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Day 15 - do what we can


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I’m doing nothing. Woke up for the third day with a killer headache and exhausted. Fever 101°

3yr old seems improved. Irritable but active today. Fever is low without a dose of Tylenol. Ate four packages of instant maple and brown sugar oatmeal and a big bowl of grapes.  Youngest 3 are watching magic school bus slumped in various ways in pillows and blankets in the living room. Other kids are doing their math or online college work in their rooms. Dh is in the attic room remote working. I’m going to weave in ends of crochet squares for my blanket (WHY did not do that as I made them?! Oh the regret!!) and watch Hallmark Movies Now which is not as good as hallmark channel at christmas but it serves the purpose today. 

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10 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

I’m doing nothing. Woke up for the third day with a killer headache and exhausted. Fever 101°

3yr old seems improved. Irritable but active today. Fever is low without a dose of Tylenol. Ate four packages of instant maple and brown sugar oatmeal and a big bowl of grapes.  Youngest 3 are watching magic school bus slumped in various ways in pillows and blankets in the living room. Other kids are doing their math or online college work in their rooms. Dh is in the attic room remote working. I’m going to weave in ends of crochet squares for my blanket (WHY did not do that as I made them?! Oh the regret!!) and watch Hallmark Movies Now which is not as good as hallmark channel at christmas but it serves the purpose today. 

How long have you guys been quarantined? It sounds for sure like you are all getting it. Are you isolating from your husband and the more at risk kids?  I am worried about all of you.  Can I do anything?  Drop off groceries or anything?

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7 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

How long have you guys been quarantined? It sounds for sure like you are all getting it. Are you isolating from your husband and the more at risk kids?  I am worried about all of you.  Can I do anything?  Drop off groceries or anything?

Day 14 for us. We have been ordering groceries delivered. Living in close quarters there’s no real way to quarantine further. A sick 3 yr old can’t be put in a room by herself. She crawls into bed with mama and daddy and she snuggles in with siblings to nap in front of the tv.  And then there’s the cats and dog going everywhere.  

Edited by Murphy101
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@Murphy101 I'm really hoping all of you heal soon.

I woke up today to a fresh cup of coffee and my laptop set up at the dining room table ready for me to do some writing. Ds11, ds7, dh, and my mom sat around the table too and join me in writing. It was a nice attempt but it was way too distracting for me.  All the other kids were aching for attention so it was very interrupted writing time.  I got roughly 300 words written so I'll have to sit down tonight after kids are asleep and write another 300 words.  

School is done for the day!  We are planning on going to a state park about 30 minutes away to collect sea glass and climb a clay cliff.  Other than that we have some cleaning to do, dr who watching, and a bit of gardening.  


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I am sorry you don't feel well.

I planned on doing school today. You know, normal stuff like reading, math, writing, etc...Well, we did morning time. And then, at breakfast, I announced it was "outdoor school" day. It's the warmest and sunniest it's been here in a while. Plus, we had twin baby goat kids yesterday and a singleton today. So, clearly school today is our long morning walk and watching the baby goats. We also got our Easter decorations out. Plus, I put some too small kid clothes in the attic while they were outside. 

I've also done some laundry and hung it outside and exercised. 

Now it's almost lunchtime, and the big kids are making a pretend Easter egg hunt for the preschooler. I will be so glad for quiet time because they are being really loud right now!

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Prayers for healing for you and yours, Murphy.

Spring break is technically over, and I'm still being paid for my job as an Educational Assistant though schools are closed through at least 4/28 (and I'm guessing through the end of the year). It looks like there are lots of virtual meetings this week to figure out what we're doing to provide learning opportunities for the kids. Lots of concern about equity (special ed kids, homeless kids, kids in poverty don't have same ability to do online classes), so not sure exactly what it will look like. I'm trying to get myself invited to the virtual meetings to figure how I can help and earn the money they will be paying me. I do have some training/reading I can do at home for some of my goals for this year. I also won't feel bad thinking of my mask making as work time until my role gets more defined. It feels like it fits in with other community support goals our district has right now.

So for today:
1) Exercise is done. Rainy day, so no walks outside today.
2) Have read what I can and sent a couple of emails to stay in touch with work for now. We'll see if I get invited to teacher's staff meeting this afternoon.
3) Make masks
4) Organize laundry room/canning supplies to make a place for vegetable starts (location of our only south-facing window)
5) Dinner is pork carnitas with meat from the freezer--easy.

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Doing what I can:

Inventory the somewhat odd contents of my freezer and pantry after buying stuff that we don't normally eat because it's shelf stable and available.

Get pork shoulder cooking. Should make 2 or 3 dinners' worth of food

Make more sandwich bread and maybe hamburger buns

Be brave and make an emergency dentist appointment for tomorrow because my tooth hurts and I can't let it go

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Girls are going over to the church to sit in the parking lot and upload some video. They’re tickled pink to get out of the house.

dh did have to go in this morning, which I’m not thrilled about but he’ll be alone in the office so it’ll be ok. 

ds is resting right now since he has had a dramatically “tired “ day. So if “you’re too tired to keep your eyes open for school, it’s nap time instead of iPad time today.”

so basically...Whispering

im alone in my house for an hour or two!


gonna work out and do some writing.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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Praying for you, Murphy.

School day here. I ordered Oldest’s high school diploma. He is dual-enrolled and all he owes me to graduate is some US history essay questions. My younger 3 are all struggling to get back into a routine after spring break. We’ll get there, but it is a bit ugly today.

I need to make bread. We decided not to send Dh grocery shopping this weekend, so I am baking more. I also need to throw some dried black beans into the instant pot.

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I hope to learn more today. I know one geometry teacher I help is already saying 8th graders in Alg 1 should repeat Algebra next year instead of moving on to Geometry. I can tell you as a parent I would be furious if my kid had to repeat a year of math. I think we have to find a way to move everyone along. Summer make-up program? Extra math support next year? Keep providing online instruction this year (we can easily do this--we already have video alg 1 lessons we've used for years). So we'll see what we're allowed to do this week.

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Ugh, Murphy. I'm so sorry you guys are all still sick. It feels so meaningless that all I can offer are healthy vibes wafting in your direction. But you've got them.

I'm trying hard to focus on work today, but having a really rough time getting much done. I'm supposed to be writing, and I kind of wish I had a more mechanical task to do, instead.

Went for a walk with the dog this morning and for another short one at lunch.

Did some more laundry (mostly because I needed to wash all of the towels we used in the great sunroom clean-up yesterday) and discovered that the plastic knob on my dryer has broken off. So, yay, another project beckons in that I get to try and track down a replacement.

I made an appointment for the rib x-ray my medical oncologist ordered.

I took a break from trying to focus on work and ordered a cute little propane-fueled table-top firebowl from Target, along with some propane. My husband and I saw one in the store a couple of months ago and liked it, but couldn't justify buying at the time, since we had no table to put it on. I figured after yesterday's exertions and the whole worldwide pandemic thing that it was probably time to buy it if ever there was going to be a time. It's ready for me to pick up after I officially knock off work.

I talked my son out of his plan to go to Big Lots and Subway to buy his girlfriend a new speaker for her computer and the sandwich he had promised to get her a couple of days ago. Instead, he bought the speaker from Target, so I can pick it up later when I go get my stuff, and will order the sub delivered. (My husband was clearly trying to withhold his anxiety about having our son go wandering around in the world unnecessarily.)

My husband wanted to order some groceries for curbside pick-up, but discovered that there were no curbside appointments available until Thursday. It turned out to be quicker just to get things delivered. We got most of what we requested.

My daughter is still not really speaking to me, but she did talk to my husband yesterday, who reports that she is feeling much better.

I think one of the reasons I'm struggling to focus today, aside from the fact that I often have trouble at home, is that our county mayor has a press conference scheduled for 4:30 (15 minutes from now), which I suspect will include some kind of extension of the stay-at-home order. I know it's the right thing to do -- and I just wish more people were actually following the rules (Ask me sometime how many houses I passed the other evening while walking my dog where the occupants were clearly having parties, with multiple cars parked on the street and music and voices pouring out of backyards.) -- but I'm not looking forward to hearing the official word that we'll all be stuck for another month.

I have not yet exhausted m entertainment options. I can still nudge the dog into one more walk. I still need to go pick up the Target orders. And I haven't yet sat outside in either the front yard or the sunroom. So, there is a good chance I will make it through the rest of the day without crying.

Given where I expected to be at this point -- and especially compared to the truly terrible times some of you are experiencing -- this has been a fairly successful day. 

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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

I hope to learn more today. I know one geometry teacher I help is already saying 8th graders in Alg 1 should repeat Algebra next year instead of moving on to Geometry. I can tell you as a parent I would be furious if my kid had to repeat a year of math. I think we have to find a way to move everyone along. Summer make-up program? Extra math support next year? Keep providing online instruction this year (we can easily do this--we already have video alg 1 lessons we've used for years). So we'll see what we're allowed to do this week.

Locally, the parents seemed to be split into two camps. One camp is furious about the lack of educating going on. The other camp is furious about the possibility of extended summer and having their summer plans crushed. I don't think anyone is going to be happy this year. I know I'm certainly not.

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First day of trying to get the online work from public school done. Got it all, it went okay, but there was a lot of frustration on my part - assignments hard to find, inefficient   setup, had to ask teacher questions, download app, etc 

I get so much less done with three kids requiring schooling during the day. I plan on my accustomed exercise/shower schedule, but don’t get to it at all. Maybe I’ll get in some yoga  or body weight exercises tonight after supper.

i need to get a menu plan worked up for the week. Otherwise things get left til I don’t have time to cook and I go with convenience food.

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56 minutes ago, StellaM said:

Murphy, sorry the lurgy is spreading in your household. Sending warm wishes for a speedy recovery for all of you.


Working from home again today - writing lessons, then tutoring private students. I got savvy today, and did my exercise before starting any work, as yesterday the entire day just was gobbled up with work, checking in on people, helping ds finish his assessment task, 'babysitting' nephew via video link...his idea of a fun time was giving me 'complicated sums' to do, which he then checked on his calculator...much glee when aunty failed to correctly multiply a nine digit number by a two digit number...man, that was a special time after a day of work!

Less chirpy today, but still determined just to get on with it.


Getting on with it is all we can do some days

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Today was good for me. DH took the girls to an outside activity (they were the only ones there) for the entire day, so I had the house to myself for hours. It's was fabulous. 

I took a walk, I read, I ate candy. I watched terrible tv. Then the fam brought home takeout for dinner. Score!

Pretty good day. 

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