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New to Keto...


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Hubby and I are embarking on a Keto diet.  My goal is to reduce inflammation in my body.  His goal is to reduce pudge around his middle.  We both would like to see an increase in energy.  This is day 5 and today I have decided to use the Carb Manager Premium App.  So far, so good.  Fat is definitely filling and I am having to figure out how much dairy I can tolerate.  Would love to hear others experiences with Keto.


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I was LC starting in 2002.  I stuck with it for many years but in 2006 I started falling off the wagon.  I would go back to it whenver my weight would creep up without any issues.  So, I would say I was *mostly* LC until about 2014-15 or so.  Then I slowly stopped.  I put on about 20lbs. mostly around my tummy.  I was also having issues with Hashis - and Keto is usually suggested for Hashi's as a first line defense.  It doesn't always help but it usually helps.

Just before the lockdown I knew I needed to do something, but I didn't really get started in earnest until this summer.  At first I was going to do Keto then SouthBeach, but after reading about different studies I decided to stay with Keto. 

Having YTers has been a big change from my previous LC lifestyle.  I find they all offer something different.

I do like:

2 Fit Docs - I really like their content and Dr. Becky has a lot of good videos pertaining to LC studies.

Serious Keto - down home and relaxed.

Highfalutin' Low Carb - he has weekly recipe comparisions where he tests popular Keto recipes and gives his opinions.  

Keto Focus - Keto mom with great recipes

Dr. Cywes the Carb Addiction Dr. (although he can be a little salty)

Ginger Keto in the UK.   She has some good content about Fat (the newer stuff).  But it can be intense.  She also has non tolerance for anyone who disagrees with her... so I had to walk away for a while... but watch her stuff about fat and calories.

Ketolicious Life-  is more day-in-the life of a keto mom. There's lots of those.

Violet Rivera - the Keto Psychologist - I like the way she discusses the psychology of the lifestyle changes related to Keto, of course.

I also enjoy Dr. Eric Berg's short videos.  But, he's one that sells his own stuff so I am mindful of that too.

I just stuck with MyfitnessPal because I've had it for years.  I tried CarbManager, but I found it difficult to switch.  Besides, I already had a lot of recipes and things already plugged into MyFitnessPal. 

I would encourage you not to buy into anything that wants to sell you Keto menus, etc. at first.  There's a lot of free content available online and it's super easy to find recipes online.  AFter a few months if you want to support someone or feel you need some expert advice, then go that route... but I just think there's so many content makers "selling Keto for beginners" that is unnessessary.  


Edited by PrincessMommy
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Thank you Debbi!

I will definitely check out all the recommended information listed.

So far, I am enjoying the food and not missing the carbs, but I am feeling the headachy-possible keto flu-at the moment.

Do you possibly have a liquid stevia recommendation for adding to hot tea?


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3 minutes ago, AngelaGT said:

Thank you Debbi!

I will definitely check out all the recommended information listed.

So far, I am enjoying the food and not missing the carbs, but I am feeling the headachy-possible keto flu-at the moment.

Do you possibly have a liquid stevia recommendation for adding to hot tea?


I like Sweet Drops brand and NatriSweet liquid Stevia.  I have caramel flavored.

I use orange flavored stevia drops to make orange flavored cheesecake fluff.  Yum.

Also, I reccomend you get several different flavored extracts - such as orange, maple, lemon, peppermint... any of your favorite flavors.  It will enhance your sweet recipes without adding the extra carbs of the real thing.

The keto flu is a real thing.  Hang in there... and have lots of snacks on hand.  Don't worry about interminted fasting until you're well under way with Keto.  I'm sure it will come up in some of the things you're studying. 

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I have eaten LC for 20 years, though sometimes more strictly than others and sometimes falling off the wagon for a while. I always come back bc it keeps my weight where it should be and I feel so much better when I eat LC. I do hunt new recipes every so often, but I don't buy anything except real food. 

Now I have auto immune issues - T2 diabetes and Hashimoto's - so avoiding carbs is extra necessary. I love veggies and enjoy many delicious foods and rarely feel deprived. 

Keto flu is indeed a real thing. Hold the line and you will feel better in a while! 

I'll post a couple favorite recipes tomorrow. 

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I’ve been doing keto since mid-June and I’m down 45 lbs. DH is down 32-ish and kind of slow going, but he’s almost at his goal weight. I have more I’d like to lose. I’m on a Thanksgiving break at the moment but will probably restart here in a day or two. I definitely feel better eating low-carb.

I use Carb Manager too. Just watch closely to make sure things are accurate when you scan labels. Sometimes there are a few mistakes, esp when sugar alcohols are involved. I’m at the point where I don’t track all the time, but I try to a few days a week, as well as weighing/measuring things just to keep myself “calibrated”. I belong to a keto Facebook group. It’s a beginner group for women only. You have to take some of the advice with a grain of salt, but I hang around for new recipe and product ideas. The big thing DH and I find is that we get a little bored with our choices, so I’m always on the lookout for new meal ideas. Good luck! 

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4 hours ago, AngelaGT said:

Hubby and I are embarking on a Keto diet.  My goal is to reduce inflammation in my body.  His goal is to reduce pudge around his middle.  We both would like to see an increase in energy.  This is day 5 and today I have decided to use the Carb Manager Premium App.  So far, so good.  Fat is definitely filling and I am having to figure out how much dairy I can tolerate.  Would love to hear others experiences with Keto.


If you’re looking to reduce inflammation, dairy is out completely. The carb manager app is fantastic. Definitely make yourself use it - I found it really helpful to tweak my final meal of the day. 

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Carb Manager rocks!

Welcome to Keto!  I started in 2016 at a doc’s suggestion.  I’m not hard core about it all the time, but always Keto inspired. Lost the weight I wanted to lose fast, and have kept it off.  

I have Hashimoto’s, PCOS, Addison’s, a slew of auto-immune issues,  and I take steroids every day. Losing weight is a feat, and Keto has been my only route.

I Breathe, I’m Hungry has some great recipes.

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I’ve successfully done keto more than once and it fairly quickly takes me to my goal weight. However, I sleep terribly on keto, so I find it very hard to maintain the lifestyle. Since I’m not overweight, just not lean when not on it, I always eventually give up due to the sleep problem. Has anyone else had this issue and found a solution? I don’t know if it matters, but I never used any tracker, I just carefully read labels and ate mostly unprocessed low carb food.

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Oh for keto flu I used Gatorade Zero and added a few extra pinches of salt- help with the nausea. It was rough for a few days.

Magnesium before bed helps with sleep and leg cramps.

I use coconut oil in my coffee every morning to avoid constipation.

Edited by Hilltopmom
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8 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

If you’re looking to reduce inflammation, dairy is out completely. The carb manager app is fantastic. Definitely make yourself use it - I found it really helpful to tweak my final meal of the day. 

I was unaware of this-thank you!  I will look into it.  Dairy and I don't often agree, but neither do coconut and I.  I have been engaged in a microbiome cleanse for the last couple of months and my digestive system is much healthier so maybe it will tolerate coconut a bit better.  I have been doing better with MCT oil after a few weeks of scary consequences!


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6 hours ago, Ellie said:

I'm so envious of folks who lose copious amounts of weight on keto. I have Hashi's, which is mostly under control with meds, but the one thing that has never recovered is my metabolism. 😞

This time I am struggling to lose weight too.  I've lost 10lbs since July 🤔  I have Hashis and I'm overr 55 so I know those two things are major contributors.  However, I have lost inches and puffyness.  My jeans are loose and I can wear some rings I haven't worn in years.   I also feel much better and I'm starting to have a better sleep cycle.   After I turned 50 it seems like everything takes longer.  


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