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What is this plant?


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Okay, I do not know plants so be gentle, lol. I've found this  in the garden I'm rehab'ing. Originally I found in the edible garden area. He looks like he was intentionally planted here. However, this morning I found a few more of these plants in the flowers-only area (or what I thought was flowers only). Leaves have a lot of fuzz/hair on them. Is this a easy-identify plant? 


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32 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

Okay, I do not know plants so be gentle, lol. I've found this  in the garden I'm rehab'ing. Originally I found in the edible garden area. He looks like he was intentionally planted here. However, this morning I found a few more of these plants in the flowers-only area (or what I thought was flowers only). Leaves have a lot of fuzz/hair on them. Is this a easy-identify plant? 


it looks like mint.  - it spreads like crazy. you can find it on the other side of the house.

there are a number of varieties.  some fuzzy, some not.  

have you sniffed the leaves?  try crushing some leaves, and seeing what they smell like.  (you can heat them to dry them out faster, and crush them more easily)

below is a mint plant.


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32 minutes ago, elroisees said:

Ok, I ran your photo through the app, and it suggests lantana or common nettle. However, it searches within the paremeters of your location, and I'm in Europe. 

here's nettle.  and they are SO *not* "gentle"....  don't touch without gloves.


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I wanted to say mint as well. This would be easily verified by pinching off a leaf and folding it in half and smelling it. Minty?

Just saw someone has identified it as nettle. You can pick stems and leaves with gloves and crush the leaves and make nettle tea if you are so inclined.

Edited by Liz CA
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I, too, am thinking either mint or nettle. Not all nettle stings - we've been overrun with dead nettle before, for example - and I've always been told that grabbing the nettle firmly instead of lightly brushing against it is safe. Never tried it, though - the darn thing stings like you wouldn't believe!

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Well, I don't think it's nettle, unless it has a delayed affect? I've touched it a few times, no issues. Picking the leaf and smelling it, it's like a tomato plant smell, not minty (or maybe my nose is broken?). Or does it have to be folded in half to release a mint smell over the normal leaf smell? 

Thanks for the app suggestions! I got lantana or nettle as well for suggestion. I think she has a lantana on one side, I'll check and see what it is and compare the leaves.

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The leaves look like a variety of mint at first glance. But, the stems that are dry and projecting out are too woody - I have never seen such a woody stem on a mint and I grow a lot of varieties of it. So, my guess is that it is a lantana. (to completely rule out mint, do a smell test on the leaves). Another option is to wait to see if it flowers - lantana flowers are very easy to identify.

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