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Weight Loss Accountability Thread :)


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1 hour ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:



@Laura CorinWhat is redbush?  Is that something I am supposed to know or are you somewhere other than the US and so it is okay I don't know what it is (holy run-on sentence!)?  Edit:  just now I noticed you are in Scotland....so I feel better that I don't know what redbush is!

I have done well today.  I am incredibly proud of myself because we had SO many errands to run and were gone well into lunch time.  However, I stuck to my plan and didn't give in to any temptations at the various stores we were in (including having way too much to waste waiting for prescriptions that were supposed to be ready long before we were there to pick them up).  


Sorry, weird formatting. Redbush is the South African herbal tea also called rooibos.

Well done for resisting temptation.

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1 hour ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:


@stephanier.1765.  For salty cravings.....Trader Joe's has the most wonderful bar, it is a mix of dates and peanuts and I find it solves the sweet/salty craving quite well.  It is called "these peanuts went on a date" and they are vegan (I'm vegan as well).   They are surprisingly satisfying and more filling than I would have thought.



Added to my shopping list. I really do need to start keeping things in my purse for these kinds of days. Thank you for the heads up!

You totally rocked today and even with kids in tow. With their whining for food, almost always caused me to fail for all of us. I am duly impressed.

What sweet and heartfelt post to Kassia. I'm glad we have this group. I know for one that I have certainly benefited from it.

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Another good day so far, although I did add the extra 100 calories of cheese again. I struggled with wanting to overeat earlier today and told myself I didn't want to have to admit it here so I didn't do it!  This group has been so helpful and supportive - thanks to all of you!  🙂  

@peacelovehomeschooling thank you for your kind words. Although I'm glad that I've been able to adequately express myself, I'm sorry that you can relate so well to what I've written here.  Great job resisting temptation while you were out for so long today.  It would have been easy (and understandable) to give in.

@MercyA Way to go on your successes!  Many years ago I used to torture myself by baking brownies for DH to bring to work.  I would always submerge the pan and any utensils immediately in the sink so I couldn't pick at anything, which would set me off to eating the whole pan once I had a taste. 

@stephanier.1765 What a day!  Trail mix is dangerous for me since I find I'm more satisfied with volume and you can't do that with trail mix.  It's so delicious and I know a small amount is satisfying but I always keep going back for more.  As far as figuring out what your body is craving, that's so important.  I have found that I am much better now at choosing foods that will feed my body's hunger and that makes it easier for me to stop.  And I try to avoid foods that I can just eat and eat without ever feeling satisfied (like ice cream, which I love).

@teachermom2834 hope dd's speech contest goes well!  I agree that it's very sweet that your ds is comfortable reaching out to you when he's hurting.  I know it's hard on you, though.  I have a friend whose ds suffers from extreme anxiety and he contacts her whenever he's struggling (he's in college) and it's so stressful for her to know he's going through so much angst and not be able to do much but offer support.  




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42 minutes ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

@MercyA.  I forgot to mention earlier....whenever I bake I have to immediately put soap all over the batter in the bowls and run water on it, otherwise I will eat it all.  


LOL, we really are similar - that's almost the same thing I posted above about baking!  🙂

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When dinner time rolled around, I still wasn't hungry after having the trail mix for lunch and then some grapes when I got home. I felt so completely bloated which probably came from the trail mix since I don't normally get a lot of salt in my diet. But once it started to get late, I began to worry the full feeling wouldn't last overnight so I grabbed some grub: half a peanut butter sandwich, 4 baby carrots, and a cutie. Ugh, now I really feel terrible. Why do I do this to myself?

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I'm finally back on track after a bit of Mommy Meltdown.  I've been sticking to my calorie and carb counts, but the scale isn't budging. I've been getting up a few minutes early and working out before work. I didn't realize that I miss working out. It's good for my mental health. If I had been working out earlier, my Mom wouldn't have gotten under my skin so badly.  Maybe next time. 

I'm trying to relax and trust the process, even though the results seem to be coming in very slowly.

I want to offer encouragement and congratulations to everyone. I'm terrible at remembering which names I want to tag and even worse and advanced quoting. Love you all! 

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@stephanier.1765, your meal sounds very healthy, but I'm so sorry you're not feeling well now! I hope you feel better soon.

@teachermom2834, break-ups are the worst. 😞 Hoping your son's heart mends quickly. This too shall pass.

All your comments about Trader Joes are making me envious! I wish, I wish, I wish I had a Trader's Joes near me. One of the many things I miss about living in California!

So, I'm about 160 calories below my goal right now and I'm planning on having a snack later. It may be saltines and something mixed with Sprite because I think I have food poisoning or something. I threw up a little while ago (sorry if TMI) and my digestive whole system is very unhappy. I'm actually hoping it's something I ate and not a virus, because I have a couple (outside) teaching commitments coming up in the next several days.

I'm proud of myself for only having one slice of pizza and a salad tonight (Friday is always pizza night here) instead of my usual three pieces of pizza. I almost caved but knowing I was going to have to report in here kept me strong. ❤️

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Thanks for all the hugs and commiseration regarding my ds and his rough day. We texted some on and off today and he seems ok. He’s had tough breaks before and bounced back so he will this time too. 

My dd won her speech contest tonight and I had barely eaten today so I was able to enjoy a pizza celebration after.  It is rare that I eat little enough all day to have two pieces of pizza and still have calories left. So that is good going into the weekend.

Thanks everyone. It helped to be able to talk about my ds here. 

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I'm up a pound from last week, but oh well, I trust that I am eating well enough and getting great activity, and the scale will eventually reflect it. I had that one high day but I more than made up with it the other days. I definitely didn't eat 3500 cal over maintenance this week. I've been working on the "Up to the BEat Fit" videos this week and love them! I'm tempted to buy one to try. I did the Christmas one yesterday (along with a couple short ones) and even though it felt slow, it still kept my heart rate up.

I'm feeling a little blah about food. Kinda feels like I am repeating foods a lot (which really isn't bad, so maybe I should embrace it). I'm going to post the last couple days' food to give you guys ideas. I've been making lunches bigger than dinners, and both days I ate after dinner, which isn't usual for me, but I was hungry. 

Breakfast: steel-cut oats with some sugar-free maple syrup and a small container of fruity skyr yogurt, plus coffee (290 cal)

Lunch: grilled turkey & cheese sandwich on Nature's Own bread with a little light butter, soup made from a Lipton packet & a bunch of frozen soup veggies, and a green salad (400 cal)

Snacks: almonds, grapes, Protein One bar, and a few fun-size candy bars (540 cal)

Dinner: a little pasta mixed with Italian sausage and lots of veggies. (260)

Unintended snack: Then I made banana bread muffins for the kids' breakfasts, licked the bowl, and ate one, and then I had a tiny taste of ice cream. (250, bringing me to 1740 for the day - but my Fitbit said I burned over 2100 so I'm ok with it even though it's higher than I had planned).

Breakfast: banana bread muffin, egg sandwich with an English muffin, a slice of Canadian bacon, and a Laughing Cow wedge (412)

Lunch: Two big chicken fajitas using roasted peppers I made in my air fryer. I'm going to make roasted peppers indefinitely. SO GOOD! (465)

Snack: Celery, 2% Greek yogurt with a bit of sugar-free jam, some grapes (165)

Dinner: leftover soup, small green salad, and a Boca Burger with a laughing cow (pepper jack) wedge smeared on top. (200)

Planned snack: light popcorn and a half-serving of Ben & Jerry's strawberry cheesecake. (223 total) I was smart and weighed out my portion earlier in the day when I was full, and I stuck my little bowl in the freezer so it would be ready to go. I ended the day around 1460 and Fitbit says I burned 2100+.

Today's plan:

Breakfast: steel-cut oats with peanut butter, Skyr yogurt

Lunch: chicken fajita bowl with riced cauliflower instead of tortillas

Snack: almond milk/frozen banana/spinach/PB2/yogurt/flaxseed meal smoothie and veggies + hummus

Dinner: Wasa crackers with egg salad, green salad, and a blueberry cheesecake Greek yogurt for dessert That brings me to a bit under 1400 so I have room for more if I want it. 

Edited by ondreeuh
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@MercyA Hope you are feeling better!  Food poisoning is the worst.

@teachermom2834 a big congratulations to dd!  And I'm so relieved that your ds seems ok.  I'm sure it helps him to be able to vent to you.

@ondreeuh "Oh well" is the perfect attitude towards the scale when it doesn't go the way you expect.  Just keep on making good choices and stay consistent - that's what is important.  You are doing great. I eat exactly the same foods every day.  I've just cut back on portions after gaining too much weight.  It works well for me at home but it completely throws me if I'm not home for meals/snacks because I don't know how to eat.  Embarrassing, but true.  I don't know how a social group here works.  Would it be private?  I was actually going to ask if everyone here is on facebook to start a closed or secret group there.  I love the forums here but am uncomfortable about everything being public.

@Big Buckin' Longhorn I need to exercise for the mental benefits as well as the physical.  It helps me so much and makes me easier to live with.  🙂


I'm up at 3am.  I'm hungry and don't know if that's what is keeping me up or if it's my racing mind.  



Edited by Kassia
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I started a "club" which is closed but not private (which means anyone can request to join, but only members can view & post). I sent invitations to everyone who has participated in this thread so far. If anyone else would like to join, the club can be found here: 

After you've joined, you'll find the discussion here: https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/703-discussion/

Edited by ondreeuh
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1 hour ago, ondreeuh said:



Thanks, I signed up. Do we need a general chat and check in thread over there too, or will that continue here?

I'm down this week's half kilo, so more than half way to goal, currently wearing some undies that I bought a year ago that didn't fit then.

Is anyone working toward a particular event? I mostly just want to get back into healthy eating and a fitter body, but I also want to arm myself for my 'beloved' stepmother's seventieth birthday in April. Yes, she will be 70 and my eldest brother is 63. Some history there. 

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3 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks, I signed up. Do we need a general chat and check in thread over there too, or will that continue here?

I'm down this week's half kilo, so more than half way to goal, currently wearing some undies that I bought a year ago that didn't fit then.

Is anyone working toward a particular event? I mostly just want to get back into healthy eating and a fitter body, but I also want to arm myself for my 'beloved' stepmother's seventieth birthday in April. Yes, she will be 70 and my eldest brother is 63. Some history there. 

We can do either way, but I think I’d rather chit-chat in the club. I’m actually a rather private person. 

Yay on your progress! I love fitting into things I had “outgrown.” 

I don’t have an event I’m working for. It drives me a little crazy to work on a timeline, since I can only control my behavior and not my results. 

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1 minute ago, ondreeuh said:

We can do either way, but I think I’d rather chit-chat in the club. I’m actually a rather private person. 

Yay on your progress! I love fitting into things I had “outgrown.” 


Ok, that sounds fine. Which Club thread should general chat go into?

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1 hour ago, ondreeuh said:

I started a "club" which is closed but not private (which means anyone can request to join, but only members can view & post). I sent invitations to everyone who has participated in this thread so far. If anyone else would like to join, the club can be found here:



Looks great!  Thank you so much!  🙂  

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Just now, peacelovehomeschooling said:


Now I can't remember who it was that had their meals thrown off which messed up the whole day.  But I am the same way...anything that screws up even one meal messes up my whole day of eating.  I have tried to conquer both the problem and the anxiety it provokes (when even thinking about my meals getting out of whack) by planning a way to eat even a little around the time I should be eating.  So taking an apple and a bar in my purse and calling it a meal.  Anything to keep things as normal as possible.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.


That was me!  🙂  My biggest hurdle when that happens is to get right back on track and not say, "Oh well, the day is blown so I'm going to eat all the food and get back on track tomorrow."


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Thanks so much for starting the club, @ondreeuh! I love it! And such cute graphics. 😊 

If everyone else is on board with it, I'd prefer to move all our conversations, check ins, etc., there and let this thread go. I'd rather not have two different places to check in, and I love having the discussions divided into sections. Would it be possible to add a tab for check ins / accountability? 

As for my cleaning goals: I only did 2/5 days this week, but I was out of the house more than normal and also had a sick family member. Going to let those check ins die with this thread. 😉Maybe we need a "help me be a better homemaker" club. (Kidding!)

❤️to all, see you in the club.

Edited by MercyA
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