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March 2020 Well-trained Bodies


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I have been at a cabin campout this weekend so I'll be brief as I'm in my phone, I'm up before everyone else of course. It has been a good trip although the wood heat is terrible for my allergies.We did some hiking yesterday. I'm planning an abbreviated lifting workout at home this afternoon as I missed a session tomorrow, assuming I don't feel entirely wiped out. 


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Thanks for starting out the thread for a new month, Soror!  

I went for a wonderful snowshoe for a couple hours this morning. Beautiful powder snow, sunshine and mild temps. I was able to explore in a new wooded area with lots of amazing little meadow/clearings. This area is probably wet and swampy for the rest of the year, which is one of the really exciting things about winter and the opportunity to get access to nature you can't at any other time. 

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8 hours ago, soror said:

I have been at a cabin campout this weekend so I'll be brief as I'm in my phone, I'm up before everyone else of course. It has been a good trip although the wood heat is terrible for my allergies.We did some hiking yesterday. I'm planning an abbreviated lifting workout at home this afternoon as I missed a session tomorrow, assuming I don't feel entirely wiped out. 


Hope you had a great time! I love cabins and wood fires. How was the weather and the company? Was this a scout campout?

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Thanks for the new thread, @soror

I woke up much too early this morning, got up and drank a pot of tea, then when Husband went swimming went back to bed, watched a video and slept for another 90 minutes.  Only then felt human.  Thank goodness for Sunday!

After lunch I did the first of the Empower Yoga sessions - that fiendish Adriene had me doing jumping jacks!  But I have a lot more aerobic capacity than I used to have, so it was okay.  A good session overall.   Interestingly, my arthritic knee was fine despite the bouncing.  I suspect that I have more muscle to support the knee than I used to have.  So that was 'Heart routine 1'.  Next is 'Strength 1'.  There are also a couple of stretchy sessions this week and two shorter toning sessions.  I'll probably have to do a short one tomorrow night, as I have to visit my mum after work.  I've decided to do Crow every day too, so I managed 15 seconds this time.

Anyway, yoga plus dog walking was it for the day.  I made breakfasts and lunches for the week, so I'm set.  I need to eat a little less - the weight has crept up a pound or two. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

Hope you had a great time! I love cabins and wood fires. How was the weather and the company? Was this a scout campout?

We had pretty decent weather actually, rain held off, and mild weather. Yes, it was for Scouting. You know I like the feel of the wood heat and it doesn't me at my parents house but this is an older stove and we had a pretty good amount of smoke in the cabine, I had a horrible headache from it.

41 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks for the new thread, @soror

I woke up much too early this morning, got up and drank a pot of tea, then when Husband went swimming went back to bed, watched a video and slept for another 90 minutes.  Only then felt human.  Thank goodness for Sunday!

After lunch I did the first of the Empower Yoga sessions - that fiendish Adriene had me doing jumping jacks!  But I have a lot more aerobic capacity than I used to have, so it was okay.  A good session overall.   Interestingly, my arthritic knee was fine despite the bouncing.  I suspect that I have more muscle to support the knee than I used to have.  So that was 'Heart routine 1'.  Next is 'Strength 1'.  There are also a couple of stretchy sessions this week and two shorter toning sessions.  I'll probably have to do a short one tomorrow night, as I have to visit my mum after work.  I've decided to do Crow every day too, so I managed 15 seconds this time.

Anyway, yoga plus dog walking was it for the day.  I made breakfasts and lunches for the week, so I'm set.  I need to eat a little less - the weight has crept up a pound or two. 

Glad you got some extra sleep, some days a nap is required. Adrienne is going to work you hard this month evidently. I did a strength program and had crow holds 3 or 4 days a week and it greatly increased my hold time. I've not regularly practiced in a bit but have managed to retain a longer hold than I could. So, what's up for breakfast this week? 



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Feb. recap- monthly walking hiking daily average increased 0.25 miles, I was aiming for .5 increase but I'l take it.

I did lifting 3 days a week, all but this week.  (I wasn't up for it by the time I came home)

I have modified my cardio plans as I started doing some Les Mills Body combat but my cardio time is same.

March plans:

Keep up vitamins, focus on time and sleep quality, 

2-3x a week weight lifting- 

5k Terrain/Obstacle Race- 14; 21st Rock Climbing

AM workouts- Yoga and BodyCombat

Walking and outdoor time 3+ time a week (hoping to increase with nicer weather coming)

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I love a fresh, new month thread!

Trying to start March off right by food prepping, resting, and relaxing.  I rested Saturday and today from exercise...I've just been under so much stress that I didn't think the additional stress of working out was what I needed.  Today has been great though.  Early grocery shopping trip followed by a morning in the kitchen.  I baked up a big butternut squash and mashed it up, washed and cut up salad stuff, cooked a pot of farro, made a batch of turkey burgers, and stuck chili fixin's in the crockpot.  All that plus a few big pyrex containers full of cut up veggies and fruit should help me get a good jump on healthy eating for the week.  Feeling pretty rested and relaxed after chilling all afternoon watching a movie with my husband (the boys are with their dad).

I tasted the farro and WOW I love the flavor and texture.  I've been doing grain bowls for breakfast lately (so far just with brown rice since I didn't have anything else), heated with almond milk, pumpkin puree or mashed banana, spices, and a little peanut butter.  I think the farro will be amazing in it.  I bought some quinoa too and will try some salad/grain bowls with it later in the week.

Goals for March:

--continue to settle in to maintenance mode...I have so far succeeded in weaning myself off calorie counting and am doing pretty good using the Lean Habits (except not snacking, ha!)  I have been eating when I'm hungry and quitting when I'm not and I feel good about it right now.  I guess I'm still skewed a little toward low calorie density foods because I was down another 2 lbs this morning to 133.  I'm gonna just keep weighing daily over the next month or so and see how things go.  Energy and performance are the goals from here through the black belt test!  Happy to report that I haven't had any hypoglycemia issues lately.

--be consistent with my workout plan, which involves lifting 3x a week, plus one morning of CKD drill, one of HIIT, and one of running intervals, then CKD classes 3 nights a week as usual.  During March I will not be doing my weight lifting as a circuit with cardio intervals in between.  I got enough cardio going on!  Just straight sets.

--still working on getting 5x3 pull ups.  I can get 5, 4, 2, or 5, 3, 3, but so far no 5x3.

--sleep and stress management as always.

--getting better at spinning kicks, sparring, and air shield multi-opponent attacks.


January and February were extremely stressful months for me, but fitness-wise I had improved weight lifting numbers and better cardio endurance.  Gotta focus on that bright side!  I really love hearing all the interesting stuff everyone is doing and eating every day.  🙂

Time to eat!  We're having chili on baked potatoes with a side of roasted green beans.  *drool*


Edited by IvyInFlorida
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Pilates tomorrow morning!!  I've lost 7 lbs so far.  Occasionally I've lost 8 lbs 🙂  the scale dips down, then back up.  But, that is okay.  It is moving in the right directions.  Total makeover in meal planning diet/nutrition the end of January.  It took a lot of adjustment and still is difficult more often than I would like.  But, I'm hoping i'm healthier over all.  Walking a few times a week.  Still more pain than I'd like.  Hoping to lose 5 lb more before May.  I'd be very content with 5 more (and so would my doctors) but no one would complain if it was more like 7 or 8 lbs



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quick check-in:

Sleep is improved some and actually slept all night, just not enough sleep but that is better. I actually decided to try stopping melatonin completely and see what happened.

BodyCombat planned for today.

Mood is improved, not great but improved.

Weight up 3.5 lbs this week, a lot i'm sure from crazy camp food and impending cycle.

Getting labs done this am directly after classes this am.


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I went for a skate ski this morning. The conditions were perfect for practicing telemark turns on the hills, so I spent all my time going up and down 3 different hills. It was really fun and a great work-out. It was also an excellent "test run" to how much my body remembers how to do quick turns in preparation for alpine skiing in Colorado. It was a success! If I can turn well using my nordic skis with no metal edges, I should be just fine with actual downhill skis. In fact, downhill skis may end up being kind of boring after 20+ years using nordic skis for everything. 😀 

My fitness goals this month are:

- stay injury-free; in other words, don't do anything stupid! 😋

- get in as much skate skiing as possible; soon I'll have to spend the time to drive up into the hilly area as the local snow fades

- do as much hiking and snowshoeing as possible

- home renovations (this month and next); demolition, flooring, painting

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18 minutes ago, FarmingMomma said:

Finished up 80 day obsession on Saturday and took a rest day yesterday.  Today I started A Little More Obsessed.  It's only a week long, but I may repeat it for a few weeks, depending on quickly calving season ramps up.

I'm very impressed.

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Ever have a day that it takes a couple attempts to get into a workout.  Today was the day for me.  I had to actually drink some coke to get my energy up but I did complete my workout.  I am on my last 3 weeks of beach body body beast lean calendar and I've started the hammer and chisel along with it.  

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1 hour ago, leahtalbot96 said:

Has anyone done Zumba or not? I am thinking of joining a class but unsure yet about that. 

I did one class. I didn't find it a great work out because I was so lost with trying to do the moves. I didn't have the patience to go for however many weeks were necessary to get up to speed. I went back to Nordic Walking for cardio.

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@lynn I have definitely resorted to coffee prior to a workout before!  Usually when I'm feeling that blah about a workout it's because I'm having PMS so I tell myself the feeling is temporary and I'll feel better after having worked out.

@leahtalbot96 never tried Zumba, though I have a cousin who is an instructor and loves it.  I was raised Southern Baptist and thus have zero dancing skills, lol.

@FarmingMomma Congrats on a huge accomplishment!

@soror I'm glad you are feeling some improvement and getting your labs done!


Yesterday I did a HIIT workout in the morning and then CKD class in the afternoon.  Today is lifting in the morning and then 2 hours of whatever handyman/housecleaner/landscaper work my parents need me to do (I include it as exercise because dang I think that exhausts me more than any of the rest!). 

I'm starting to really feel the black belt test looming over the horizon.  My son and I got a stripe toward our last color belt test (brown senior) which will be March 20th.  The lady who usually works out next to me who is a current brown senior is taking her BB test next Friday.  Our private lessons with the chief instructor leading up to BB should start pretty soon after our brown senior test.  Currently I am not nervous so much as looking forward to seeing this huge journey I've been on for 2 1/2 years take its next leap forward. 

Yesterday was the Grandmaster Choi's birthday and the international CKD office put up a pretty neat (short) video interviewing him.  Since CKD is not a very well known martial art and since it's pretty rare to actually get to hear a living MA grandmaster speak about an art he developed, I thought I'd share the link if anyone is interested.   He lives near Atlanta now where the CKD headquarters are and hopefully when my son and I get to be instructors we will get to meet him.

Wow, that's a lot of rambling.  Happy active day, everybody!

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8 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I did one class. I didn't find it a great work out because I was so lost with trying to do the moves. I didn't have the patience to go for however many weeks were necessary to get up to speed. I went back to Nordic Walking for cardio.

This was exactly my experience as well. I'm not a fan of aerobics classes, either, though, for similar reasons. I find yoga and martial arts classes much better for a group experience. 

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Yesterday turned out to be low on exercise.  I walked with a friend at lunchtime, but the evening timing fell apart and I didn't get to do my yoga. 

I walked at lunchtime today, and Husband is cooking fish tonight so I'll have time before supper to do my second Empower Yoga session, Strength 1.  I'm not looking forward to it - work is very busy and I'm feeling frazzled - but I'm sure it will be good for me.

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I got in a gorgeous hike in the woods this morning in the sunshine. I put crampons on my boots and was inspired to run up all the inclines - so added interval work checked off! 😉 

I'm not sure what the deal is, but my appetite is monstrous these days. Probably related to all the outdoor activity, along with the alinement of the stars and other mysterious factors. 😅  It's a little embarrassing, but I'm wolfing down meals like I've not eaten in days. At Sunday dinner I polished the plate long before everyone else.  Plus I'm craving sugar after every single work-out. I feel like a bear that's coming out of hibernation. Anyone else experiencing something similar?

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I got in a gorgeous hike in the woods this morning in the sunshine. I put crampons on my boots and was inspired to run up all the inclines - so added interval work checked off! 😉 

I'm not sure what the deal is, but my appetite is monstrous these days. Probably related to all the outdoor activity, along with the alinement of the stars and other mysterious factors. 😅  It's a little embarrassing, but I'm wolfing down meals like I've not eaten in days. At Sunday dinner I polished the plate long before everyone else.  Plus I'm craving sugar after every single work-out. I feel like a bear that's coming out of hibernation. Anyone else experiencing something similar?


You are EXTREMELY active right now in extremely cold weather.  I'd be wolfing down the food too!  Actually, I do...my husband is always like, "hungry much?"  I've noticed that whenever I'm super duper extra hungry for several days like that it's almost like my body is gearing up a notch, getting stronger, metabolism revving up.  Feed yo' self!  🙂

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Got in some more ice chopping, too!  So glad I did all the outdoor stuff as rain is on the way. 


I chopped more ice on our sidewalk yesterday when it warmed up a bit.  I love the snow but I am sick of ice!

Day 2 of A Little More Obsessed, leg day!

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


You are EXTREMELY active right now in extremely cold weather.  I'd be wolfing down the food too!  Actually, I do...my husband is always like, "hungry much?"  I've noticed that whenever I'm super duper extra hungry for several days like that it's almost like my body is gearing up a notch, getting stronger, metabolism revving up.  Feed yo' self!  🙂

Glad to know I'm not alone. It's kind of weird, because when I'm even more active in the summer I do not have the same ferocious appetite. I think exercising in the cold weather plays a bigger factor than I realized. 

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4 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Glad to know I'm not alone. It's kind of weird, because when I'm even more active in the summer I do not have the same ferocious appetite. I think exercising in the cold weather plays a bigger factor than I realized. 


I for sure think the cold has a big role in it.

Somebody on a FB fitness group I'm a part of described herself as a Power Eater.  Amen!  I think we all need t-shirts!  Power Eaters Unite! (at the supper table)

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3 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


I for sure think the cold has a big role in it.

Somebody on a FB fitness group I'm a part of described herself as a Power Eater.  Amen!  I think we all need t-shirts!  Power Eaters Unite! (at the supper table)

Just doing a quick google scholar search shows that the military actually has special ration cold weather (RCW) that have more calories than their regular MREs (Meals Ready to Eat). So I'm not losing my mind or over-indulging. Good to know! 🤪

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10 hours ago, wintermom said:

Just doing a quick google scholar search shows that the military actually has special ration cold weather (RCW) that have more calories than their regular MREs (Meals Ready to Eat). So I'm not losing my mind or over-indulging. Good to know! 🤪

LOL, it is a lot of work to keep that body temp up in addition to the exercise.

I did not do yoga yesterday. I got sucked into doing paperwork and ran out of time. I did take a short walk with dd and lifted.

Period is imminent and sleep is going south. I did not add back progesterone even though my hormone testing is complete since my period is due to arrive. Yesterday I was up at 3:20 and today I woke up at 1. After laying in bed for an hour I gave up and worked on more paperwork (I am finally finished for the time being!!!).

Yoga is planned for today, nothing much I'm sure, especially so if I can't fall back asleep before 4:30 wake-up. I have 3 more days until time changes. Next week my wake up time will be shifting to 5:00-5:30, it will take a bit to adjust but here's hoping for more sleep in my future. 

The weather is nice, just need to get some sleep so I have energy to enjoy it.


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1 hour ago, soror said:

LOL, it is a lot of work to keep that body temp up in addition to the exercise.

I did not do yoga yesterday. I got sucked into doing paperwork and ran out of time. I did take a short walk with dd and lifted.

Period is imminent and sleep is going south. I did not add back progesterone even though my hormone testing is complete since my period is due to arrive. Yesterday I was up at 3:20 and today I woke up at 1. After laying in bed for an hour I gave up and worked on more paperwork (I am finally finished for the time being!!!).

Yoga is planned for today, nothing much I'm sure, especially so if I can't fall back asleep before 4:30 wake-up. I have 3 more days until time changes. Next week my wake up time will be shifting to 5:00-5:30, it will take a bit to adjust but here's hoping for more sleep in my future. 

The weather is nice, just need to get some sleep so I have energy to enjoy it.



Ugh, I am so sorry you're having such a rough time right now!  But it sounds like if you can just get through the next few days, things will right themselves.  *hugs*

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3 hours ago, soror said:

LOL, it is a lot of work to keep that body temp up in addition to the exercise.

I should have remembered that, but when I'm sweating while exercising in the cold it's easy to forget the extra energy required to keep the internal body temp constant. 

And down in Colorado I'll have the higher altitude, which also requires more calories to keep the body warm. So I'll be able to keep up my higher, winter food intake. 😃  In the winter up in the mountains, I'll literally be eating like a horse! 😉

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I'm going to squeeze in a quick skate ski early this morning before the construction contractor arrives to put in my new bath tub.  Then, if I can get away for a couple hours, I will go watch my ds 16's jazz band performance at noon. 

ETA: Skate ski completed! It was sunny, icy, fast and fun. The snow held out pretty well overnight in spite of the rain yesterday. 

Edited by wintermom
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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

I should have remembered that, but when I'm sweating while exercising in the cold it's easy to forget the extra energy required to keep the internal body temp constant. 

And down in Colorado I'll have the higher altitude, which also requires more calories to keep the body warm. So I'll be able to keep up my higher, winter food intake. 😃  In the winter up in the mountains, I'll literally be eating like a horse! 😉


2 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm going to squeeze in a quick skate ski early this morning before the construction contractor arrives to put in my new bath tub.  Then, if I can get away for a couple hours, I will go watch my ds 16's jazz band performance at noon. 

ETA: Skate ski completed! It was sunny, icy, fast and fun. The snow held out pretty well overnight in spite of the rain yesterday. 

You are going to go broke feeding yourself 🙂

Good luc to your daughter on her performance.

I did about 20 minutes of oga this am, hoping for an easy short walk later. 

I did get another hour of restless sleep so I'll likely be taking a nap, I don't think I'll make it through otherwise.

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6 minutes ago, soror said:


You are going to go broke feeding yourself 🙂

Good luc to your daughter on her performance.

I did about 20 minutes of oga this am, hoping for an easy short walk later. 

I did get another hour of restless sleep so I'll likely be taking a nap, I don't think I'll make it through otherwise.

Great job on the yoga! Glad you could get in a little more sleep. Hope you can nap later on! 

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Howdy!  I can't really remember where I was in my reporting last month, but I think maybe February 29 was to be day 39 of being consistent with my self-made exercise program?  If so, then today is consecutive day 43.  (I had one day where I didn't do all the things, but I did other things, so I'm counting it.)

I have added 2 additional TKD forms (4 total) that I try to do each day.  Surprisingly, these can feel like real exercise, though they may not look like it.

I had been increasing certain strength building movements over time, but then I got lazy or too busy.  I have, however, been walking more and jogging a little.

My eating isn't the best.  However, I think some of my recently added fat is decreasing.  It's hard to say (I don't weigh myself).  My belly will be the last to show progress if I make any - that's just how I'm built.  When I fit back into my old non-stretch pants, that's when I'll know it's working.  😛

I was wondering if I should start weighing myself on the first or last day of the month just to see if anything is happening.  Still debating it in my mind.

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13 hours ago, SKL said:

Howdy!  I can't really remember where I was in my reporting last month, but I think maybe February 29 was to be day 39 of being consistent with my self-made exercise program?  If so, then today is consecutive day 43.  (I had one day where I didn't do all the things, but I did other things, so I'm counting it.)

I have added 2 additional TKD forms (4 total) that I try to do each day.  Surprisingly, these can feel like real exercise, though they may not look like it.

I had been increasing certain strength building movements over time, but then I got lazy or too busy.  I have, however, been walking more and jogging a little.

My eating isn't the best.  However, I think some of my recently added fat is decreasing.  It's hard to say (I don't weigh myself).  My belly will be the last to show progress if I make any - that's just how I'm built.  When I fit back into my old non-stretch pants, that's when I'll know it's working.  😛

I was wondering if I should start weighing myself on the first or last day of the month just to see if anything is happening.  Still debating it in my mind.


Good job being consistent!  I'm amazed at how strenuous even the simplest-looking CKD patterns are.  There's just so much control involved.  So I'm not surprised your forms feel like exercise.

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Morning, all!  I'm up too early, but one of my kids is having severe allergy problems and his sniffling woke me up.  Lots of from-home computer work to do today, so I figured I'd just go ahead and get at it.

Last night's class went really well...more spinning kick practice, then I successfully did 3 mins of air shield attack and later held an air shield for someone else (which I find very hard on my body unfortunately).  I'm pretty sore from neck to mid-back as a result.  Not the bad kind of sore--more like the "oh yeah, I rock" kind.  😁

We're supposed to have high wind and strong storms today, so I'm planning on getting out to my carport gym and lifting before that gets going, then CKD again tonight.  2 stripes on my brown belt now--I'm almost cleared for the March 20th brown senior test!

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Great job SKL!!!

Ivy, hope the soreness dissipates and you got done before the storm.

All 3 of my girls have testing tonight (it is my youngest first test and she is the cutest), so I won't be able to lift at the gym, so I'll be lifting at home. Most of what I had planned today was bodyweight stuff so that works well. I'm aiming for a good amount of stretching at the end but will likely not do an actual yoga practice. Planning to hit it right after I get done teaching when I usually do my am workout so we can get on with school.

Took a melatonin last night, I've been skipping them as it isn't good to take them all the time, but with hormones kicking my butt I caved. Got nearly 7 hrs of sleep.

I laid down yesterday at 2 and didn't wake up until 4!!! I obviously needed it.

Activity hasn't been the best this week with the lack of sleep but I am currently caught up on paperwork(rare occurence), housework, laundry, and getting schooling done so we'll call it a win.

Edited by soror
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1 minute ago, soror said:

Great job SKL!!!

Ivy, hope the soreness dissipates and you got done before the storm.

All 3 of my girls have testing tonight (it is my youngest first test and she is the cutest), so I won't be able to lift at the gym, so I'll be lifting at home. Most of what I had planned today was bodyweight stuff so that works well. I'm aiming for a good amount of stretching at the end but will likely not do an actual yoga practice. Planning to hit it right after I get done teaching when I usually do my am workout so we can get on with school.

Took a melatonin last night, I've been skipping them as it isn't good to take them all the time, but with hormones kicking my butt I caved. Got nearly 7 hrs of sleep.

I laid down yesterday at 2 and didn't wake up until 4!!! I obviously needed it.

Activity hasn't been the best this week with the lack of sleep but I am currently caught up on paperwork(rare occurence), housework, laundry, and getting schooling done so we'll call it a win.


I'm so glad you got some rest!

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Morning all.  Ran some brisk errands at lunchtime yesterday after walking with a friend before work.  In the evening, did the short focused sessions from the Empower yoga set: core and butt.  That was only about half an hour in total.

Today:  I'll close my office door and do 40 minutes of yoga at lunchtime.  I leave work early today, so I'll Nordic Walk on the beach at 4pm.  Husband has expressed interest in this veggie dish, so I'll make it tonight: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/voraciously/wp/2020/03/01/blackened-seasoning-turns-chickpeas-into-the-stars-of-this-spinach-salad/?itid=hp_hp-cards_hp-card-lifestyle%3Ahomepage%2Fcard-ans

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Workout done. It was not good. My endurance is crap for some reason, utter crap and I wasn't even doing cardio. 

I did D2 of Strong Curves but had to skip 1 exercise due to lacking equipment here. 

I did chin-ups today from the floor using my door bar.  I wasn't feeling all that strong and didn't want to be discouraged so I opted for an easier variation. However, I was able to pull from the floor just fine and then complete 4 in a row for 3 sets.

Hoping I get some more energy, ironically I feel worse today, perhaps the after effects of melatonin or the lack of adrenaline pushing me.


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2 hours ago, soror said:

Workout done. It was not good. My endurance is crap for some reason, utter crap and I wasn't even doing cardio. 

I did D2 of Strong Curves but had to skip 1 exercise due to lacking equipment here. 

I did chin-ups today from the floor using my door bar.  I wasn't feeling all that strong and didn't want to be discouraged so I opted for an easier variation. However, I was able to pull from the floor just fine and then complete 4 in a row for 3 sets.

Hoping I get some more energy, ironically I feel worse today, perhaps the after effects of melatonin or the lack of adrenaline pushing me.



Ugh, sorry you aren't feeling well 😞 

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16 minutes ago, FarmingMomma said:


Ugh, sorry you aren't feeling well 😞 

You are sweet, I don't feel sick or anything, just not real spunky. Some days you know you get in and get it done, I had a really good run of great workouts for awhile so I guess I'm due to have a rough patch, I'm sure it is mostly my hormones and sleep being wonky.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

You are sweet, I don't feel sick or anything, just not real spunky. Some days you know you get in and get it done, I had a really good run of great workouts for awhile so I guess I'm due to have a rough patch, I'm sure it is mostly my hormones and sleep being wonky.

I definitely have days where I'm not feeling very spunky!

Yesterday I did cardio core, today was arms, abs, and a**.  Only a couple more days left of A Little More Obsessed, then I have to figure out what I'm doing next!

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Nordic walking went well yesterday. Today I plan to do another yoga session at lunchtime and then Nordic Walk after work. I'm really enjoying our current crisp, still weather.

Interesting talk on healthy ageing. Start at minute 13 to miss the introduction. I think I talked on the board about it when I attended it.


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