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Opinions on Moody Bible Institute?

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I had posted before about my ds' wish to become a pastor and I asked how he could best prepare for the ministry during his undergraduate years. I got great feedback which I showed to him which helped him. Now, he wants to go to a Christian college but the accredited ones are way out of our price range so he's considering the Moody Bible Institute. I know very little about it though. Has anyone here gone there or known anyone who has? Do you know what the Christian circles think of it in general? I believe that my ds or anyone for that matter that is going in the ministry should be well educated in general but especially in the Great Books and rhetoric. I know that Moody doesn't do the Great Books but it does have a major in communications which looks pretty good, I guess.

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than transferred to Wheaton, back in the dark ages. :) I had intended to go only one year but stayed for two.


MBI has excellent broadcasting and music programs if your kiddo is at all inclined in either of those directions.


They are four year now, and have been working on accreditation for some time. They may already be accredited; I haven't really kept up. In any case, they are very well regarded.


The best part of MBI is that living in downtown Chicago tends to put a "ministry lab" at your fingertips. Because Chicago is such a commuter city, it is entirely different than being in seminary say in Dallas, where everything is a car ride away. Everyone gets around by el or train, and there is no shortage of opportunities of *every* conceivable kind for living out your faith. In my Systematic Theology class, our prof opened each class by asking how we had put our learning into practice within the last few days.



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Add me to the list of those supporting MBI. Truly it is a top-notch school that you can't go wrong with. I agree with all of those who mentioned it being highly respected. It's an excellent Christian education, imo.


And, yes, as another said, it is right smack downtown Chicago. But that wouldn't bother me, because I love the city - esp. Chicago. And I lived there for a few years.;)

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The only problem that I've heard of graduates running into is if they decide to go on to a graduate program other than seminary, it's been a challenge. My brother's BIL went to Moody, got a good education, but decided that he wanted to do graduate work in philosophy at a secular graduate school when he was finished at MBI. And he's just not competitive for those programs, at least not in the eyes of those making the admissions decisions. But I think most seminaries would be fine with an undergraduate degree from Moody.

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I don't know much about the MBI's academic program. I was just there in October visiting our pastor's daughter. It is smack in the middle of the city. I am not sure I would like to live in that city atmosphere, but that is just me.




I live smack in the middle of the city, and we are doing just fine. :D


It is worthwhile to consider carefully if the urban campus fits the student or not. However, I have not heard complaints about safety at Moody anymore than I did about safety at the University of Illinois downstate. Of course you have to be careful in the city (it's not Mayberry!), but Moody is not set in the projects, either. One really nice feature of Moody is it's close to a lot of nifty cultural opportunities and authentic foreign food. Big city living also means big city museums and theater opportunities.


Just another perspective--the city can be a good place.

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Just another perspective--the city can be a good place.



I moved to MBI from having grown up in a third world country, in a rural setting, and then having lived the previous two years in the western NC mountains, on the edge of a small city. To me the city was exhilarating: so many choices, so much life, so many opportunities! And the pizza! I still miss Giordanos deep dish pizza! :)


Good times!

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My pastor and his wife both went to MBI. I know of several people at my church who've attended, or are currently attending. Just judging from what I know about these people, I'd give it a hearty endorsement.


Also, has he looked at Master's College in California? It's a private Christian college, but from what I understand, they're pretty generous with scholarships and financial assistance. I know of other people who are/have attended Cedarville University in Ohio (not as generous with scholarships and aid).


Several kids from my church are attending Cornerstone Bible Institute in South Dakota, which is very inexpensive. All the profs there are missionaries, so they're supported by their mission organizations instead of tuition from the students.


There is also Calvary Bible College in Kansas, which a few kids from my church are attending.


Hope this helps a bit. :001_smile:

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My Uncle, Aunt and all 4 of their children (my cousins) all over 30 years old now went to MBI and graduated from there. My Uncle is a Rev. and my 2 male cousins just within the last year became Reverends. My other 2 cousins both women, are missionaries in Mexico and Guatemala. My Aunt and Uncle have been missionaries for over 30 years in Guatemala.


My sister and brother both went for one year and loved it. They just decided to do something else.

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Moody is a great school but I would echo another poster's comment that make sure you agree with their theological viewpoints. I have a friend who went there for a semester and then transferred. He then went to seminary at Biola and ministers at a church in California.


The free tuition is great but keep in mind that you can get great need-based financial aid packages at all kinds of evangelical colleges. Being in Illinois, there are many options to consider for a ministry-centered education including Moody, Trinity, Judson, Olivet Nazarene, Wheaton, and Lincoln Christian College. It will also be important to consider the ordination requirements and considerations of your church or denomination.

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