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What would you do?

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Yesterday, I took my puppy to the groomer. I explained what I wanted and admit to being uneasy when I left her there due to the woman's responses, but....


I take my other dog there about once every 6-8 months. With him, he's just shaved down except his face and tail (trimmed neatly).


However, I was CLEAR that I wanted the length left on my puppy (she's a lhasa). We also discussed that I wanted the hair on top of her head to remain enough for a pony tail (or be pulled back in barrettes). I did also point out her cherry eye (will be fixed the beginning of next month) so they'd be careful regarding that.


When I got there, the ladies barely spoke to me, I paid, and then the groomer handed me my puppy. I couldn't disguise the upset. Not only was she shaved, but it was all very uneven, with pieces here and there, strips much longer than the rest of the length, choppy looking. She did have a ponytail (topknot).


When I stuttered something out, she said something about how her legs had to be shaved and so the rest of her did too. We stood there another moment, me feeling different lengths of fur, wishing I at least had the nerve to say, "could you at least even her up a little?"


We sat out in the car another 5 min. I was so upset. I just didn't know what to do. The woman walked halfway through the store to see why we hadn't left (I assume), but turned back.


Finally I left and went straight to a friend's house. 3 other people were there also and everyone agreed they wouldn't have paid for it and the least they could have done was made her even (since obviously they can't just glue 7 inches of hair back on her).


I went to another store on the way home and bought her a cute little sweater. My daughter has shaved our other dog so can fix up Jazz. And I'm not as freaky about it today. But the sweater shows how even the longer hair on her head wasn't cut even at her neck. GRRR


I really think I should say or write something rather than just not taking my dogs back. I kinda think they won't really care, but I just don't see how they can hand a puppy back to an owner like that. I've had MULTIPLE long haired dogs and have NEVER had a dog come back to me with so many mistakes. But I really have an issue that they so completely disregarded my wishes regarding the length of her hair.


Oh, also, they have called me when unsure in the past so why didn't they do that this time. Also, I called them about halfway through the day because they hadn't called yet and had never taken so long on my other dog. That gave them an additional opportunity to ask or run by any issues.


Sorry to ramble so long.


And now I feel like I must find another groomer and I'm nervous about it. Though neither of my dogs currently needs a groomer, I want to be prepared. Our vet does have a groomer and though it costs considerably more, maybe that is a better option.


So what would you do? Just forgive and forget? or address it somehow?

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I have a Yorkie that I have never trusted anyone else to groom....but there was that night that my husband decided she would look so cute with a "puppy cut"... so I can imagine exactly what your dog looked like when you picked her up.


The good news is that you can even it out, and it will grow back soon.


I would write a letter, and maybe even attach pictures of the botched haircut, but I would never take my dog back there again.


I would either groom her at home, or pay the extra for your vet's groomer.

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Aww, Pam. I feel for you! I am learning about myself that I have a very hard time in situations like this one. I probably would have done what you did...walked away and been sooooo upset.


I wouldn't go back...I'd never trust them again. I'd probably pay more at the vet and maybe stretch out the length of time between sessions to save a bit of money.



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I agree...a firm, business-like letter including several well lit photos. Address to the owner of the business with a copy to a manager.


Ask for your money back!


Completely unacceptable.


Gee, as I'm sitting here thinking about it...march back up there with dog in hand and ask to speak to the manager or owner. Ask them what the heck happened? Ask for your money back. Let them know...in a polite, persistant way that you are NOT happy.


If you 'go away' on this, they will not learn a lesson. Consequences matter.

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I agree with everyone else - contact the owner. You could start with a call and if that doesn't do the trick a letter with pictures is a great idea. Take pictures today, before you get it evened out.

I used to work at a vet's office and we had a groomer there on site. She would always call the dog's owner if the cut couldn't be done the way they asked.

I am so sorry you had such an unpleasant experience!

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Thanks y'all. The two women there were the co-owners I think. One of them was the one that groomed Jazz. There was a 3rd woman there also (both at drop off and pick up), but I don't know her; I've never seen her.


I do think I'll handle it though.


How flusterating.


I have kinda gotten used to Jazz without all the hair (my son says she looks dumb). And her sweater is very cute. It'll grow out eventually.

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That is why I bought clippers and learned to trim my cocker myself. No one does the kind of job I want! And I don't half trust groomers to be gentle and caring anyway! I would take her back looking like she does and ask for a refund. Her fur is not even! Were they claiming she was matted on her legs so they had to shave them? If not, then WHY did they have to shave the rest of her? My cocker gets his back shaved (stripped, actually, but it is short) and his legs grow out long. Why not the other way around? Who made that rule? :(

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Take the dog back tomorrow and ask them to even her up (at no extra charge) because and it looks ridiculous and they need to fix it.


Even though it's scary, you'll feel better about yourself if you take the matter in hand and resolve it.

Edited by Garga_
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Take the dog back tomorrow and ask them to even her up (at no extra charge) because and it looks ridiculous and they need to fix it.


Even though it's scary, you'll feel better about yourself if you take the matter in hand and resolve it.




But that would be the last time I went to them. Good luck!

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Take the dog back tomorrow and ask them to even her up (at no extra charge) because and it looks ridiculous and they need to fix it.


Even though it's scary, you'll feel better about yourself if you take the matter in hand and resolve it.


:iagree: I used to clip dogs and cats (UGH) when I worked at the vet. We weren't groomers so we didn't do specialty cuts but we'd know if we messed up.


Were there mats that couldn't be combed? Were they overly busy? How is your dogs demeanor in the kennel? These are all things that could factor into the quality of the cut.


I would take your puppy back, maybe call first so you wouldn't have to leave her. Then wait while they straightened the cut out.


Hopefully they will apologize or offer restitution. It could be a one time bad experience, but otherwise I'd look for a different groomer.



PS: Love your new avatar :D

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I would call and ask first who trimmed her, and second what their procedure is for an uneven cut. Find out if the person was confused about the cut. Did you give the person who cut her the directions personally, or did they go thru a second person. Remember the telephone game...directions are never repeated exactly as given. In the future type it out and hand it to them in writing so it can be passes along. Explain that the cut wasn't what you expected, and that while you have been happy in the past, this time wasn't up to the typical level of service you've come to expect from them.


We all have off days. We all have days when we could have done better. We all have days when we shouldn't be at work or home with children for that matter. Animals pick up on that and the combination of a groomer having a bad day, with a sensitive pet, can be chaotic.


Ask them if you can bring her in for an evening up, and let it go at that. Be gracious but see how you are treated. If you really feel that you need a refund, then ask for one. But be sensitive to the fact that 'we all have off days'. If you have been given good service in the past, I would let it go this time. If they are snotty about fixing it or are unapologetic, then find a new groomer next time.

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....and if Tap, tap, tap's suggestions don't lead to a solid resolution, send a letter, cc'd to the local opinion section of the newspaper, and a link to a blog about it on craigslist ;)


something like: "services wanted: X salon screwed up my dog's cut....."


and yeah, take pics either way.


good luck!

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This is a good reason to buy a good set of clippers and teach yourself how to trim up your dog. It is pretty easy and the more you do it, the easier it gets. I have a long-haired cat that I shave every 4-6 mos. I can do a much better job than any groomer and it save $$$.

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