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I hope I'm not repeating what someone else posted, but...lemons....

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I think we take a risk whenever we eat out. Any food that's handled by humans (everything) can be contaminated.


One summer, when I was in college, I worked at a restaurant that had a salad bar. A fly landed on the blue cheese dressing and got stuck. My thought was: We'll have to throw out the whole thing, wash the container, and refill it with fresh dressing. But an old-timer waitress said no, stirred the fly into the blue cheese dressing and said no one would notice.


I don't visit salad bars anymore.

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I think we take a risk whenever we eat out. Any food that's handled by humans (everything) can be contaminated.


One summer, when I was in college, I worked at a restaurant that had a salad bar. A fly landed on the blue cheese dressing and got stuck. My thought was: We'll have to throw out the whole thing, wash the container, and refill it with fresh dressing. But an old-timer waitress said no, stirred the fly into the blue cheese dressing and said no one would notice.


I don't visit salad bars anymore.



Umm...yeah...where was that restaurant? And has she retired yet? Please? :p

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I don't know, that just doesn't bother me much. I guess I'm not much of a germophobe? I mean, you could pretty much make that argument about anything in restaurants, or anywhere that you'd see food prep. My favorite is whenever I get deli meat (rare these days), the preparers wear the same gloves the whole time for everything they do, like the gloves are actually to protect their hands from the food, not the food from, you know, EVERYTHING ELSE :rolleyes: I think it's just a chance you take when you eat out.


I think I lived in Manhattan too long to be fazed by lemons, LOL!

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I am so glad you posted it, although it does turn my stomach! DH has MS and takes some immune suppressive IV medications...he has to be careful. He always gets lemons...I'm guessing he will change his mind after I show him this. For people like me who have normal immune systems, well, it is still gross but for people with impaired immune systems this is truly dangerous!

thanks for the heads up!

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I think we take a risk whenever we eat out. Any food that's handled by humans (everything) can be contaminated.


One summer, when I was in college, I worked at a restaurant that had a salad bar. A fly landed on the blue cheese dressing and got stuck. My thought was: We'll have to throw out the whole thing, wash the container, and refill it with fresh dressing. But an old-timer waitress said no, stirred the fly into the blue cheese dressing and said no one would notice.


I don't visit salad bars anymore.




In the early 1980s I worked at Wendy's, back when they had salad bars. We were doing morning prep, and it was time to do the mushrooms. I had been taught to put the mushrooms in a colander and rinse them thoroughly. My manager taught me they how they were grown. I didn't know! Anyway, that particular morning when we were doing salad prep, I was preparing to wash the mushrooms. An older lady grabbed the colander out of my hands and yelled at me to NOT wash them. She said she didn't care how they were grown, mushrooms and water don't mix, it makes them mushy. She then sliced the mushrooms, poop and all.


I have never eaten a mushroom since. I lost all desire/taste for them that morning.





I'm very thankful I don't like lemons in my water and I don't drink tea. I'll show the video to DH, but he won't care. He's not afraid of germs. I'll stick to my lemon juice I put in my ice water at home.

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If any of you had any idea just what went on in kitchens around the world, no one would ever eat out again, ever.


For me, while it is disgusting, I just haven't the time to worry about the tinyest little thing like this. Like she said, it isn't cause for alarm, just be aware. Of course, now everyone will be up in arms.. but if you stop and think about it--lemons in a restaurant are the least of your worries.



(and I'm not bashing on anyone here at all. and I'm not talking about those with immune problems)..

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Thats pretty gross. I don't think it will change my behavior.

I worked at a convienence store and I went to make fried chicken for the frist time and the tub of meat was kind of green. I opened the bag and the ssmell made me gag. I tried to tell the manager and she just washed it and cooked it. It turned out fine. I didn't eat it but everyone else did.:(

What dosen't kill us makes us stronger. :rolleyes:(Unless of course we are already sick)

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I figure if this were serious, we'd all be dead by now. Not long ago, my sister was trying to convince me that leaving our toothbrushes uncovered in the bathroom was dangerous because every flush of the toilet sent micro-drops of water into the air, carrying e-coli, etc. . .which then floated down right onto the toothbrush, of course. I just said "Maybe so, but we'd be sick a lot if it were a problem." The toothbrushes are still stored right in the open.


I'll still take the lemon. Yum.


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Yes - even the worst. Just stand in a public toilet and watch people washing their hands (or not). Then watch them put their hands on the door knob, the escalator hand rail, the button for the water fountain..... And some of those germs get into our mouths.


We can all try to be pretty clean, but some things our bodies just have to deal with, and they mostly do. My boys have spent the last three years in China and they've rarely been ill. I promise you that it's not highly hygienic here, but we cope just fine.



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