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Dr. Hive. My back suddenly hurts UPDATE: pee strip positive for leukocytes


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@Garga I agree about the wonders of D-Mannose. I used it for my MIL when she was staying with us. I was thinking about that yesterday because there is a vitamin store not far from the urgent care. I dont know if it helps with the kidneys or not. Im not even sure how I got a kidney infection. In the past, I first had a UTI that migrated, but I dont think I had a UTI this time. Could you get one from infection elsewhere that the kidneys try to clear from the blood? I just dont know. 

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

@Garga I agree about the wonders of D-Mannose. I used it for my MIL when she was staying with us. I was thinking about that yesterday because there is a vitamin store not far from the urgent care. I dont know if it helps with the kidneys or not. Im not even sure how I got a kidney infection. In the past, I first had a UTI that migrated, but I dont think I had a UTI this time. Could you get one from infection elsewhere that the kidneys try to clear from the blood? I just dont know. 

I don’t know how a person gets a kidney infection without a UTI, but it’s not something I’ve really thought much about. I had been under the impression it started as a UTI and then moved into the kidneys.  This thread has made me wonder how it all works. 


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How are you feeling today, Quill? I hope your back is feeling better and that you don’t have any new symptoms!

I think you’re smart not to tell your mom. Considering the timing of this, it’s creepy enough for you to have to deal with it, but if your mom doesn’t need to know, I would pretend everything is fine.

I wish I knew how you got the infection. I know older people can get them without UTI symptoms, but I always assumed that younger women got UTI symptoms first, and then the infection spread to the kidneys. Apparently, I was wrong!

I hope the medicines work FAST!

When do you need to follow up with a doctor to make sure the infection is completely gone? Would it be worth seeing a specialist just to be sure? I only ask because of what happened with your sister. I think the meds will work, but I’m thinking more in terms of peace of mind, and also to find out how to avoid future infections.

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

How are you feeling today, Quill? I hope your back is feeling better and that you don’t have any new symptoms!

I think you’re smart not to tell your mom. Considering the timing of this, it’s creepy enough for you to have to deal with it, but if your mom doesn’t need to know, I would pretend everything is fine.

I wish I knew how you got the infection. I know older people can get them without UTI symptoms, but I always assumed that younger women got UTI symptoms first, and then the infection spread to the kidneys. Apparently, I was wrong!

I hope the medicines work FAST!

When do you need to follow up with a doctor to make sure the infection is completely gone? Would it be worth seeing a specialist just to be sure? I only ask because of what happened with your sister. I think the meds will work, but I’m thinking more in terms of peace of mind, and also to find out how to avoid future infections.

I don’t really feel better but I wouldn’t say I feel worse either. In addition to my back hurting, my head feels spaced out and...just bad. That started happening by the time I was at urgent care. 
They did not say to follow up; only if it doesn’t seem any better  or if it gets worse. They also sent my pee cup off to a lab so they should call me about that by Tuesday. 
If I try hard to make a connection, I can come up with a few slight issues over the last week that could have evidenced a UTI, but, like I say, not really unless I’m trying hard to connect it. Like, one day last week I though, “Wow, so yellow” in the toilet. I also had a relentless 3-day headache. Could I have had an infection? Maybe. There was also one instance where I didn’t feel like my bladder emptied completely. Again, though, these are just tiny things that, were I not sitting here in the current state, I would not be thinking those were signs all was not well. 
College son and his gf are coming by tonight and are going to make dinner and clean. Good thing because I said I can’t do diddly and I for sure can’t think through providing a vegan option for gf as well. He’s a good son. He said he’s bringing me cranberry juice. 

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21 minutes ago, Quill said:

I don’t really feel better but I wouldn’t say I feel worse either. In addition to my back hurting, my head feels spaced out and...just bad. That started happening by the time I was at urgent care. 
They did not say to follow up; only if it doesn’t seem any better  or if it gets worse. They also sent my pee cup off to a lab so they should call me about that by Tuesday. 
If I try hard to make a connection, I can come up with a few slight issues over the last week that could have evidenced a UTI, but, like I say, not really unless I’m trying hard to connect it. Like, one day last week I though, “Wow, so yellow” in the toilet. I also had a relentless 3-day headache. Could I have had an infection? Maybe. There was also one instance where I didn’t feel like my bladder emptied completely. Again, though, these are just tiny things that, were I not sitting here in the current state, I would not be thinking those were signs all was not well. 
College son and his gf are coming by tonight and are going to make dinner and clean. Good thing because I said I can’t do diddly and I for sure can’t think through providing a vegan option for gf as well. He’s a good son. He said he’s bringing me cranberry juice. 

That is so sweet of your son and his gf!  Enjoy your time with them and hope you feel better soon. 

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18 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I’m wondering, too! @Quill, are you feeling any better today?

I’m better. I’m home from work today, but I expect to go in tommorow. My boss has already texted me because he didn't succeed in processing someone's payment on our LawPay account. 🙄 

My back still hurts, but less than it did. Im not having too much else in the way of generally feeling poorly. 

Thanks for asking! 

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On 6/6/2021 at 6:38 AM, Quill said:

I dont know if it helps with the kidneys or not. Im not even sure how I got a kidney infection. In the past, I first had a UTI that migrated, but I dont think I had a UTI this time. Could you get one from infection elsewhere that the kidneys try to clear from the blood? I just dont know. 

I had a severe kidney infection in college. I didn't have a UTI and hadn't had one since I was a little girl. My only initial symptoms were waves of horrible nausea and I think some back pain. I had to stay in the infirmary. 

So glad you are doing better!

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4 hours ago, MercyA said:

I had a severe kidney infection in college. I didn't have a UTI and hadn't had one since I was a little girl. My only initial symptoms were waves of horrible nausea and I think some back pain. I had to stay in the infirmary. 

So glad you are doing better!

So, piggy-backing on this, my labs came back with no evidence of UTI. So...I don’t really understand how this works. I don’t really understand how there can be excess white blood cells, back pain and no UTI. But I guess that does explain why I didn’t seem to have a UTI first. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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1 minute ago, Quill said:

So, piggy-backing on this, my labs came back with no evidence of UTI. So...I don’t really understand how this works. I don’t really understand how there can be excess white blood cells, back pain and no UTI. But I guess that does explain why I didn’t seem to have a UTI first. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Maybe your immune system fought off the infection in your lower urinary tract on its own, but the bacteria had already spread to the kidney and found more hospitable quarters there? 

I am very prone to kidney stones. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

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7 hours ago, MercyA said:

Maybe your immune system fought off the infection in your lower urinary tract on its own, but the bacteria had already spread to the kidney and found more hospitable quarters there? 

I am very prone to kidney stones. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

That’s what I wonder, if theres a stone or some type of blockage. 

I do remember, as a teen, I once had kidney pain that couldn't be pinpointed. I had to go to the hospital for a scan with dye, to look for a blockage. It yielded nothing. I cant really remember the details now, though, but I remember I dont want a scan with dyes if I can avoid it. 

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I'm sorry this is happening to you. 

I had a kidney infection; a stone had gotten stuck and caused a blockage. I had been feeling off all day and then at night started with fever and all that. At the hospital they put in a stent to get things flowing again, and then later I had a lithotripsy to get rid of the stone. So if you have a blockage it seems they would have had to do something to remove/relieve it. This was 2013 and I've never had another issue, though I still have a  yearly date with a kidney specialist for a review of my blood and urine test results to see if my chemistry is on track.  

Hope it's over quickly for you and you are back to everything soon. And I'm so sorry about your sister; it's very kind of you to leave your mom out of the loop on this one. 


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