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Ugh, any updates on privacy concerns with "free" Covid testing at Rite Aid, in exchange for your data?


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Dd18 would like to access Covid testing in order to visit her boyfriend and a few other friends this spring. Testing access in Ohio has never been great, but she found this option for free testing at Rite Aid, through Verily's Project Baseline. The catch is they're gathering health data and require a Google account to sign up. The idea of linking individual health data to Google accounts raises serious privacy concerns for me, which I've seen summarized in articles like this:


Most of the info I've found focuses on questions around the Trump administration rollout of the program in the spring, and not much in the way of updates. Here's a link to the Project Baseline FAQ, which talks about "partnering with them" on health research, so it's quite clear they're getting something out of the deal. 


I'm especially interested in hearing from boardies who know something about big data--would you access testing this way, or is the "free" testing simply not worth signing over more personal information to Silicon Valley? 

It makes me so angry that testing that should be provided to Americans as a public health measure requires selling our souls to Google. 

PS--The question of dd18 traveling a bit this spring is a JAWM, so I'm only looking for feedback on testing. 

Edited by Acadie
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Questions after looking at the links:

Is it available anywhere other than California?  The actual links say no but your post implies that it is in your state (not doubting you here - just pointing out the discrepancy between the link - especially the Project Baseline one which I would assume to be up to date).

What data exactly are they collecting?  If they just mean "test results" as data then I wouldn't have a problem with them having it since of course they need to know those in order to let me know the results.

What are the screening questions?  Is it for people who have actual symptoms of COVID only? 


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Any time I head about something being offered for “free,” I am reminded of my high school band director, who frequently cautioned us that “TANSTAAFL, kid!” I have found this to be one of the most accurate pieces of advice I have ever been given!  Only you can decide if the costs outweigh the benefits in this situation. For me, it would be a firm NO, but others might feel differently. 

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Does your daughter have health insurance?  If she's not interested in testing via that program, can't she get tested at Rite Aid using her insurance instead.  Most people I know that have been tested paid nothing out of pocket  through their insurance.  This includes clinics, urgent care facilities hospitals and even pharmacies. 



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Walk-in self-referred PCR testing here in CT, and in NY, and in MA is all free with virtually no questions asked through community health centers.  We've done it several times, and my daughter, SIL & family, and FIL & wife have all done it in NY.  You just need to provide your name and an email address (you could make up a single-use email) and affirm that you live in CT or NY respectively. You use the email address to get a PW to go into a portal for results; or they will text you them if you choose to provide a phone number.  The idea is to encourage EVERYONE to test frequently regardless of socioeconomic or immigration status.

Up through mid-November, lines were short and results were quick (1-3 days). Then starting before Thanksgiving lines got CRAZY and results were taking so long it wasn't worth doing. Results are now back to ~3 days here and NY; I don't know about MA.


Our primary care physician offers appointments for self-referred antigen testing but will only do PCR for folks reporting symptoms or known contact with someone positive. That goes through insurance.

And our town recently started offering 2x/week PCR testing through VNA for $60, for folks who'd rather pay for an appointment here than wait in line for a walk-in at the community health site in the (larger) adjacent small city.  We haven't done that yet but depending on how long lines are (we waited 5+ hours, the last time we did it in December, so as to visit my mother) I would consider that.

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58 minutes ago, kand said:

That’s what I was initially thinking. But if Google gets your name from the pharmacy, I don’t know if that helps. Except that they can’t connect it with the vast store of other data they have on all of us. 

If this was my only option for testing, my terrible propensity for typos may rear it’s ugly head when I’m entering my name and birthdate.

where we are, they never ask for id and only ask for insurance card if you want to use insurance to pay.   If you’re cash pay, they don’t care one whit.   

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8 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Questions after looking at the links:

Is it available anywhere other than California?  The actual links say no but your post implies that it is in your state (not doubting you here - just pointing out the discrepancy between the link - especially the Project Baseline one which I would assume to be up to date).

What data exactly are they collecting?  If they just mean "test results" as data then I wouldn't have a problem with them having it since of course they need to know those in order to let me know the results.

What are the screening questions?  Is it for people who have actual symptoms of COVID only? 


Here are the states where testing is available through this program, which is run in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services: 
CA, CT, DE, ID, MA, MD, MI, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA and WA, and we are continuing to expand.

You don't have to have symptoms.

I'm not sure exactly what data they collect. A positive Covid test should be private healtlh information, though. Dh updated his life insurance policy this year and they asked if he'd ever tested positive for Covid. With so many people having long term complications I wonder if Covid will be considered a pre-existing condition, an automatic bump up to higher rates for coverage, etc. And I just don't think Google should have our health data.


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My ds has been tested times through the Google/Verily program at his employer's request - the employer set it up for him, and he self-isolated for 3-5 days each time until he got the result.  The first time was because he went on a trip out of the region, the second because my husband had a direct exposure at work which potentially exposed us all, and the third time because he called out of work sick due to a stomach complaint.  It was free each time.  Not sure how it relates my son to a Google account since the employer did the set-up, but I figure in this day and age if someone really wants access to our info they'll get it somehow.  Privacy is an illusion.  Perhaps Google will do a big research study - that would be interesting to read.

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14 hours ago, Library Momma said:

Does your daughter have health insurance?  If she's not interested in testing via that program, can't she get tested at Rite Aid using her insurance instead.  Most people I know that have been tested paid nothing out of pocket  through their insurance.  This includes clinics, urgent care facilities hospitals and even pharmacies. 



It’s possible that things have changed, but our insurance only covers testing when “prescribed “ by a doctor. Testing with the intent to “prove negative” is $100 for us. Or, it was on last year’s plan.

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