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Number of Pages for Transcript?

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My personal high school transcript back in the 90s was 2-sided.

The transcript I did for my DD was one page, one-sided. If my DD would have taken more semesters of classes from the local state U, their transcript would have extended past one side of one page FWIW.

So, three data points for you but no answer.

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1 page, front only, is standard.

That should be enough space to include:
- student personal/contact information
- list of courses with grades and credits
- cumulative GPA and grading scale
- administrator name/signature
- a sentence to verify that you have homeschooled in accordance with state law
- optional: footnotes to indicate course providers
- optional: test scores (AP; SAT/ACT; CLEP)

My guess is that if you are running to 2 pages, you are probably trying to put things on the transcript that really belong either on the separate Course Description document or on the separate Extracurriculars and Awards Description document. 😉 

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I think one page is better just because the whole goal is to have them glance at it and see the whole thing if possible... but I've now seen several public school ones that are two. I've also noticed that public school transcripts here are landscape format. So basically, what I'm saying is, there aren't a lot of hard and fast rules.

Edited by Farrar
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My son's high school transcript is two pages.  One page has all the key school and student info like address, birthdate, etc at the top, and all of the courses and grades listed on the bottom.  I didn't feel I could make the course listings any smaller; my son has a lot of courses because he dual-enrolled.  The second page is only the top of a page and it lists the grading scale, grade and has my signature as administrator.   I copied this format from someone who's husband worked in admissions, so I figured it was OK.

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My basic transcript was one.  That said on the common app I packaged the transcript, a credit work sheet, and class descriptions into one document.  It was easy enough for schools to ignore the additional info if desired.  

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Mine is two pages, but that's because my DS did freshman year in public school and I wanted to keep things consistent. The public schools only do end of semester grades. Each semester is a clean start even if it's a year-long class. There are no end of year cumulative grades. Hope that makes sense.

Anyway, I did manage to get all of the courses and grades on the first page along with student/school info. The second page is grading scale, outside providers, and my signature. Profile is separate.

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