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I was overpaid

Night Elf

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The thrift store I work for is barely in the black. The manager told me yesterday that she might have to cut the hours of some employees. I told her I'd work less if she needed me to volunteer to do that but she said she needed me at work because I'm a key holder, which is basically an assistant manager without the title. Anyway, I got home and found my paycheck stub in my email. I work 33 hours a week and my paycheck was for 36.75 hours. Now, even if I forgot to clock out for lunch one day, which I never forget to do, how on earth did I get almost 4 hours above my normal schedule? So I'm going to take my paycheck stub in today and show her. I'm wondering if I got overpaid, did other people too? And will they be honest about it? I just can't in good conscience keep the money if I didn't earn it. This has the potential to create a mess because she may have to look closely at the entire week's payroll. If other people are involved, I'm going to ask her to not mention my name as having brought it to her attention. I know she won't though. She's a good manager.

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It's the right thing for you to bring it to her attention, but don't worry about what other people will or won't do, or how they will react.  Hopefully if others were overpaid they will also mention it.  Most likely if the manager has to bring it up to people she will say something like "it has come to my attention that..." and not point you out.  

Don't worry about what a mess it might create.  If there is a  mess, you are not the one who made it!

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6 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

Did you work on a holiday where time and a half applied?


That could make sense - did you work on Veterans Day? It could be a mistake. I do payroll for our company and have made mistakes on occasion. They're usually easily fixable for the following pay period.

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3 hours ago, Night Elf said:

We looked at my time last week and somehow I clocked in and out twice one day after lunch. I don't remember doing it twice. That makes no sense, but there it is. I'm wondering if it was a glitch in the time system, but oh well. They'll take it out of next week's check.

Prob a glitch in the system.  There are glitches in our clocking system at work all the time.  It usually results in clocking in/out errors that show up as double clocking, or no clocking at all.  AFAIK, it doesn't' show mystery people clocking in when they weren't there LOL but you never know. We know it is a time clock error, because there will be errors on 2/3 of the clockings for one day, not just one or two (which could be legit mispunches). 

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