles, Lyme and other diseases. Great, underutilized treatment if you ask me.

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15 hours ago, sbgrace said:

Is he vaccinated? A good quality mask and vaccination would help protect him. Then, at home, I don't think masking or even testing would help a lot (and would be hard for him I think). But improved air flow in the home (purifiier, open windows etc) might be helpful. 

He is vaccinated fully and wears Kn95 or 94 all the time.

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10 hours ago, katilac said:

My dh started back traveling before we were vaccinated; we didn't do anything special. I don't think it's super practical to isolate and/or mask at home, and testing once upon return isn't that helpful (the timing would have to be just right). 

What about adding some air purifiers to your house? They don't change your life, you don't have to think about them, they are likely way more effective than anything else, and they'll help for other illnesses as well! 

I've been meaning to get a couple myself, I just haven't put the research in yet. 

We do have air purifiers in the house due to trying to drown out the neighbors dogs that go out at 3 or 4am and bark nonstop.  We could get some more I guess.

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