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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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milk cow

 drive 30 minutes pick up 5 of my sister's kids  ages between 1 and 8

homeschool sister's kids plus twins. As they have a very lite approach to education I added some extra pages from The Good And The Beautiful ( nice to find a free curriculum for when I am teaching extra children). t hat way the twins and the nephews had an equalish amount of work 

drive sister's kids   home


4 loads laundry

ds15 schoolwork all afternoon

bring in laundry, fold and put away

change sheets on 3 beds

still to do

 clean bathroom

 cook tea

feed cow ( usually Dh ob but he has a broken foot and is on crutches)

 vacuum house ( this one might carry over to tomorrow)


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Good morning!  Substitute teaching PE today (and possibly the rest of the week).

-get DS17 off to school
-converse with DS14 about what he needs to get done today (three live classes, start literature paper due Friday)
-substitute teach 8:30-2
-come home and make a batch of taco meat for everyone to eat at their leisure
-check progress of DS14
-work with my tutor student (5-6 pm)
-see DS17 off to Day 2 of baseball tryouts (he was not happy at the end of Day 1, sigh)
-leave immediately for DH's team's baseball game so I can keep the score book

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!

The usuals are done, and I'm having a cup of coffee. My reflux issue is much better and coffee doesn't seem to bother it. I'm taking zantac 30 minutes before having it, though. 

  • tutor 4 students
  • school with ds
  • work on physics test for co-op
  • tidy house
  • laundry


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Good morning!

Dd and I have to be out the door early because our oldest dog, Buttercup, has an appointment at our vet's main clinic, which is about 40 minutes away (same town where my boys go to school). The vet is going to do some testing on Buttercup's heart arrythmia.

  • get morning chores done quickly
  • head up to vet appt.
  • testing is supposed to take about an hour, so maybe go grab a coffee and get the car fueled up while we wait
  • *must remember to give dd's horse his second round of medication as soon as we get back home
  • our new mudroom counter and sink are getting installed either today or tomorrow, so I need to finish clearing things out of there and give it a quick vacuum
  • school w/dd
  • maybe some office work, if I have time
  • dinner: mushroom fettuccine and broccoli
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Howdy.  I have 1 kid home because she thinks she broke her toe.  Needless to say no day is a good day for that sort of thing, but I sure wish I'd focused better on my work yesterday.  I also have a sinus infection and started the day with a headache.  Boo!

  • 1 kid up and off to school bus, after cleaning out her bag (yikes) and signing some papers.
  • Coffee.
  • Caught up on social media, work emails, news....
  • A bit of work.

To do:

  • Need to make appointment for kid's toe - they don't open until 9.
  • Doctor visit.
  • Sign up for parent-teacher conferences already.
  • Whatever work I can get done.
  • Driver will take younger kid to horse riding, assuming I don't need the car.
  • Lots of homework / test study for kid 1.
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Good morning! Today is the first day of ds3's homeschool. He is up and eating breakfast and heading in to start a short week. He is leaving Friday for a training trip with one of his tennis teams, so he is starting with just with the basics. I slept terribly, so I am going to try to sneak in a nap.

  • coffee/paper
  • get a few online things straightened out
  • bank/check bills
  • school with ds3
  • ds3 to gym
  • a quick chat with dd2 after school
  • pick up ds3 early for tennis banquet
  • tennis banquet
  • figure out a quick late dinner

Have a great day!


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Well they say my daughter's toe is not broken, so we should just put ice on it every 4 hours and give her motrin.  My daughter is annoyed that they didn't say what IS wrong if it's not a broken bone.  She doesn't want ice or motrin either.  They didn't mention how she's supposed to get around.  I'm reminded why we normally bypass regular "medicine" and go to the chiro instead.

I think I will still try to make a chiro appointment for this afternoon.  The chiro doesn't open until 2pm.

I'm glad if it's not broken.  Hopefully that means it heals fast.

Now back to work.

Edited by SKL
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Back from the vet and working on cleaning the kitchen.

Told dh and dd they are not allowed to touch the leftovers in the fridge because we're having those for dinner. No cooking tonight, yeah!

Reminded the boys for the second time to get their room and board bills paid.?

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Re my 12yo's foot - the chiropractor said it might be a growth plate injury, and he wants her to be non-weight bearing for at least a full week if not 2.  She is excited to be borrowing crutches for the first time.

This sucks though.  The things that this messes with:

  • This Saturday's volleyball tournament.  Sidelines all the way.
  • Sunday - the 5th race of the 5 race series.  She was #1 for all 4 of the others.  May have to walk a mile on crutches to qualify for 1st place.
  • Gymnastics performance team - the 1st performance is October 27.
  • First 5k of the season also October 27.
  • TKD belt test also October 27.
  • Other sports - gymnastics, possibly try-outs for basketball and cheerleading.
  • Just general mobility - her school backpack weighs like 100 lbs, plus she needs her trumpet tomorrow - I will have to drive her and take her stuff in as I don't see her carrying all that stuff around on crutches.
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5 minutes ago, SKL said:

Re my 12yo's foot - the chiropractor said it might be a growth plate injury, and he wants her to be non-weight bearing for at least a full week if not 2.  She is excited to be borrowing crutches for the first time.

This sucks though.  The things that this messes with:

  • This Saturday's volleyball tournament.  Sidelines all the way.
  • Sunday - the 5th race of the 5 race series.  She was #1 for all 4 of the others.  May have to walk a mile on crutches to qualify for 1st place.
  • Gymnastics performance team - the 1st performance is October 27.
  • First 5k of the season also October 27.
  • TKD belt test also October 27.
  • Other sports - gymnastics, possibly try-outs for basketball and cheerleading.
  • Just general mobility - her school backpack weighs like 100 lbs, plus she needs her trumpet tomorrow - I will have to drive her and take her stuff in as I don't see her carrying all that stuff around on crutches.

SKL, yikes. I remember when my ds broke his tibia and fibula, the doctor was very concerned that it might be a growth plate fracture. He said that if growth plate injuries don't heal properly, it can cause permanent damage, like one leg being shorter than the other. Luckily, in ds' case, the growth plate wasn't affected and he healed up just fine. Hope that is the case with your dd, too!

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