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November Well-Trained Bodies


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This is the place for support and encouragement working towards your health and fitness goals. 

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We talk about fitness, nutrition, sleep, stress, and everything related to your physical and mental well-being.

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I'm hoping for a much better November.

Goals: Finish The Work- 3 weeks left; 1 mile a day walk (should be easy but with nasty weather and everything going on I've slacked on walking)

Sleep- adjust to new schedule- new wake up time is 4:30 am(and a few days of 4), I have to be diligent about bedtime.

Maintain weight- last month I've stayed in range but might have a bit of creep going on (hard to tell with soreness from workouts) so continue to keep an eye on that

Food: nutrient density- try to get more from the Daily Dozen (this has been up and down this month)


Today is a rest day, just a walk. Nap planned, sleep was all wonky with time change and I feel asleep with a horrible, horrible headache.

Need to make myself a treat so I abstain from the candy here (my mom bought the kids WAY too much). Maybe I'll make a fresh batch of black bean brownies, I've not had those in ages.

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November Thoughts

I'm hoping to continue the slight forward momentum I seem to have picked up in October with activity/exercise. After being knocked off course with the assorted health crises of August/September, I am beginning to wrap my brain around new ways to be active and challenge myself. 

The plan for activity for November is to continue my regular rotation of daily walks/daily rides on the stationary bike/3X weekly cardio/2X weekly PT appointments/daily stretches for the recovering arm. In addition:

  • I've been increasing my minimum daily step goals by a little bit each week and hope to keep doing that this month. If I am intentional about it, I can have my daily minimum back at or over 10,000 per day by sometime in December.
  • I'm participating in the WTM 20 in 20 challenge, committing to at least one mile of walking every day November 1 - 20.
  • This morning, I started the Camino de Santiago virtual challenge, which I plan to complete on the stationary bike. I gave myself 8 weeks for this one, which works out to a little over 8 miles per day. I will likely finish early, but I wanted to give myself a little bit of breathing room.

Looking forward, I registered for the Great American Adventure for 2021, with the idea that I will count both walking and stationary biking miles towards my total mileage on that one. If that's not enough to keep me motivated for a whole year, I may add separate, shorter-term walking or biking challenges throughout the year.

In terms of food and weight, I don't have any specific goals for this month beyond trying to eat a little less each day and whittle my weight back down to the low end of my maintenance range by the end of the month.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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My goals for this month are to carry the momentum forward. These last few weeks have been really good in terms of exercise and eating, and I would like to continue that. So my goals are to row at least 100,000 meters, and to lose at least 3 pounds. November and December are hard months for me, eating-wise, with all the treats and foods that I don’t normally eat, so I’m going to try to be really deliberate on what treats are “worth it” calorie-wise, and what foods aren’t. 

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My goals for this month are:

- keep up with my daily stretch, strength and push-up routine

- walk the dog daily

- hike in the woods as much as possible (with friends when possible)

- enjoy my meditation garden for mental health

- keep up the healthy eating routine

- work on getting more sleep (still trying to figure this out)

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Thank you, @Soror

October wasn't ideal, with assorted health issues that got in the way. My resting heart rate is up a bit from lack of cardio, and I  haven't been doing as many strength-based yoga sessions. I did swim at the reservoir a couple of times,  so that's good. Sleep was mostly okay.

Goals for this month: more Nordic Walking rather than gentle dog walks, investigate the safety of pool swimming,  get to the reservoir or sea, re-do the strength-based June Adriene calendar.

I hope you all have a great month!

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I am also doing the 20 in 20 challenge. I'm aiming to take a 1 mile walk after school each day. I'm so mentally exhausted that I often just start stress eating then (plus I can't do lunch right in the limited time I have so sometimes I legitimately need to get more calories in, but I don't always make the best choices then). I'm trying to see if I can change a bad habit into something that will be good for my body and I think good for my mental state. I don't get outside enough--5 or 6 days a week I never leave the house. Just did my day 1 walk.

So, November goals:

  • 20 in 20 challenge--adding a 1 mile walk each day through Nov. 20 (in addition to morning exercise, not replacing it)
  • Be more vigilant about eating. Go back to sweets on weekends only, and preferably just 1 weekend day (this ends Thanksgiving Eve!). I will try to do a little more tracking on MyFitnessPal--that helps keep me on track.
  • Lose 1-2 pounds. 1 puts me back in "normal" BMI, 2 would give me a little more cushion before the holidays.
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Day 74 of 80 day obsession. One week to go! 

My goals for the month are to finish 80 day obsession and then start another Beachbody program, MBF (muscle burns fat).  Also to clean up my eating a little more.  I feel like my protein intake is just about right, but I need to up my veggies and go easier on the carbs.

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Decided to do the 20 in 20 challenge, using running 1 mile as my challenge.  (Day 1 done.)

Still hoping to do a total of 4 miles walking + running each day this month.  (Today I'm up to 2.7 miles so I need to get out and do the other 1.3.)

Hoping to get back to yoga and TKD as I can.  I have a big thing coming up Nov 3 so I will probably have more time starting on Nov 4?

I was good and ate veggies today.  I also ate a lot more Halloween candy than I should have.

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@SKL well done on the challenge

@FarmingMomma you have amazing dedication!

@Dreamergal what is it that keeps you indoors?  Have you  been able to find clothing that works for you?

@Ali in OR I tend to stress-eat after work too.  I've set up half an hour of housework (timed) for right after work, then yoga as a reward afterwards.  It sometimes works!

@wintermom do the shorter days help with your sleep at all?

@PinkTulip good plans!

@Jenny in Florida you've done amazingly well to keep going through everything!

@Soror I hope your November goes really well

Yesterday went well.  Just a dog walk, but then good yoga: Abs, arms and attitude, so a bit of strength work.  My resting heart rate is currently 63 and I'd like to get it back below 60.  Weight is in maintenance range.

Today I want to Nordic Walk at lunchtime.  The track is quite muddy, so I'm going to have to use walking boots.  We'll see how that works.  There are a couple of good hills that are dry, so I should get some cardio in.  Yoga after work: 10 minute lower body conditioning plus On the Go Flow.

Apple ginger porridge with Greek yoghurt; minestrone soup; pork and red cabbage/apple/balsamic vinegar.

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walked yesterday.

Today is full body lifting (I think!) and a walk.

b:  do eggs:  yogurt w/ berries and nuts

l: black beans and quinoa w/ feta and tomatoes- veggies: almond butter blondies

s: cucumbers and carrots w/ hummus

d: chicken w/ broccoli and zucchini

Edited by Soror
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Workout done.

Note to self stick to shorter workouts before the time change while we are schooling. I feel so much more at ease today having an extra hour of time as I finished teaching earlier.

I woke at 3 am today, which sounds bad, but I've had several days lately where I woke at 3 before the time change, so this is a bit better and will certainly facilitate that early bedtime that I need. I might take a power nap too if I need to, right now I feel good but I wouldn't be surprised if that changed after lunch.

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@Soror And I woke at 3:15. Then my brain started thinking "oh, this would be 4:15" which of course is still an hour and a half before I get up, but somehow it made sense to my brain to blame the waking on the time change. And I had trouble getting to sleep too, mostly just staying up too late helping dd get her first college application in before the 11:59 deadline. We made that with an hour and a half to spare, so she decided to stay up late and get Colorado School of Mines done too since she had no application fee (I have to be awake to do the Visa card). Many more to come over the next month.

I also couldn't fall asleep because my right arm is sore, a little above and outside the curve of the bicep. My gut instinct says it's a repetitive motion injury from spending all day clicking and writing out math problems with a mouse. But dh thought it could be from lifting dd, or from the weights I've been doing, so I decided not to do a dumbbell workout this morning. I did a 25 min cardio flow routine with lots of big arm movements that actually felt pretty good. And 25 min works much better on Mondays than the 35 minute dumbbell routine--early morning meeting. A quick google search turned up "mouse arm"--I need to read more before I self-diagnose.

Leftover gumbo for lunch--yay! And black bean soup for lunch tomorrow. And a walk after school today.

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@Dreamergal I'm glad you found some clothes to suit. Modern fabrics don't have to be too heavy or restrictive. I'm not keen on hot weather and becoming sweaty by just existing. I survived Hong Kong with three cold showers a day.

Today was hard. The NW was good, even in hiking boots. The lower body conditioning was taxing, and the subsequent yoga left me quite wobbly. I'm drinking my third litre of water and looking forward to the supper Husband is making.

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13 hours ago, Laura Corin said:


@wintermom do the shorter days help with your sleep at all?

Yesterday went well.  Just a dog walk, but then good yoga: Abs, arms and attitude, so a bit of strength work.  My resting heart rate is currently 63 and I'd like to get it back below 60.  Weight is in maintenance range.

Today I want to Nordic Walk at lunchtime.  The track is quite muddy, so I'm going to have to use walking boots.  We'll see how that works.  There are a couple of good hills that are dry, so I should get some cardio in.  Yoga after work: 10 minute lower body conditioning plus On the Go Flow.

Apple ginger porridge with Greek yoghurt; minestrone soup; pork and red cabbage/apple/balsamic vinegar.

I have good black-out curtains as there is a street light right outside my window, so less sunlight isn't so much a factor with sleep. It certainly was growing up farther north with the long days in spring and summer. 

Great job with the exercise! I've been walking in my boots and building extra muscles! 😉 

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On 11/3/2020 at 1:02 AM, wintermom said:

I have good black-out curtains as there is a street light right outside my window, so less sunlight isn't so much a factor with sleep. It certainly was growing up farther north with the long days in spring and summer. 

Great job with the exercise! I've been walking in my boots and building extra muscles! 😉 

We have solid wooden shutters plus curtains but I still wear eye shades. We have a street light too. We started using a humidifier at night, to improve virus resistance, and it has a nice bright blue light on it! Where did you grow up? 

No snow here. It might fall once or twice each winter. It's  about 6 degrees C. Today will be slightly lower-key exercise.  Just a dog walk at lunchtime. This evening I'll try Core Conditioning plus Power Yoga Break.

Apple ginger porridge plus yoghurt, chicken and lentil sprout salad, eta smoked haddock,  salad and celeriac 

Edited by Laura Corin
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18 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

@Soror And I woke at 3:15. Then my brain started thinking "oh, this would be 4:15" which of course is still an hour and a half before I get up, but somehow it made sense to my brain to blame the waking on the time change. And I had trouble getting to sleep too, mostly just staying up too late helping dd get her first college application in before the 11:59 deadline. We made that with an hour and a half to spare, so she decided to stay up late and get Colorado School of Mines done too since she had no application fee (I have to be awake to do the Visa card). Many more to come over the next month.

I also couldn't fall asleep because my right arm is sore, a little above and outside the curve of the bicep. My gut instinct says it's a repetitive motion injury from spending all day clicking and writing out math problems with a mouse. But dh thought it could be from lifting dd, or from the weights I've been doing, so I decided not to do a dumbbell workout this morning. I did a 25 min cardio flow routine with lots of big arm movements that actually felt pretty good. And 25 min works much better on Mondays than the 35 minute dumbbell routine--early morning meeting. A quick google search turned up "mouse arm"--I need to read more before I self-diagnose.

Leftover gumbo for lunch--yay! And black bean soup for lunch tomorrow. And a walk after school today.

Well, I went to bed WAY earlier than you, that makes a difference! Hope you got more sleep tonight. As we get older it is better to be cautious, maybe the arm will be better today.

15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@Dreamergal I'm glad you found some clothes to suit. Modern fabrics don't have to be too heavy or restrictive. I'm not keen on hot weather and becoming sweaty by just existing. I survived Hong Kong with three cold showers a day.

Today was hard. The NW was good, even in hiking boots. The lower body conditioning was taxing, and the subsequent yoga left me quite wobbly. I'm drinking my third litre of water and looking forward to the supper Husband is making.

How are you feeling today?

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Lifting and walk yesterday.

I did fall asleep a bit after lunch and was dog tired at bedtime but had decent energy most of the day.

I slept like a log last night, best night sleep in a weeks. I told dh I need to recreate exactly what I did yesterday. I was in bed by 8, I woke at 3:15 but fell back asleep until 4:15.

Weights today and walk.

This morning I have to take ds to the dentist for his root canal (if he has healed enough) and then this afternoon for dd3 a filling. UGH.

Edited by Soror
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Happy November, everyone!  


I'm off to a relatively good start this month with a fast 5k and a slow 10k run so far.  And I also bought some resistance bands!  

My goal for the month is to begin an upper body/back/hip routine using the resistance bands to shore up some weaknesses.  

I saw a new low on the scale this week, so I'm excited to be moving in the right direction again.


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7 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

We have solid wooden shutters plus curtains but I still wear eye shades. We have a street light too. We started using a humidifier at night, to improve virus resistance, and it has a nice bright blue light on it! Where did you grow up? 

No snow here. It might fall once or twice each winter. It's  about 6 degrees C. Today will be slightly lower-key exercise.  Just a dog walk at lunchtime. This evening I'll try Core Conditioning plus Power Yoga Break.

Apple ginger porridge plus yoghurt, chicken and lentil sprout salad, pork plus red cabbage. 

I grew up at about the same latitude as you (Northern Alberta), but now I'm at a similar latitude to southern France.  When I lived in Norway there was way more difference between summer daylight hours and winter daylight. They use lighting to help counter-balance the darkness, such as lighting up cross-country ski trails, ski jumps and alpine ski areas. Here in Canada we only light up the alpine ski centres (possibly biathlon target areas, too). We also have to have lighting for soccer, baseball, football, tennis areas. At least in Norway their hydro was very cheap. It should be in Canada, too, but politics. 😜

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

On my walk, I barged straight into a medieval sword fight on a woodland path.  Some kind of film set.  Fun!

Another for the list of "things that never happen here." What fun!

I did my bodyweight circuit twice and then Sunrise Yoga. Yesterday I got my mile walk in right after school which was great. Today after school I have to take dd to get her orthotics worked on. I'm just hoping to fit in a mile walk before it gets dark so I can go outside. I really don't want to do it on the treadmill but I will if I have to. We might have rain too.

During my last class of the day yesterday (I have 4) I experimented with making my desk a standing workstation. I have a bin of files with a lid that I just put on top of my desk and put my laptop on that, then had my mouse and mousepad on a stack of two math books on my desk. That was definitely a better position for my mousing arm--down instead of out and elevated. And I'm sure it's better for the rest of my body to not be sitting all day. But I don't know if I want to stand for all 4 classes (80 min each). I may sit for 2nd period where I'm usually writing in a notebook and not mousing much. I'll keep experimenting.

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4 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Another for the list of "things that never happen here." What fun!

I can't say that I've seen it here before.  I suspect it's an amateur production, by the scale of it.  We did have parts of Outlander filmed a bit south or us in a very picturesque location, but today was in a very ordinary muddy woodland.

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Morning all.  Woke at 3-something for a pee and couldn't stop myself from reaching for my phone.  In the end, I just started work early and will try to nap later.

I'm going to see my mum this evening, and I'm already tired, so today will be a light day. Dog walk at lunchtime and maybe lighter yoga before bed, probably Balancing Ocean Flow.

Porridge with apple and ginger plus yoghurt; minestrone soup; pork, red cabbage with apple and balsamic vinegar, some other veg.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Sleep was meh. Dh was up, nervous and anxious about the election and it woke me twice and the second time I was awake a good while.

Today I get to stay home, yesterday was stressful. Ds went back to sleep so I was late for the first appointment, whcih they told me that no they can't do the root canal I have to go to a specialist, closest is 1.5 hrs away. Girls kept forgetting things for the afternoon appointment so I was stressed, then I get in and they mention that my oldest daughter has paperwork too. I forgot to put her on her calendar and they didn't give me a reminder call about her, so I had to high tail it all the way across town and check her out of school. Then she didn't feel well so I had to take her home after her appoint. UGH.

Did get in a walk and exercise (barely).

Today is yoga and walk. My upper back and shoulders are killing me, not sure if it is from sleeping or exercise.

My oats finally came in, oats for breakfast!!!!

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Hi guys!  I've been 'cheating' on you over at the 20 in 20 thread, and haven't gotten around to updating here.  :blush:

I'd been really losing my motivation through October - there were two weeks where I only managed two days of workouts, which is waaaay down for me.  So I thought the 20 in 20 challenge would be good to get me back to doing something most days.  It's always getting started that is hard for me, not working hard once I've got going.  I'm rowing the miles, and my personal challenge is to do at least one mile a day, as that isn't really much at all, and I'm going to try not to 'bank' any distance, so to get on that rower even if it's just for a mile every single day.  So far, so good; the first day I did an upper body weight circuit in addition to the rowing, second day I did an OT workout as well, and yesterday I just did rowing.  Distances 3300, 2200, and 2800, so over a mile each day.

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Didn't get a great sleep 2 nights ago, and yesterday was a write-off on exercise as I was completely exhausted for no reason. Spent most of the day in bed. Slept a little better last night, though dreamt I had a baby (it was very cute!), which usually means there is something major weighing on my mind. I think it's trying to figure out my health issue. I may have a wonky thyroid, more on the hyperthyroid side than hypo.  I'm hoping to get some answers soon.

It's warmer and sunny outside. I took the dog for a walk, which really helped clear my head. I also completed my stretch and strength work + push-ups. 

Dh and I are hoping to play outdoor tennis later this week. The snow is supposed to melt, but it's still there now. We can dream...  😉

@Laura Corin  That's a cool sighting in the woods! I was pretty excited to see a couple robins still hanging around, as I was sure they migrated south. Not as thrilling as your experience. 

Edited by wintermom
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Repeated a Jessica Smith kickboxing youtube video I did once during the summer. I'm not really a kickboxer, but decided this is a good cardio workout which is what I want on Wednesdays, so I saved it to my playlist. I did get a walk in yesterday afternoon but first had to take wheelchair kid to an appointment. When we were done we went to a track on the way home and did our mile there. She loved it. No amazing sights other than just seeing people--I was kind of surprised how many people were there.

Did not sleep well and have much anxiety about the state of our nation. I don't think that will get better any time soon. On the plus side, I'm not wanting to drown myself in carbs which is helping the scale battle.

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16 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

Did not sleep well, anxiety. Usually we go to sleep by 9:30 pm, bed by 9 pm. Kids are in bed by 8:00 and 8:30 pm. Yesterday we lingered downstairs till 10 pm and called it a night. Kids must have slept at once, did not hear a peep when I went to check in on them before DH and I turned in at 11pm.   I slept fitfully and finally gave up the battle at 5 am, DH with me. So we went out and played before the sun rose. 

First question kids asked as they woke up, who is president and we said we don't know. DD is super excited because this is her first presidential election and is full of questions. So she got a mini civics lesson during breakfast.

Rowed and will Nordic walk later. I find myself checking the phone often during work.

When I am stressed I tend to comfort eat with dessert and cook a lot more, I am losing the carb battle, so I am working out a bit harder. I am just going to eat embrace my feelings and deal with the weight later. 

Have a good one !


18 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Repeated a Jessica Smith kickboxing youtube video I did once during the summer. I'm not really a kickboxer, but decided this is a good cardio workout which is what I want on Wednesdays, so I saved it to my playlist. I did get a walk in yesterday afternoon but first had to take wheelchair kid to an appointment. When we were done we went to a track on the way home and did our mile there. She loved it. No amazing sights other than just seeing people--I was kind of surprised how many people were there.

Did not sleep well and have much anxiety about the state of our nation. I don't think that will get better any time soon. On the plus side, I'm not wanting to drown myself in carbs which is helping the scale battle.

I know this election stuff is stressful, I think no matter where you fall. I'm just trying my best not to think about it.


14 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Day 77 of 80 day obsession, leg day.  Did 1.5 miles with the dogs this morning, will probably do it again this afternoon/evening.

3 days to go!!!

20 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Hi guys!  I've been 'cheating' on you over at the 20 in 20 thread, and haven't gotten around to updating here.  :blush:

I'd been really losing my motivation through October - there were two weeks where I only managed two days of workouts, which is waaaay down for me.  So I thought the 20 in 20 challenge would be good to get me back to doing something most days.  It's always getting started that is hard for me, not working hard once I've got going.  I'm rowing the miles, and my personal challenge is to do at least one mile a day, as that isn't really much at all, and I'm going to try not to 'bank' any distance, so to get on that rower even if it's just for a mile every single day.  So far, so good; the first day I did an upper body weight circuit in addition to the rowing, second day I did an OT workout as well, and yesterday I just did rowing.  Distances 3300, 2200, and 2800, so over a mile each day.

LOL, I've been working on 20 in 20 but not posting over there as I don't want to keep track of anywhere else!

20 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Walk taken. Terror in the woods from a very fresh-faced baddie



Very neat, it honestly looks kind of like a statue.

19 hours ago, wintermom said:

Didn't get a great sleep 2 nights ago, and yesterday was a write-off on exercise as I was completely exhausted for no reason. Spent most of the day in bed. Slept a little better last night, though dreamt I had a baby (it was very cute!), which usually means there is something major weighing on my mind. I think it's trying to figure out my health issue. I may have a wonky thyroid, more on the hyperthyroid side than hypo.  I'm hoping to get some answers soon.

It's warmer and sunny outside. I took the dog for a walk, which really helped clear my head. I also completed my stretch and strength work + push-ups. 

Dh and I are hoping to play outdoor tennis later this week. The snow is supposed to melt, but it's still there now. We can dream...  😉

@Laura Corin  That's a cool sighting in the woods! I was pretty excited to see a couple robins still hanging around, as I was sure they migrated south. Not as thrilling as your experience. 

I'm sorry about the thyroid. If it is hyper that should be an easier diagnosis and very serious (it affects the heart and lots of things). I hope they figure out what is going ASAP and get you treated.

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Morning all.  The sun is shining here on a chilly day.  I'm at the office with the radiators on and the windows open - Covid preparedness trumping environmental consciousness.

I'll walk along the beach at lunchtime, then run errands in the town on foot after work (library, other library if the book is in, opticians).  After work I hope to fit in Yoga for Upper Body Strength along with some housework.

Apple ginger porridge with yoghurt; minestrone soup; peppered mackerel with apple balsamic vinegar red cabbage, as well as roast cauliflower.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I actually slept pretty well last night. I awoke but went back to sleep. I was so dreading the time change. 2 yrs ago it was brutal for months I couldn't sleep decently and woke super early. Last year it was about a month. This time I just rolled into it. I know now I must be religious about bedtime, I need to be in bed by 8 to give enough time to fall asleep and wake-ups to get enough sleep.

I'm eating too much chocolate these days, need to hide the halloween candy (my mom bought way too much). Weight is up to 124, time to focus!

Nutrient density is better as of late. Activity is up. I even painted yesterday, although my shoulder is feeling it today.

Today's plan: walk, work outside some, finish cardio and core

b: oats w/ some fruit and nuts; greek yogurt

s: apple

l: the best lentil soup w/ homemade gf whole grain bread; almond butter blondie

s: leftover gyro meat w/ feta and cucumber

d: pulled pork w/ potatoes

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@Soror Time change effects are real. Dd hadn't had a seizure since mid-August, then Tuesday two seizures. Dh wondered what happened. Time change. Doesn't matter if it's spring forward or fall back, she consistently has seizures the week after the time change because we're messing with sleep patterns. 

I slept better last night but still an anxious mess. Slept until my alarm this morning which is unusual, so I actually got up a bit later than usual. I was not purposely trying to avoid the dumbbell workout today, but it's almost 35 minutes, so I found a Jessica Smith Zumba style video at 29 minutes and did that instead. And that was a good one--saved to the playlist. And I'll plan to walk after school. So far this week, that after school walk has completely replaced the after school snack/meal and is saving me 200-500 calories depending on the day, plus the bonus of extra calorie burning. And leaf raking--two days of that this week after the walk.

On to the long workday...

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49 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

@Soror Time change effects are real. Dd hadn't had a seizure since mid-August, then Tuesday two seizures. Dh wondered what happened. Time change. Doesn't matter if it's spring forward or fall back, she consistently has seizures the week after the time change because we're messing with sleep patterns. 

I slept better last night but still an anxious mess. Slept until my alarm this morning which is unusual, so I actually got up a bit later than usual. I was not purposely trying to avoid the dumbbell workout today, but it's almost 35 minutes, so I found a Jessica Smith Zumba style video at 29 minutes and did that instead. And that was a good one--saved to the playlist. And I'll plan to walk after school. So far this week, that after school walk has completely replaced the after school snack/meal and is saving me 200-500 calories depending on the day, plus the bonus of extra calorie burning. And leaf raking--two days of that this week after the walk.

On to the long workday...

That's scary. I really wish they'd stop doing daylight savings. Hope your dd is alright. 

Hope you are feeling better and able to sleep better very soon.

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We're getting a new front door installed today, so I'm doing a few errand that really cut into my exercise time. 😅  I'll be walking in the woods with friends this afternoon. It's a lovely, warm sunny day! Hard to believe it's November and the snow is all melted already. 

I went on a cooking/baking frenzy yesterday and made:

- Thai lemongrass soup

- Thai chicken stir-fry

- Baked pumpkin and sweet potato pudding

- Roasted and seasoned pumpkin seeds

I'm enjoying left-overs today!

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On 11/4/2020 at 9:53 AM, Matryoshka said:

Hi guys!  I've been 'cheating' on you over at the 20 in 20 thread, and haven't gotten around to updating here.  :blush:

Yep, I realized recently that I've been in the same boat. I post on the 20 in 20 thread more or less daily, then pop over and read here to catch up on how everyone else is doing, but often don't get around to actually posting here.

With that said, other than doing my mile+ of outside walking every morning, I have nothing new to report. I've been continuing the regular routine of morning (outside) walk, alternating 30 minutes of of low-impact cardio (M/W/F) with 45 minutes on the stationary bike (T/Th), going to PT twice a week and aiming for an over-all minimum number of steps every day. That's all going fine. I've actually been exceeding my current minimum daily number of steps by enough that I'm thinking I'll do a big bump on that for next week.

Food is still not going nearly as well. Somewhere along the way, I just seem to have lost my willpower (or my mind) and am losing the daily struggle to moderate my intake in any meaningful way. That pound I though I had lost is back and then some. And I can definitely feel that my tops are getting clingier around my belly. 

This does not make me happy, but I can't seem to scrape up the motivation to fix it.

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4 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

Woke up refreshed. I am not worrying any more about the blasted  thing, it is what it is. Had to repeat the serenity prayer many times, this is something I cannot control and worrying about it serves little purpose. That is the lecture I have been giving myself, reality though is a whole different thing. 🙄


Yeah, the rational part of my brain knows that we'll get through this either way. It's just so hard living in the constant state of anxiety.

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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm here for ya!  Hope all the election stress is over really soon. I can't even imagine. Our election system sounds pretty dull compared to yours. 


I am the emotional support Brit in my dual-nationality-with-American household.  Unfortunately,  I haven't remained very calm.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Welcome to Friday!  I didn't sleep as long as I hoped, but not too bad. 

I have a meeting at 12.  I'll try to NW after that: it's another glorious, sunny day.  I'm finishing work early today, with luck, so hope to do a longer yoga session then - Total Body Yoga - Deep Stretch.

Plain porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt; smoked haddock and leftover roast cauli; chicken thighs with chorizo and chickpeas plus some kind of roasted veg.

Edited by Laura Corin
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9 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Yeah, the rational part of my brain knows that we'll get through this either way. It's just so hard living in the constant state of anxiety.

That is how I feel. The longer it goes on the harder it is to ignore. I don't allow my phone in my room or I'd be checking it when I awoke in the night but I sure thought of if every time I woke up and kept waking up last night. 

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