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My cat is a hair tie thief


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I try to be good about putting hair ties in the bathroom drawer when I'm not using them but sometimes I'll set them on a table near me meaning to put them away when I get up but before I can she has stolen them away. She must be really good at stealth because I won't even notice her doing it. But the thing that really confuses me about this, is that she puts the hair ties in her food and water. Uh, gross! Those are going straight into the garbage.

We have 3 cats. I suspect she is laying claim to those bowls. Yes? Maybe?

PS I know it is bad for her to have them so I do try to be diligent about putting them away. She's just so darn sneaky. She will even get on the bathroom counter and try to open the drawer where the hair ties are kept. 🙀

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Why is it bad for her to play with them? They are kind of the perfect sized toy, really.

Our kitty sometimes puts her toys in her water, like she's giving them a bath. It's hilarious to me to realize there's a fuzzy felted grasshopper swimming in her bowl. I'm not sure why it would be gross?

Kitty's favorite toy is a pink pipe cleaner. It's awesome--it scrunches up, can be stretched, it slides across the floor when batted, and best of all it hides under the refrigerator juuuust out of her reach, necessitating us to rescue it. 😻

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We have a cat that does this with bread ties. I swear she takes them from the trash.

She also dunks the ties and pipe cleaners in the water dish. Sometimes she leaves them in the dish 😁 She does this with pom poms also and will leave the wet nasty mess on my pillow.


Edited by SquirrellyMama
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4 minutes ago, SquirrellyMama said:

We have a cat that does this with bread ties. I swear she takes them from the trash.

She also dunks the ties and pipe cleaners in the water dish. Sometimes she leaves them in the dish 😁 She does this with pom poms also and will leave the wet nasty mess on my pillow.


A gift!

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13 minutes ago, SquirrellyMama said:

We've wondered if she dunks them to mimic a dead bleeding mouse. It might be a gift 🙂


"Oh no, it's her birthday! I forgot to go hunting...hmmm. AH, sopping wet pom pom!; less time, less hassle, and she'll hardly notice the difference!"

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1 hour ago, MEmama said:

Why is it bad for her to play with them? They are kind of the perfect sized toy, really.

Our kitty sometimes puts her toys in her water, like she's giving them a bath. It's hilarious to me to realize there's a fuzzy felted grasshopper swimming in her bowl. I'm not sure why it would be gross?

Kitty's favorite toy is a pink pipe cleaner. It's awesome--it scrunches up, can be stretched, it slides across the floor when batted, and best of all it hides under the refrigerator juuuust out of her reach, necessitating us to rescue it. 😻


For some reason, they come out of her dishes feeling gross. There's food attached to the one in the food bowl and even after cleaning it off it will still feel gritty. The water bowl feels even nastier as if it's soaked up the entire bowl full of water. She may have chewed on them first and that's why the come out so gross. Don't know but I keep a supply on hand as replacements.

They aren't supposed to get their hands (paws) on hair ties in case they accidentally eat them. I've read of cats needing surgery after they blocked the intestines.

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My cats are crazy for hair ties too. If I remove one, I try to put it straight in my pocket. I grab them if my girls leave them laying around. The cats still get their paws on a few of them somehow!

(I put them through the laundry, and they seem to come out clean for me.)

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1 hour ago, stephanier.1765 said:


They aren't supposed to get their hands (paws) on hair ties in case they accidentally eat them. I've read of cats needing surgery after they blocked the intestines.

One of my former cats ate a LEGO and a rubber band. The vet bill for the surgical removal was pricey, I just can't remember how much! You are wise to keep them away from your cat.

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I once had a kleptomaniac cat who enjoyed extracting lingerie from the drawer if it wasn’t fully closed. Sigh....

One of our two kittens loves legos. Small ones. That he leaves scattered through the house. Ouch!

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