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A bird, tapping tapping tapping....


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Well it may want to get fed.   When I first moved here in 2011, the birds came to my office window and acted like they expected bird feed on the window ledge.  So I started doing that.   The Wren gets angry if I do not put out the hanging baskets of New Guinea Impatients on my front porch soon enough cause that is where it wants to make its nest.  Etc, etc.

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We have male cardinals that do this all. the. time. I read that it's because they're territorial, and when they see their reflection, they try to fight it. I'm not sure I completely believe that's all that's going on. These birds fly up to the sill and perch and peck and eye the person inside. I think they just want inside. LOL

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in the spring, the flickers will attack anything that can make noise.  especially metal chimney pieces..... dh finally put bird spikes up on ours to discourage it. they make lots of noise to attract girls.

One year - I had one crash into my living room windows repeatedly - for days. I assume it thought it was competition for girls.


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