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Cranky Person Post

Lang Syne Boardie

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1 hour ago, SKL said:

To the question whether it is useful to say something that someone else already said ... I think it depends.

Most of the time when I see that someone else has already made a point I would have made, I don't post in the thread at all.

There are exceptions.  For example:

  • I feel like the OP is sort of taking a vote/survey.  How many of you think my MIL is crazy?  If only one person answers "your MIL is crazy" does that mean most people think she isn't?  Or what?
  • I feel like the point I agree with has been misunderstood or has received unfair reactions.
  • I feel like someone needs support.
  • I want to participate in the camaraderie of shared experience.
  • Probably others.

While we could use "likes" to show our agreement, I don't think people weigh likes that way.  If you have 10 "no you are stupid" replies to one "yes you are right" with 15 likes, what are you going to feel?

Is anyone else “Like Blind?” I rarely remember to use them, I don’t notice them on my own posts, and I certainly don’t see them on anyone else’s. It’s the same on Facebook. If they didn’t get listed in the notifications I would forget they exist!

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Life is full of little annoyances.  At least that is how I interpret the "stabby feeling" referenced.  For me, it is an internal eye roll that I have to some things.  I'm sure that my internal eye rolls are shared by some and that some have totally different things that they react to that are not at all on my radar.  In fact, this thread has certainly pointed that out to me!  But none of it is all that important.  It's just part of human interactions. 

The only time things get more "real" for me is when something hits one of my hot buttons.  It's not super often, I don't think, but it does happen.  But on those, I try to express my thoughts and reasons clearly and then move on.  I try not to get stuck in the "someone on the internet is wrong" cycle!  (But I haven't always been successful.) 

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5 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:


This is ridiculous and unhelpful. Clearly she needs to give up gluten, get her thyroid checked, and tomato stake her children. 


Has this turned into a pet peeve thread yet? Because I’ve got one in the holster. (I started a sentence with “because.” Whose jumped over to Team Stabby now? ?)




Gluten free - check.

Thyroid aware - check.

Tomato staked kids - done AND done; most of them are grown and we are now trying to untie them...

Please do commence with the other pet peeves and complaints. Everybody's welcome. This is now the Whiny Wednesday thread.

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1 hour ago, SereneHome said:

Remind me to never post on any threads you start OP...

Bc yes, I have done it.  If I think I can be helpful in answering original question and I don't have time to read 50 other replies, why  not?



 Same here. I have snippets of time when I come on here. With long threads, I often don't even post since I am sure someone else has already said what I would say or similar enough unless it's a topic I feel very passionate about or think there may be something else to say.

If I am the OP I really don't care if I get similar responses. It's just people agreeing with each other. And if someone asks a question that has been answered it costs me little to quickly answer again.

Guess what? I have not read a single post in this thread except yours, OP and the one by Quill and Arctic Mama's response right above me...because I have to run again to my next appointment.

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7 hours ago, GailV said:

I'm just here to clutter up the place with replies that have nothing to do with anything under discussion, possibly (optimally!) derailing the entire thing so that the people who tried peeking at the end to see where the discussion headed are flabbergasted as to how the conversation got from point A to point B.

And now I'm just adding another line to take up more of your limited reading time, plus congratulate myself on having already used a word like "flabbergasted" in a sentence today.

But you forgot to throw in a kerfuffle. No extra credit for you! 

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2 hours ago, unsinkable said:

Is it the trendy board insult to attack posters' parenthood? Or that they homeschool? Because the posters say something someone doesn't like?

Definitely hoping that was a one-off. I’ve seen some mean posts, even been the target of them before, but the one I think you are referring to was WAY out of bounds. Like, way. 

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I sometimes write that I have not read all of the replies to a post.  Sometimes, I intentionally don't read all of the replies, especially if there are tons of them, because I do not want them to influence the comments I am going to write.

Cranky?   A couple of days ago, DD Forwarded to me a Recruiting email she had received from a Public University in Minnesota that has been trying to recruit her.  I reacted very negatively to the way it began and suggested that DD click at the bottom to get off of their mailing list.  The woman who wrote that must have been mad at her DH when she wrote that email. 


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1 minute ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

ROFL.  The policy (which was specifically requested by SWB, not me) asks people to report problematic posts, instead of pot-stirring by "calling people out". 

Oh, the irony...

You're calling me out for not following board rules about calling people out.

But, I never called anyone out. I never named the person. I named the behavior.


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When I do that it is because I don't have the time or interest to read all of the replies, but I do have information that might be useful to the OP.

BTW, I haven't read all of the replies here either, but I suspect that this is the reason that most people do this.

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LOL - I actually like to read posts given by people that aren't influenced by other dog piling or vibes in threads.  I honestly do it all the time.  Plenty of other things make me feel stabby though!  ?

FWIW - I haven't read all the replies in this thread either yet.  Here I go ...

ETA - ok, now I have read the posts.  I do think some basic survey style questions lend themselves well to replying without reading other replies.  ie. who was in the wrong here?  does this annoy you?  give me your favorite pie crust recipe.   You probably actually want the response of individuals without influence.  If you see the same pie crust recipe 3X. that's probably a winner.  

  I do rarely do this in threads where there is some partially explained drama that will likely come out in a series of posts.  Honestly, I often avoid threads like that altogether.

Edited by FuzzyCatz
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