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Best backpack-type baby carrier for a heavy toddler?

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What's the best backpack-type carrier you've used with a big baby or toddler? Theo is pushing 30 lbs and my faux-Maya-sling isn't cutting it any more.


G'mom is willing to buy this for me for Christmas, so it doesn't have to be dirt-cheap, although I would feel weird asking for one that was unnecessarily expensive.

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Do you have an REI store there? They (at least used to!) have several different Kelty backpacks, and you can try them on. Kelty is a great brand, but we found ours unusable we think because of our height. Ended up passing it on to friends who were quite a bit taller and absolutely loved it.

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whatever you get, make sure it has padded shoulder straps, a padded waist strap, and a smaller front chest strap. As you finagle w/ how to adjust the straps, you'll discover ways to shift the weight from your hips to your shoulders and back again, so one part of your body doesn't take the brunt of the weight the whole time.


We bought a Kelty when we hiked up Emory Peak @ Big Bend a dozen years ago. My 2yo wasn't anywhere near 30 pounds, but after attaching other camping stuff to it the load sure was! oh --and make sure you get one that comes w/ a storage pouch: more convenient than trying to tie on stuff yourself.


good luck!

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We have two Keltys and love them for hiking or long walks. DO NOT chintz on the "features" with a frame pack. You need the waist and chest straps.


Also, if you're getting one (we had one when the 7 y.o. was little, then added the other so we could hike with the boys) Kelty makes one (or more) that has an adjustable back height (the frame itself), which we found really handy for switching off, since my husband is a full foot taller than me.


If you don't want a frame pack, I would suggest the Ergo. We have friends who use them with heavier tots and they seem very comfortable for all involved.

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myfavoritebabycarrier.com has Ergos

They have a 90 day money back guarantee, and sometimes they have discounted ones. There are some nice little, pretty inexpensive bags to carry, too.


http://www.sobebabies.com/shop/ This store has really nice carriers, and at least one that is like the Ergo, but not it....(They are prettier than the Ergos) They are made in America. I forgot to say that through November 30th they have 20% off most items.


That being said, I love my Ergo, found it comfortable to carry my 4 year old in for a few hours at at time. I still haven't given it up...even though I have no idea why. I still have my slings, too. Perhaps I'll find a baby on my doorstep someday!



Edited by NayfiesMama
Forgot the 20% off.
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REI's brand of baby backpack for my 28+ pounder. Borrowed a friends Sherpani to try out during the summer. It was pretty good, but the REI version is super adjustable for the adult which means lots more comfort, esp. for longer walks or afternoons hsing the bigger kids. I have used various Keltys over the years and the best one is the second most expensive -- not the backcountry hiking trip version but the second heftiest. Back when I had only four, I once spent nearly 6 hours with about 30 lbs of kid/gear, by myself with the bigger kids, through a hike, vespers program, dinner in a cafeteria and had only the slightest twinge in my shoulders the next day. That said, IMO the REI pack is at least as comfortable and less than half the money. If money is no object, :D get the most expensive and involved model Kelty has -- then compare it side by side with REI's top of the line. It depends on your shape/little guy's tolerance, but REI gives Kelty a serious run for their money. Pardon the pun. Sherpani is least expensive and really not bad for what you get (pack/bag pieces included in the purchase price, not necessarily so for Kelty and REI). If I had to hike across the Andes hauling a kid and gear? It would be the big ol' Kelty with every last feature available. (Don't know why I'd want to do that, but...) For hikes between 4 and 6 hours, or just walking around a park or the house, the REI has been AWESOME -- it even has a spot for a bladder-type thingy (like Camelbak), and a little shatterproof mirror so I can watch Mr. Drooly-pants. I have the pack that zips off the back for my eldest to carry (full of water, to slow him down to the speed of us commoners), and a diaper bag that clips on and off easily (for extra clothes, etc.), and the hood/rain shield. Plus it's been the most easily modified (mostly in height/length) for my growing SNK who can't walk (yet) but shouldn't have to miss out on family hiking -- he can be fully wrapped in a waterproof and lined blankie and off we go.


HTH -- Post pics of what you get! :D

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The magazine Above Rubies, it also has a website, recommends one that a friend of mine bought and loves it. Baby to 4yr old can be toted around in it.

I don't remember the name but you can go to their website.


That was probably an Ergo. They've had articles about Ergos in their magazine before. :)

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