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Dog's bizarre symptoms - UPDATE


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11/28 - UPDATE - Took him to the vet. Vet said that because of the shape of a dog's nose, you can't just look straight up it. You have to put him under and use an endoscope or something. Also, that would require a specialist. He said it's incredibly rare that dogs have stuff up their noses and if he did, he'd be in considerable distress. Not just occasional sneezing. 

He said it sounds like a reverse sneeze (lots of youtube videos of this) which is generally thought to be allergy related. He said it could have been something in the mountains, or something seasonal. He said we could try zyrtec but he didn't even think that was worth it. (Of course my dog didn't do it at all for the vet, but it's only a couple times a day anyway.) He felt comfortable just watching and waiting and coming back in if things got worse.


On Saturday we were up in the mountains looking for a Christmas tree to cut down. DS10 had our dog on the leash wandering around. DS says the dog stuck his nose in an animal's hole and then started sneezing. Whether this was the beginning of dog's symptoms, I am not sure, but it appears to be. 


Since then, several times each day, and during the night (it wakes me up) the dog will sneeze 10-15 times in a row. Sometimes it sounds like he's trying the blow something out of his nose. It's really weird. You can tell the sneezing fits bother the dog.


The kids want me to take him to the vet. I'm usually slow to drag anyone to the dr because usually we get over our illnesses just fine. But what if the dog does have something stuck up his nose? A porcupine quill? DS didn't see any animal in the hole and the dog visibly looks just fine. I can't decide if he's got a cold (do dogs get colds?) or if it's something more serious.

Edited by DesertBlossom
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I'd definitely take him to the vet (and we are not ones to go to the doctor or vet until we have no choice). It really sounds like he got something up his nose. Could have been some kind of plant seed or burr. Since he hasn't sneezed it out yet, I think he may need the vet to get it out.

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I'm "wait and see" on a lot of things, but from what you describe I'd want to go ahead and get the vet to have a look.

Dogs do get colds--bordetella (aka kennel cough) is essentially a dog cold. But usually with that they seem a little tired and draggy, appetite may be a little off, etc.

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1 hour ago, VaKim said:

I'd definitely take him to the vet (and we are not ones to go to the doctor or vet until we have no choice). It really sounds like he got something up his nose. Could have been some kind of plant seed or burr. Since he hasn't sneezed it out yet, I think he may need the vet to get it out.

Yeah, it does sound like something in his nose. My parents' dog once had an earring backing up there forever and ever, and we didn't realize it. Caused all sorts of problems. 

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