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Journal with me, day 2


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I was born in Tampa, Florida in September of 1979. My mom and dad only lived there for about six months. My dad was pastoring a church there and it didn’t take long for that to not work out. But they came back to Georgia shortly after I was born. My Grandmother came to help my mom after I was born, since my older brother was just 18 months old when I came along.

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I was born in Alton, IL . . . b/c my grandfather's cousin was an OB there.  😮
Born 5 days before JFK was shot . . . so that has always been a benchmark for me.
I lived in STL suburbs until leaving for college, & then marriage.
STL still feels like "home" even tho I haven't lived there for 38 years.

I'm loving these prompts.  My dd gave us a questionaire (100 questions?) and I haven't started it . . .

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One interesting thing about Tampa Florida, even though I have no memory of the place when we lived there at the time of my birth, we moved back to the area about ten years later when my dad took a church in an area South of Tampa. So I lived there from the time I was 10 until I got married, so I do consider myself having "grown up" in Florida. 

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I was born in a city in the Midwest that I do not remember at all.  Neither of my parents were from there, but my dad loved adventure so he took a job there soon after they were married.  Then his company opened a new facility in California, and he moved there to manage their engineering department, and that's really my home and where all of my childhood memories are from.  (I was 2 or 3 when we moved there.)  We had no relatives there, and those were during the days when people didn't travel so much.  We had many close friends from church who we'd spend holidays with.  Every summer we took a train across the country to visit all of our relatives, and we'd spend all summer there living with my grandma, year after year.

Since I've been married, we've lived in several different states and countries.  I sometimes miss California and loved going to my high school reunion there two years ago.

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Born in suburb of Detroit, Michigan in September 1973.  My maternal grandparents moved to Michigan during WW2 for my grandfather to work at Willow Run and eventually skilled trades and my dad moved to Michigan in the late 1950s to work in engineering at one of the auto companies here.  They met at church my dad’s first week in town when he sat next to my grandmother.  My parents built the house I grew up in a few years before I was born and my husband and I purchased it from them about 15 years ago so I remember living there quite clearly 🙂

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I'm from East Palo Alto. Have you seen Dangerous Minds? I'm hard core, baby. We were a cattle rancher family who sold the ranch and lost millions in 2 generations. My single mother moved me from my beloved ghetto and I've never stopped moving since. Oregon, DC, Louisiana, Ohio, back to Oregon and now Texas. I love it here and never want to leave. This is home.

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I was born in 1970 in Columbia SC.  My father's family were from there and his brother, sister and parents all lived next to each other.

We moved to Michigan she. I was 3 1)2 as I needed life saving open heart surgery and it was still very risky (50/50 chance of surviving the surgery) and the doctors in SC had never done it before.   The doctors in Michigan were pioneers in it and experienced.  My grandparents (and my mother's hometown) was within an hour of the hospital so we moved here and I have lived within 30 minutes my entire life.

I have a few vague, early memories of SC, but more from visiting there as a child.


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Was born in a hospital, in Tucson, on a Sunday, and I don't remember the experience so I can't give many more details than that, lol. Other people are reported to have been happy, though. 

My first memory is the day we moved into the house I grew up in. Me, being almost 3, and I guess new to stairs, decided I would fly down them. I do remember that I really, really wanted to fly. Hit my head on the tile landing. I remember being picked up and carried outside as I was crying and my parents said thanks and goodbye to the realtor. 

Coincidentally, many many years later, my then-4yo decided to try the same thing with the stairs. After his fall he laid down stunned for a few seconds, then got up and went and sat down at the kitchen table (I was doing the "pretend it's not a big deal and maybe he won't start crying" thing in the room right next to all this). Then quietly I could hear him say to himself, "No, I'm not a superhero."

I felt for him, and made sure we both had extra ice cream that night since neither of us could fly.

Edited by Moonhawk
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  1. When and where were you born?

Any stories about where you lived, why your family was there? Do you remember living in that area?  


I was born in a small town in northern Illinois. I still live there 46 years later, although I have tried several times to move. Never could for a number of different reasons. I have lived in many, many places within the county though as my mother liked to move a lot. DH does not like to move so we've lived in our current house for 12 years.  

The hospital I was born at no longer exists, and most babies are born in the next county over now. I was the only baby in the maternity ward, so the doctor carried me around the hospital to visit all the sick people while I was there during my first week of life. When I was born, my family (mom, dad, brother and aunt) lived in a tiny single-wide trailer, and there was literally no room for a bed for me. So they put a bassinet on top of a chest freezer in a hallway. We moved within a few months after I was born and I shared a room with my aunt. She says that when I was just learning to pull myself up I used to shake the crib until it "walked" across the floor and then I played with the light switch in the middle of the night, so she'd awaken to a strobe light effect. 

Both sides of my family come from South Dakota. My father moved out here at 18 years old, and my mother followed him out the next year. Several of their siblings moved through the area - one aunt from each side of the family still live in the area. 

Edited by beckyjo
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Born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1970 - I was featured in a film about newborns for doctors and nurses to watch. They put a big glittery star on my bassinet in the nursery. The other moms gots jealous... 

Our first house I lived in until I was five. I have some blurry memories - there was a large landing on the stairs where I liked to play with my toys. I am sure my parents were glad I did not have legos. We had a big backyard with grapevines, and I could never understand why the grapes in the backyard were so yucky compared to grapes inside the house (they were not ripe). We moved one town over to the most ideal place to be a child. I had woods behind my house, a cul-de-sac, could walk to school, could walk to the library and ice-cream shop, could bike up to the pool in the summer, and walk to a pond to ice skate in the winter. Lots of kids our age (my sister was just a year older) to play with. We moved again when I was 12 for my dad's job.

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