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The Extra Income Teachers Lounge 5-6-2019


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I know many of us work part-time (some full) to further the family budget.
I'm curious to see what each of us do. Come in and share what kind of job you do/business you have that brings in 
extra income for the family, or just "mad money" for you. CAVEAT: names of business ARE allowed, soliciting is not. If
someone wants more info about your business, they will contact you. 😉

Do you have a part-time or full-time job? Here: i'm in transition.

Do you have a network/relationship marketing business? Here: yes. I market herbal whole foods for a US-based manufacturer.

Is your work schedule structured or up to you? Here: both.

Talk to me! 

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Hi ya, Scrap. At the moment I don’t have any paying jobs. My unpaid homeschool mom gig and being camp director of a small Christian summer camp is taking all my time and energy. 

But this year has been funny because I have had a couple of random strangers come up to me in Starbucks where we coffee shop school and ask if I tutor. I have gotten a couple of students that way. Supposedly yet another random woman wants me to teach her fifth grade daughter but she never followed up so I think that is not going to happen. Fine with me. 

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I have a business offering science classes to homeschoolers.  I'm actually not drawing an income yet but it's pretty much a full time job.

I'm also the STEM coordinator for a company that runs a Tech Tuesday program, and I do tutoring.   Those are both fairly steady paychecks.

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We're in transition with our business. We have been doing music related services for years (transcription, arrangements, composition, score prep) but found our interest going more and more into typography. We took the plunge last year to stop all music efforts and focus on font design. I'm front end and all the business stuff, DH handles the actual font design. We'll be releasing our first font at the end of this month probably. I get to make my own schedule, but that means I'm working all the time [that I'm not homeschooling] and it's never enough, lol. 

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I teach music - two esoteric, traditional instruments that have their own market niche. It really feels like I do NOT have time for this side hustle, but the income is making a huge difference. And it's something I will want to expand and continue after my youngest child graduates in a few years. It's hurting me a little that I'm not accepting new students, but I just can't give any more time right now. 😕 

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I’m just a stay home mum.  I do a few volunteer type things.  Well I’m hatching and selling chickens but that’s more of a hobby - if it was a business it would be running bankrupt.

i kind of need to do something but I don’t logistically see how as I’m already half a life time behind.

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9 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I’m just a stay home mum.  I do a few volunteer type things.  Well I’m hatching and selling chickens but that’s more of a hobby - if it was a business it would be running bankrupt.

i kind of need to do something but I don’t logistically see how as I’m already half a life time behind.

Being a "stay home mum" and homeschooling is a big, hard job!! Don't let the culture's lack of respect for what we do creep into your verbiage. 😉 No "just". 

I totally get the "half a life behind" feeling! 

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