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What is wrong with me?

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I am so tired. I am getting twice as much sleep as normal and yet I am still fighting to keep my eyes open most of the day. This has been going on for four days now. We have several down with colds and I have a few symptoms myself but nowhere near enough for this kind of tired. Whenever I am crashing, I jump up and do some cleaning but it is making it really hard to get much school work done like this and putting a serious dent in my reading. Caffiene is not making one lick of difference. My vitamins and minerals are good and I think my sodium level is maintaining ok. Nothing else has changed so I am perplexed. I don't take iron but my levels have always been ok when they are checked. Same with thyroid. Is this just a cold? Anyone else having the same symptoms?:confused:

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I'm getting over a terrible cold that wiped me out!!! I mean, spending the day on the couch fatigued. It was awful. I've talked to a few people who had the same thing and said they experienced the same fatigue. I am still getting over it, but a little bit better. (And yes, I have taken 2 pregnancy tests, b/c I was sure that had to be the case!)


Hope you are feeling better soon!

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I had a cold recently that started out with quite a bit of fatigue and then achy joints. I felt so off that I actually went and bought a pregnancy test just to be sure that's not what it was. :lol:


If it is a cold or virus, it will probably present more symptoms soon enough. If it continues to be the only symptom and doesn't go away in a week or so, I would definitely get it checked out.


I hope you feel better. :grouphug:

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I am so tired. I am getting twice as much sleep as normal and yet I am still fighting to keep my eyes open most of the day. This has been going on for four days now. We have several down with colds and I have a few symptoms myself but nowhere near enough for this kind of tired. Whenever I am crashing, I jump up and do some cleaning but it is making it really hard to get much school work done like this and putting a serious dent in my reading. Caffiene is not making one lick of difference. My vitamins and minerals are good and I think my sodium level is maintaining ok. Nothing else has changed so I am perplexed. I don't take iron but my levels have always been ok when they are checked. Same with thyroid. Is this just a cold? Anyone else having the same symptoms?:confused:


Depressed (physically, emotionally)? You were sleeping too little for awhile, do you think it's just a different side of the same coin?

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My iron levels always look good, but if I stop taking Stuart's prenatal vitamins, I feel just as you describe after about a week.


Once I get back on them, I'm fine in 2 days. It's really kind of frightening how strongly I need these, but maybe they will help you. BTW, I'm not positive that it's the iron that does it, but I just don't know what else it would be. Other than that, they just look like normal vitamins to me.

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I've had this happen when I had only light cold/allergy symptoms, and it's turned out to be a secondary infection (ear/sinus/uti) that my body was trying to fight off, and wasn't really showing many symptoms aside from the fatigue. I've had thyroid issues in the past, but my symptoms there tend to come on more slowly (I notice gradual increases in fatigue and body ache over a couple of weeks when my thyroid dips).

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